When Allah, the Most exalted ,commanded Be!: "Kun',
Attributes of Allah took the shape of the universe, that ls, constittuents of Attributes
of Allah formed themselves lnto the countenance of many versitile things. This visage
is a conglomeration of all the souls of the components which took distinct shapes
of various creatures. Thus the first definition of the creatures would be that the
indivsible entities; the souls,, termed as the ‘Edict of the Lord' in the Holy Quran
exhibited themselves in the form of existents. Keeping this definition in view we
cannot ignore the relationship existing betwixt the Creator and the creatures. This
very link, ,In sufism, is termed as joo (the Ethereal Realm).
Second thing, about the Ethereal Realm is that the
creatures have to depend at every step upon their link with the Creator and Attributes
of the Creator are perpetually reviving the Ethereal Realm.
In the third stage of the Ethereal Realm we encounter
that thing which is the channel of Procreation In Sufism its name is the First Facet
In the fourth
place joo is the name of the Procreation itself which is termed as the second facet
(rukh- e-sani) in sufism, Both these facets are the conglomeration of the variety
of joo,
in the fifth place of joo,,minds of individuals
take the form of an organization, that is, the individual sensation of joo perceives
the feelings of every individual separately.
Realm is the description of the Holy Verse, "Verily, We are closer to you than
your jugular vein”.
Anything which is felt, tangible, observed or perceived
by the conscious, in this universe is found in the Ethereal Realm ,in the form of
a Primary Image. Every individual man, jinn, angel, planet, plant or any mineral
object, wherever it may be, is a reflection of its Primary Image existing in the
Ethereal Realm.
Every individual of this universe is sub-consciously
acquainted and related to one another by virtue of Ethereal Realm. Mystically, the
details of the Ethereal Realm are called the Invisible Controls(Mogibat-e-Ikwan). If someone has knowledge
of the Invisible Controls he can see the movement of one particle synchronizingly
coherent with another one. or, in other words, one who is conscious of the Ethereal
Realm, if he so wishes, can observe the incidents and events of the past thousand
years or which will take place in one thousand years to come
Alshaikh Khwaja
Shamsuddin Azeemi, Chief Editor of the monthly Roohani Digest, the renowned
spiritual scholar, founder of the chain of Muraqba Halls the world over has had
the honour of learning the spiritual sciences from his spiritual mentor, His
Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya, the sage of this age. In order to teach him
the spiritual sciences Qalander Baba Auliya made Alshaikh Azeemi to pen down
the words that he used to narrate. Alshaikh Azeemi being a devoted disciple not
only noted the contents but also did his best to understand what he was taught.
The eventual out come of his dedicated work took the form of the ‘Loh-o-Qalum’,
the first ever book that comprises the whole syllabus of the spiritual science.
Who else was more suitable to explain the contents of this document but
Alshaikh Azeemi, the very able student of Qalander Baba Auliya. Dissemination
of that knowledge, which is the legacy of prophets and had reached him in
disciplic succession, has become an obsession for Alshaikh Azeemi because, according
to him, this knowledge is the only elixir and the antidote for the ailing
humanity in present times.