The most important role of the senses pertaining
to the Appearance (Royat) is that they remain confined within the individual concerned.
These senses are incapable of learning the states and conditions of the other individuals.
In the Holy Quran, Allah, the Most Exalted, has characterized the Senses as Illiyeen
and Sijjeen (the Sublime and Depressive). Illiyeen is the Sublime Character and
the Sijjeen is the Lowest and gloomy. Recording of both these characters invariably
remains in continuation. The record of both these characters does not remain before
the sight and remains invisible and hidden in the senses. Both these records have
been termed by Allah, the Most High, as the Written Book (Kitab-ul-Marqoom). As
soon as man is disconnected from the Phenomenal World the Senses pertaining to the
Appearance (Royat) become subdued and the Senses of the Soul (Rooh) become predominant.
And the record of the wants duly skilled and mastered is brought before the eyes
and the record of the tendencies that had not been practiced remain in obscurity.
On the Day of Resurrection when the first Voyage of the universe will be completed,
man and the jinns, the out-come of the Voyage, would be assembled so that the second
Voyage of the universe could be started. The record of the tendencies which were
not mastered will be destroyed.
Alshaikh Khwaja
Shamsuddin Azeemi, Chief Editor of the monthly Roohani Digest, the renowned
spiritual scholar, founder of the chain of Muraqba Halls the world over has had
the honour of learning the spiritual sciences from his spiritual mentor, His
Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya, the sage of this age. In order to teach him
the spiritual sciences Qalander Baba Auliya made Alshaikh Azeemi to pen down
the words that he used to narrate. Alshaikh Azeemi being a devoted disciple not
only noted the contents but also did his best to understand what he was taught.
The eventual out come of his dedicated work took the form of the ‘Loh-o-Qalum’,
the first ever book that comprises the whole syllabus of the spiritual science.
Who else was more suitable to explain the contents of this document but
Alshaikh Azeemi, the very able student of Qalander Baba Auliya. Dissemination
of that knowledge, which is the legacy of prophets and had reached him in
disciplic succession, has become an obsession for Alshaikh Azeemi because, according
to him, this knowledge is the only elixir and the antidote for the ailing
humanity in present times.