A delegation of Banu Saad Bin Hazeem came to
see Holy Prophet (PBUH), when he was camping at Tabauk and submitted, “O the
Prophet of God! Water in our well is about to exhaust and
we fear that the people of our tribe would disperse in
search of water in this summer. Pray to God that water in the well may not
exhaust.” Holy Prophet (PBUH) asked for few pebbles and rubbed them in his hand
and giving them to an elderly person of that delegation said, “Put these
pebbles turn by turn in that well saying Bismillah.”
People of Banu Saad taking the pebbles went back and put those pebbles in the well as were told. As soon as they dropped the last pebble in the well the water raised in the well never to let any one complaining for dearth of water in that well.
There was a natural spring in a rock of the Valley of Mushqaq coming in the way to Tabauk. The water of that spring was so little that only three persons could quench their thirst from it. Holy Prophet (PBUH) sent a word that water from that spring be not used till he arrives there. But, the Hypocrites reached there before him and wasted all the water of that spring only to create a trouble for the wayfarers. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) reached there and was informed that all the water of the spring has been drained out. He got down from his camel and putting his hand under that rock prayed. The spring gushed out and water started flowing from it.
Once during their journey in the hot desert
companions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) told him that their water store has
exhausted and they were thirsty. Before Holy Prophet (PBUH) could say something,
Ali (RA) and others saw a woman carrying two water filled skins on her camel. They
asked her that how far is the water from there. She replied that it is at a
distance of a journey of one day. Ali (RA) took that woman to the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) who asked for a bowel. Took out some water in that bowel from the skin,
prayed and poured that water of the bowel back into the water skin and told the
companions to drink from those water skins. All the companions drank water and
also filled their buckets from the water skin, but the water in that skin was
not lowering. Water skins remained full as before. The wonder struck woman
watched all that with amazement. When every one had quenched his thirst, Holy
Prophet (PBUH) told them to see her off giving some dates to her.
Water is such a liquid that can expand and
shrink. Water, whether it is in a cup, bowel tumbler, bucket, pitcher, stream, river
and cannal or in an ocean, it can expand or shrink as much as it may deem it
Role of water in every life has been
estimated to be three out of four parts. Ordinarily it is considered that water
flows downwards but contrary to its tendency it rises up to eighty feet in a
palm and coconut tree only to gather in a coconut shell. When it becomes
violent it washes down the entire city with its flooding.
Since the day of the creation of the earth
oceans have changed their places many a time. Where there is dry land now, there
was water flowing once and where there is an ocean
now, there were inhabitations once. According to the expert geologists, at many
places the oceans are advancing towards the dry land. Many islands have
submerged and many submerged lands are surfacing.
to the scientists the surface of the earth is moving. It has molten rocks
This molten liquid called Mental is also
moving slowing because which the upper crust of the earth is divided into large
plates. Wherever these plates move away the crust rents forming creeks and
oceans. At places, due to pressure exerted from the surrounding plates, the
crust wrinkles and these wrinkles of the crust of the earth are known as chains
of hills and mountains.
The earth is composed of with three parts
of water and one part of land. Scientists are of the view that from a tiny
unicellular organism to the largest animals found on the earth and the every
human being that is a collection of various types of twelve billion cells; all
start their life in water. Every creature whether it lives on land or in water
has sodium, potassium and calcium in the same ratio, which is there in the
Besides salts, creatures of animal and
vegetable kingdom, oceans have valuable minerals and chemical ingredients. In
one cubic mile of seawater contains 12,83,00,000 tons of common salt, 1,80,00,000
tons of magnesium chloride, 78,00,000 tons of magnesium sulfate, 69,00,000 tons
of calcium sulfate and 3,60,000 tons of magnesium bromide besides iodine, iron,
copper, silver and gold.
Normally the seawater is brine but there
are shores that have streams of sweat water. Springs of sweat water flow in the
ocean bed. The sweat water is lighter than the brine seawater. Bubbles are seen
at the surface of the sea wherever there is a spring of sweat water gushing in
the ocean bed. Quantity of salt in the seawater is more than other chemical
ingredients. Where the risers fall in the sea, the salt content is slightly
less than those areas where the sweat water' is not mixing in it or the rate of
vaporization is very high for one or the other reason.
Heat of the sun helps in transforming the
wider of sea, rivers and lakes into vapors to become clouds. The air transports
these clouds from one place to another and causes them to rain in the
mountains, hills and plains. Various gases present in the atmosphere and
different elements from the hills and mountains are added into this, rainwater,
which produces moisture in the earth that is the most important factor in a
biological process.
When the temperature of air saturated with
water vapors drops for any reason, the vapors become close to one another and after
forming a droplet of water start falling on the earth as rain. Every droplet
present in a cloud has either a positive or a negative charge on it. When these
charged particles collide with one another, most of the positive charge
accumulates on the upper side of the cloud and the negative charge gathers in
the lower side of the cloud. Potential of these charges reaches millions of
volts. When the negative charge of a cloud is attracted by the positive charge
of another cloud or of the things on the earth a spark is ignited. This spark
heats up the air of its surrounding causing it to reach about 33,000o
Centigrade. This hot air expands with a great velocity and collides with the
cold air around it. This produces the thunderous sound that we hear few moments
after the flash it is seen on the sky. The flash and thunder are produced of
the same time but sound waves have much lesser velocity than the light waves
therefore the thunder is heard after some time of seeing the flash.
