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A well in Hudabiya
At the time of making the truce agreement at Hudabia, Muslims had camped in such a rocky place where there was no water. Though there was an abandoned well that was lying dry for a long time. Holy Prophet (PBUH), giving an arrow to Najiya, said, “...
Exoneration of Aisha
After migration of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and other companions to Medina the light of Islam starting spreading at a greater pace. People of Makka were worried at this development of the Muslims. In order to have their political influence over Med...
Trench war
When Holy Prophet (PBUH) migrated to Medina, it was spread in an area of 30 Sq. kms. There were 72 fortresses in the city; 59 of them belonged to Jews and 13 to Arabs of Medina, the population was divided into tribal units. There were three main t...
Apple of God's eye
Abu Talib, the uncle of Holy Prophet (PBUH) fell ill. Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to see him. Abu Talib said, "Nephew, pray to God Who has made you His messenger that I be cured!"Holy Prophet (PBUH) prayed for his uncle's getting well and when he got...
Handful of Dust
The initial few months after coming to Medina were of great endurance for the Muslims migrants. They had come leaving all their belongings in Makka and in few cases even the families were left behind. Besides financial constraints they were also f...
A Talking Gazelle
Once Holy prophet (PBUH) was passing through a valley, when someone called, “O the Prophet of God!” Holy prophet (PBUH) saw a gazelle was tied beside a sleeping Bedouin. The gazelle said, O Prophet of God, this Bedouin has captured me. My children...
Complaining Camel
Once Holy prophet (PBUH) was sitting with his companions when a camel came to him and placed his head upon his feet, Holy Prophet (PBUH) told his companions that the camel was complaining about his master. Then he purchased that camel from his mas...
Lighted Wood
Once it was raining torrentially in the dark night. Qatawah Bin Nauman Ansari came to offer his Night Prayer. After the prayer he saw Holy Prophet (PBUH) who gave him a dry branch of date-tree saying, "This would enlighten your path ten feet ahead...
Baton Became Torch
Tufail Bin Umro was a known poet of Arabia. When he visited Makka, the chieftains of Makka received him warmly. During welcoming him they told him that a youth named Mohammad Bin Abdullah Bin Abdul Mutlib of their tribe has revolted against their...
Sword of Date Tree Branch
Akkasha Bin Mehaz was fighting bravely in the battle of Baddar when his sword broke. He came to Holy Prophet (PBUH). Holy Prophet (PBUH) was holding a wooden stick in his hand. He gave that stick to Akkasha and told him to continue fighting.When A...
Event of Hanain-e-Juzza
The word Hanain, in Arabic is used for such a cry of the lover, which he emits in separation of his beloved and Juzza is the log cut from the date-tree trunk.In Medina, Holy Prophet (PBUH) used to address the Muslims in Friday Prayer Congregation...
Testifying Tree
Once in Makka Holy Prophet (PBUH) said to his companions. “Whosoever wishes to see jinns may come to me tonight." Nobody except lbn-e-Masood came on that night. Holy Prophet (PBUH) took him along to a hill of Makka. There he drew a circle on the g...
Falsehood Wiped Out
After the conquest of Makka, Holy Prophet (PBUH) kissed the Black Stone of Ka'aba and perambulated the holy Ka'aba. There were three hundred and sixty statues were installed in Ka'aba. Holy Prophet (PBUH) recited the verse. "Truth comes and the Fa...
Pebbles Reciting Creed
Once Usman (RA) came to see Holy Prophet (PBUH). It was noontime, Abu Bakkar (RA) and Omar (RA) were also there. Holy Prophet (PBUH) inquired from him as to what made him to come there. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had asked the same question from Abu Bakk...
Softening of Rock
His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya has narrated:"Once an astronomer came to see Holy Prophet (PBUH). At that time Holy Prophet (PBUH) was sitting on a rock. The astronomer said that if the hard rock upon which he was sitting turns its soft s be...
Obeying Mountain
Once Holy Prophet (PBUH) went to the mount of Nabeer. Abu Bakkar (RA), Omar (RA) and Usman (RA) were accompanying him. When they started climbing the hill, it started trembling so much so that stones started falling from it. Holy Prophet (PBUH) ki...
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