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Moon Splitting Into Two Parts
It was the eighth year of proclamation of the prophethood Holy Prophet (PBUH) when Abu Jehal along with a Jew religious scholar and few others came to see Holy Prophet (PBUH) and waving his sword said. "Prophets before you demonstrated miracles so...
Two Chiefs
A delegation of Banu Aamir Tribe, to see I Holy Prophet (PBUH), came to Medina. Two of the chiefs of the tribe Aamir Bin Tufail and Urbad Bin Qais, who had great grudge for the Holy Prophet (PBUH) also came with that delegation. Both of them wante...
The Night of Migration
The night when the Holy Prophet (PBUH) migrated from Makka to Medina, armed men of Quraish had siege his house and were awaiting him to go to sleep. Holy Prophet (PBUH) had been trusted with few valuable things. He told Ali (RA), who happened to...
Less than two-bow distance
"Glory to Him, Who did take His servant for journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless, in order that We might show him some of our Signs; for He is the One Who...
Perishing Hands
Abu Lahub and his wife Um-e-Jameel were uncle and aunt of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). When Holy Prophet (PBUH) would preach Islam publicly, Abu Lahub declaring him a lunatic and insane would tell the audience not to listen to him. His wife would coll...
Prophet's Tree
Mohammad (PBUH) was popularly known as Sadiq and Ameen because of his truthfulness and trustworthiness. Khadija was one of the reputed Business ladies of Makka. She requested Mohammad to take her trading goods to Syria. Maisra, a slave of Khadija...
Overcastting Clouds
Once Haleema Sadia, noticing children playing under the sun, instructed them to play under the shades and take care of their foster brother. Foster sister of the young apostle said, “Mother, my Qurashi brother is protected from the sun because clo...
Nearing of Stars
Fatima Bint Abdullah the mother of Usman (RA) Bin Aas was attending Bibi Amna in hour of her labor. At the moment of his birth she witnessed that the whole house was filled with a strange light and the stars came close and neared the earth.Moon in...
Quran and the Divine Books
The august personality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is the most remarkable role model for the whole mankind. God guided and instructed him in various ways as He had done for the prophet’s preceeding him. The Message that Gabriel had brought for him...
Technically the word 'miracle' donates a metaphysical phenomenon performed by a prophet of God to establish the truth his prophetic knowledge.Besides the prophets of God many other people of mankind have also demonstrated feats of metaphysical nat...
Pity and Compassion
In the month of Rabiul-Awal of 11 AH. Holy Prophet fell ill. One day addressing the immigrant Muslims of Makka, he said to them: -"O, the people who migrated to Medina! I advise you to be kind to Ansar, the actual residents of Medina extraordinaril...
The Last Public Address of the Holy Prophet
From the day of his migration onwards, Holy Prophet advanced his mission at an average speed of 622 Square Kilometers per day for ten consecutive years. In the beginning of Islam the Muslims were so handicapped and poor that in the first three bat...
Truth Prevails and Falsehood Perishes
On 10t day of Ramazan in 8th AH. Islamic Army started marching towards Makka and camped at a distance from Makka. Soldiers were told to cook their food individually and for that everyone had to lit fire separately in the desert. When all the twent...
Three Days in Makka
In 7th A.H, Holy Prophet along with two thousand followers went to Makka to performed Umra. Since all the Muslims were going for the sake of pilgrimage of Ka'aba, they did not have any weapon except their swords. In those days sword was not consid...
Conquest of Khyber
In spite of truce Agreement between Muslims and the people of Makka, Jews of Khyber did not let any change take place in their antagonistic attitude towards Muslims. And, they did not allow the trade Caravans of Muslims to pass through territories...
Islamic army in the Desert
Muslims, in general, failed to understand the far-reaching effects of the treaty made by their Prophet with Quraish.After offering their sacrifices, shaving their heads and taking off Ahrams, Muslims started towards Medina with a heavy heart. On th...
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