It has estimated by the meteorologists that
about one hundred sparks are produced the world over in every one second and
each spark contains that much electrical energy that can suffice to meet the
needs of a whole city of a small size. Because of the energy and heat released
during a lightening spark the water vapors chemically interact with other gases
like oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen present in the atmosphere, producing
chemical compound generally known as ammonium nitrate: a fertilizer. When this
fertilizer after mixing in the rainwater absorbs in the soil, it helps in
increasing growth of plants and vegetables. The quantity of fertilizer thus
produced from one lightening spark exceeds thousands and millions of tons.
It has been estimated that one hundred
thousand cubic kilometer of water is supplied to the continents of the world in
the form of rain. This is only one percent of the total water available on the
surface of the earth and one-thousandth fraction of the water found
underground. Rainwater taking the form of brooks, streams, ravines and rivers
flows down to the oceans and seas. Four parts of the rainwater evaporate or
drain out into oceans and only one part absorbs in the soil. The rocks in the
earth are porous and this water seeps through the soil and these porous rocks.
When impermeable solid rock comes in the
way this water stops seeping any longer and the pores of the soil and rocks are
filled with water.
Underground reserves of water shift from
one place to another at a speed of many thousand kilometers per annum. Water
remains preserved in the lower layer of the earth for thousands of years. The
upper surface of the underground water, generally known as water table, keeps
on rising or falling with the seasons. Earth absorbs less water in a dry season
and in rainy season the pores and cracks of the underground rocks are filled
with water. Where the water table rises that the surface of the earth it starts
flowing in the form of a spring. Wherever the need is felt, a well is dug to
benefit from the underground reserves of water.
“O ye people! Adore your Guardian Lord. Who
created you and those who came before you, that ye may have the chance to learn
righteousness; Who has made the earth your couch and the heavens your canopy
and sent down rain from the heavens and brought forth therewith fruits for your
sustenance; then set not up rivals unto God when ye know.” (S: 2, V: 21-22)
“It is He who has made for you the earth
spread out like carpet and has made for you roads and channels therein, in
order that ye may find guidance from it. It is He that sends down rain from the
sky in due measures; and We raise to life therewith a land that is dead; even
so will ye be raised out of the earth.”
(S: 34, V: 10-11)
“He created the heavens and the earth in
true proportions, He makes the Night overlap the day, and the day overlap the
night; He has subjected the sun and the moon to His laws, each one follows a
course for a time appointed. Is not He the Exalted in Power; He Who Forgives
again and again?” (S: 39, V: 5)
“It is He Who sendeth the winds like
heralds of glad tidings, going before His Mercy; when they carried the heavy
laden clouds. We drive them to a land that is dead, make rain to descend
thereon, and produce every kind of harvest therewith; thus shall We raise up
the dead; perchance ye may remember.
From the land that is clean and good by the
Will of its Cherisher, springs up produce in abundance, but from the land that
is bad, springs up nothing but that which is niggardly, thus do We explain the
Signs by various symbols to those who are grateful.” (S: 7, V: 57-58)
“It is God Who sends the winds and they
raise the clouds, then does He spread them in the sky as He Wills, and break
them into fragments, until thou seest raindrops issued from the midst thereof:
then when He has made them reach such of His servants as He Wills, behold, they
do rejoice! Even though, before they recieved the rain, just before this they
were dumb with despair! Then contemplate O man! The memorials of God’s Mercy!
How He gives life to the earth after its death: verily the same will give life
to the men who are dead; for He has Power over all things. And if We but send a
wind from which they see their tilth turn yellow, behold, they become,
thereafter, ungrateful unbelievers.” (S: 30, V: 48-51)
Deliberations upon the above quoted holy
verses of the Quran leads us to conclude that life depends upon the water. God
Himself has stated that He sends down the water from the sky and it produces
fruits and sustenance thereof and that life runs through the dead land when the
rain showers upon it. Dry earth appears to be barren and lifeless but there
exist thousands of types of creatures in it that cannot be seen upon the earth.
It is said that one gram of soil contains billions of germ like organisms. When
it doesn't rain for a long time, these organisms become dormant. And upon
raining, these billons of microorganisms become live and active this process of
growth of after the rain causes thousand of living things like insects, plant
and vegetables after rain colony upon colony of these creatures starts
pulsating with life. In short water is inevitable for life and the importance
of water in the creative process cannot be denied. When the system of
reproduction in the creatures is taken into consideration, one eventuaIly
concludes that the whole reproductive system is based upon water.
When water is mentioned, according to
spiritual point or view, we refer to its two sides: one, the Water and the
other is its structural formation.
Existence of water depends upon the
structural formation and its properties just as entire life of a person is
founded upon the system of information transmitted to his Conscious from the
Unconscious, the two agencies operating in man.
Expansion of water, its condensation and
shrinking, flowing of underground water, springs, waterfalls, streams and
brooks, rivers, oceans and the water showering from the sky actively partaking
in various activities of life are all based upon its inner existence, which is
the Unconscious of water.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) knows the secrets of
the Administrative system of God, enjoys the sublime status of the vicegerent
of God on earth, is the authority on the creative formulae and has all the
powers to subject all the other creature on his disposal. When he desired that
the quantity of water be increased or that the water should start gushing in a well,
he influenced the inner (Unconscious) of the water. Under the influence
exercised by him the ability of water to expand and flow was activated. The dry
well was filled with water and when the same influence was exercised upon the
water skin, according to Elohistic Laws, so many people quenched their thirst
and the water skin did not lost its level of water.
"Don't you realize that all that
exists in the heavens and on the earth have subjugated for thee and completed
for you all His Blessings hidden or the manifest?" (Quran)