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Infidels and the Companions of Mohammad
Despite the fact that the infidels of Makka acknowledged the high moral character and appreciated the gentle mannerism of the Holy Prophet and that he enjoyed the patronage of his respected uncle Abu Talib, they seldom spared a chance to tease and...
Torturing Committee
Efforts of the misbelievers to check the preaching of Reality by the Holy Prophet were not proving satisfactorily effective and this was adding fuel to their worries. So a committee of Chieftains of Quraish was constituted, which was to be headed...
No Way to Compromise
When the infidels of Makka failed to come up with any solution for protecting their superiority and dominance they decided to approach Abu Talib, an uncle of Holy Prophet. They sent a delegation to him to complain that his nephew propagates agains...
Invitation extended
Aft the Revelation of the 214th verse of Sura Shu’ara, “Invite your kinsmen and relatives to embrace Islam." Holy Prophet (PBUH) invited his uncles and their sons to a banquette and told them about the Message of God.Upon listening to all that Moha...
On the mission -- From Hira
When the Apostle neared his fortieth year he developed inclination toward solitude and started retiring in the Cave of Hira taking his ration of water and roosted barley. The cave of Hira is about two miles from Makka where he mused about the cosm...
True and Trustworthy
Trading and the cattle farming were the two main professions for the people of Makka in those times. The Apostle opted for trading and started taking the goods of a trader Raise Bin Said to other cities. The Apostle was fair in his dealings...
Childhood of the Prophet
When Holy Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) came into this world, his father Abdullah had already passed away. After his marriage, Abdullah went on a business tour to Syria with a trading caravan. On his way back to home, he fell ill and could not survive a...
MAN, after his birth, gets connected with three realms. First of these three realms is the one where, after witnessing his Lord Creator, he pledged to fulfill the Holy Will of God. Second one is the realm that is known as the world of matter where...
Physically man is too feeble and fragile to face the forces of Nature. But spiritually, he can enjoy those powers that have been placed at his disposal as a token of very special bestowal by God Almighty provided that he could manage to get that i...
If a person with no aptitude for music and songs happens to go to a place where exhilarating parties are given and people dance and sing, music is played in high notes, he would eventually start developing a taste for music and songs. He will grad...
It is one of our common observation, that no particular system of coaching is established to teach that language which a child speaks. A child starts uttering the words, which he hears from his parents. In the beginning when he imitates his parent...
The thinking approach of a person constructs the character of that person. If there is complexity in the thinking the character will also be a complex and intricate one. If the thinking is simple and straight forward the life of such person is sim...
The spiritual knowledge is inherited by the spiritual descendents just as the worldly riches of a father are inherited and distributed amongst the children. According to the system of this material world the thinking pattern of the parent’s transf...
'Be!'What is to 'be'? The program present in the mind of the One who uttered 'Be' should come into being, spiritually. When the program took the shape and form of incorporeal manifestations, The One who commanded 'Be', appeared before the spiritua...
The observing sight which can explore unseen realm reveals this fact that all that we see, hear, feel, understand and touch remaining in the sphere of intellect cannot be justifiably pronounced as real. And when any activity performed in the limit...
No God except GOD
God, the most high has mentioned His vicegerency and deputization as a trust reposed in man, that is, the knowledge that enables man to fulfill the obligations and duties as a vicegerent of God and the authority to command the control over the uni...
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