
Lighted Wood

Once it was raining torrentially in the dark night. Qatawah Bin Nauman Ansari came to offer his Night Prayer. After the prayer he saw Holy Prophet (PBUH) who gave him a dry branch of date-tree saying, "This would enlighten your path ten feet ahead of you and ten feet behind."

Qatawah held that branch in his hand like a torch and started for his home. When he stepped out of the Mosque, the dry twig in his hand started giving light like a torch.

God has stated in the holy Quran:

"We have created everything from specific quantities for them."

It is these specific appointed quantities that are partaking in different creations on the earth. Iron, for instance, is having certain specific measures of quantities; wood is also having another set of certain measures of quantities. If the iron and wood had not these specific quantities these would not be iron or wood any longer. By the term specific quantities, it does not mean that the quantities operative in iron cannot be found in wood. The creative formula, for instance say iron, has eight specific quantities and for wood there are seven specific quantities. Now, if one specific quantity of iron were added into the measures of seven quantities of wood then it would turn into iron.

If there are five specific quantities for making gold and four are necessary for making antimony, then by reducing one quantity from the gold would turn it into antimony and by adding one measure into the quantities of antimony, it would become gold. Rose has six specific quantities operative in it, whereas in an apple these are nine in number. If the three quantities of an apple were taken away, it would turn into a rose flower. Now, this is a complete creative system that God teaches to those people who are assigned with the work of Cosmic Administration and are the heirs of the knowledge of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

When Holy Prophet (PBUH) handed over the branches of date tree to Akkash Bin Mehaz, Muslima Bin Muslim, Abdullah Bin Hajjash and Qatawah Bin Nauman Ansari, the specific quantities were subjected to undergo a change resulting in turning of those twigs into swords and torches. All these changes were in line with the statement appearing in the holy Quran.

"We have subjected for thee call that is in the heavens and on the earth."      (S: 45, V: 13)

'All that is in the heavens and on the earth' means to include everything whether it is small as a mustered seed or is a large thing like a mountain; all have been made subject to the command of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).