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Structure of the Universe
That, which is ordinarily named as the inanimate, is an initial silhouette or a primary form of Life. Nasma; the invisible light, is encompassing everything in the structural formation of the universe. Encompassing herein implies that Nasma...
Synthesis of Ego
Besides this material world of ours there exists another world, too. This other world according to various religions is called the Limbo (Araaf) or the Erebus (Barzakh). Man keeps on visiting this world throughout his life. Many facts regard...
Activities are of two types:
One: that which can be performed without any assistance of the physical body e. g., activities of the dreams and, the Other type is that which we perform during wakefulness with the assistance of the physical body. These activities, too, com...
When we look towards any object the rays of light, according to the medical sciences, emitted or reflected from that particular object manage to reach the store of information of the mind through the eyes. This process is called ‘seeing’ in o...
Learned Philosophers
A percipient rises from the Manifested i.e. ,the Phenomenal World and ascends step by step to the Angelic Realm,the Realms of omnipotency and finally manages to reach the Realm of Divinity. This progress and advancement is not the result of the Co...
Knowledge is of Two types:
The Presented Knowledge and the Acquired Knowledge, The Presented Knowledge( Ilm-e-Huzoori) is further subdivided into two kinds, The Unseenof the Unseen (Ghaib-ul-Ghaib) (Knowledge of the Pen) and,the Unseen (Knowledge of the Scripturum). Acqu...
Law for attraction
Thus, every individual, living or nonliving, enjoys the sense of the community life because of the super-formation. Warmth of the sun is felt by a goat because both are associated to each other within the limits of the Persona major. If someone do...
Law of the preserved scripturum
Conductive influence Tajjali; The beatific vision, descends and turns into Noor. The luminseance and the Noor descends and becomes the light or the manifestation. The same manifestation is the object which is the manifested form of the beatifi...
What Is Vicegerency?
Understanding of organizational affairs and their management in the light of the granted knowledge of the names comes within the parameter of vicegerency. It is confirmed from Man’s appointments as...
Secret Of Time And Space
Secret of Time and Space have been revealed by Allah, in these Quranic Words:“And We have created every thing in two (pairs) so that ye may receive instructions”.(Surah LI Verse 49) Every existing be...
The Five Senses
Nasma = Observed + Light (Noor) ;andNoor (Light) = Observer + Observed Examples:-Collectively and achieves its goals, It becomes the Compound Form, or so to say, the Simple Form is the initial state and the final state is the Compound St...
Law Of Time And Space
To teach drawing to the students a pa per known as graph paper is used in schools as the base f or the drawings. This paper is graphed with small squares of equal size. Drawing teacl1ers, ta king these squares as basic units, teach how to draw the...
The Descents
To explicate, the reality of this now we shall dwell upon Descents. Correlat1on now shall dwell upon Descent. There are three conspicuous Descents. Each one of them has an_ mconsp1eu us Descent as well. Every conspicuous and inconspicuous Descent...
Owaisian CorrelationThis correlation, for the first time, was discovered in the system of Hazrat Ghous-ul-Azam which could be exemplified as such a flowing spring which springs out in a mountain or a plain and after flowing for some length, again...
Rapt Associate, the Associate Enrapt
Intuition comprises two types of knowledge In Sufism one is called the Acquired knowledge (Ilm-e-Husooli) and the other is termed as the Presented knowledge (Ilm-e-Huzoori). When anything is in the stages of the Incumbent, Collectannea or Ethereal...
Power of Intuition
The detail of the Power of Intuition is, that which is termed as Hoiyat (where none except of Allah is found) by the Sufis be instilled in t e mind minutely. Infact, Hoiyat is the center of Bea ti fie Visions of La. Assertion of this concentration...
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