When God
wanted to put an end to the state of ignorance and lostfulness, He addressed
the universe. The hearing produced as soon as the Voice of God was heard and
with that the ability to become attentive towards something was also became
functioning. With the activation of the faculty of paying attention the
universe looked at the addressing deity. The sight enabled the creatures to
have realization of another being beside them. This made them to become aware
of two things: Creator and the creation.
Both are specified
with the Realm of Behest. All the movements of the Realm of Behest are the
unitary movements because the Creator and the creation both are singular units.
The Realm of Behest consists of these two movements that have no color and both
are the negative movements, i.e., it is such a state where does not exist
anything except nescience. Both these movements pertain to Latifa-e-akhfa and
Latifa-e-Khafi (The Latent and Obscure Subtleties
respectively). Latifa-e-akhfa is the Specified Realm of Behest and the
Latifa-e- khafi is the Ordinary Realm of Behest. The Realm of Specified Behest
is the Creator Being and the Ordinary Realm of Behest is the basis of the
creation. The Specific Realm of Behest is explored by virtue of the
Latifa-e-Khafi. Latifa-e-khafi is the record of the universe and Latifa-e-akhfa
is the record of the Beatific Visions. And, Akhfa and khafi both these
subtleties are the root of all the existents. Akhfa is the root of all the
individuals of a species.
This thing
could be exemplified with the seed of a plant, which is the root of the plant.
When a seed is sown in the soil, it takes the form of a plant, therefore the
seed is said to be the mother of a plant. But when the entire genre of a plant
comes under discussion, we have to refer to that seed which was sown for the
very first time and the same original seed, after passing down into the
generations, is still transforming itself into a plant. To wit, the original
root of the species of mango tree and all the individuals of this species is
that seed which was sown in the soil for the very first time. Nasma of the seed
has such a movement that has a beginning as well as an ending and this movement
is averting its beginning towards the consequential ending. First seed of any
species is the first individual of that species.
Akhfa is the
first movement initiated by the halo graphic existence (hiola) of a species and
khafi is the second. The range of the sight of akhfa is reaching far behind the
screen into the unseen realms and the sight of the khafi ranges up to the
surface of the screen, that is, it sees the manifested world.
God has
stated, “All that is in the earth and the heavens glorify God, the Most Wise.
It is for Him to govern. He brings the earth and heavens to life and He causes
them to die. He is the Omniscient. He created the earth and the heavens in six
days and then established Himself firmly upon the Throne. He knows all that
enters the earth and that comes out of the earth, that get down the heavens and
that ascends to heavens. He is the All-seeing, All-knowing. He is the manifest
and the hidden. He never leaves His creatures
When these
words are taken into consideration, so many things reveal. ‘All that is in the
earth and the heavens glorify God’ means that there does not exist a single
creation, which is devoid of consciousness. Not only that they have the
realization of their own being but they also know that God has created them and
for the very reason everything in the earth and heavens celebrate praises of
God and glorify Him.
‘It is for Him
to govern’, means that life and death are from Him. Anything that has come into
being cannot deny from coming to an end although every living being wants to
escape death, yet the death prevails. Once his thing is settled upon that the
death is unavoidable then it transpires that actually death is not annihilation
or extinction but it is a process of transference of a living being from one
realm into the other, then, this also comes to the mind that God is He who is
supporting this magnificent system. ‘He created the world and the heavens in
six days and established upon the throne’ signifies seven stages of ascent and
descent. And, God knows it well what is that enters the earth or gets down the
heavens indicates the descent and that comes out of the earth and climbs
towards heavens is hinting upon ascension. Getting down to the earth and
climbing up to the heavens are two state of Ascent and Descent. All that is
there in the earth and the heavens is in His control. Every moment of life, on
the one hand, is descent and, on the other, the same moment is an ascent as well.
Auliya Allah
(Friends of God) have designated six aspects for trudging in these two states
of ascent and descent. Each aspect is a movement or activity, which are
collectively known as six subtleties (Lataif-e-sitta), namely, Akhfa, Khafi,
Sirri, Roohi, Qalbi and Nafsi.
Every movement
has its specific length for every species. Three of these movements are the
descending movements and three are the ascending. Three ascending movements
take effect at the same time when on the other side the three movements start
or the achromatic state of Akhfa is the root of all the colors. This achromatic
state changes into monochromatic state when the movement reaches the sirr
(Arcanum Subtlety). This monochromatic state contains frequencies of all the
colors. When his movement descends one step further all the colors contained
therein are dispersed. One side where this dispersal takes effect is the Qalb
(Imagination) and the other side is the Nafs (Sense). Combination of the Qalb
and Nafs, imagination and feeling, is the manifestation.
This law is
not only valid for the human beings but also holds good for every species be it
the jinn, angel, or even if it is a planet. The achromatic state of movement is
he time or the unconscious and the dispersal of monochromatic into colors is
the space or the conscious. What actually happens, is that when the time is on
the surface the space remains at depth but after entering into the stage of
manifestation, the Space rises up to the surface and the time goes in depth.
The movement taking place from Akhfa towards the Manifestation is the
descending movement and when the Space is surfaced, the movement becomes the ascending
one, which ascends from Nafsi towards the Roohi and from there it further
ascends towards the khafi.
and collective working of Nafsi and Qalbi is the material world. Latifa-e-Roohi
is a veil between the ascending and the descending movements. When the movement
encounters this screen during its descent, it is called Burzakh (Erebus) and
when it comes in its way during its ascent from the manifestation, it is known
as Airaf (Purgatory).
is the Written Book, that is, it is a documented film of all the acts and deeds
performed during the lifetime of a person. This very film is the ultimate
destination known as the Resurrection and Judgment.
Thus, it makes
seven stages of human life in all and every stage is a conscious life in which
the movements of descent and ascent are completed. Overall, these seven stages
are classified into two realms of Material world and the Life Hereafter.
Between these two, two more stages are there. The intermediatry phase between
The Preserved Scripturum and the Physical World is the Illustrative Realm and
the stations between Physical World and the Day of Resurrection and Judgment
are the Erebus and Purgatory. The Erebus is the descending stage and the
Purgatory is ascending stage when the movement is heading towards the Day of
Resurrection and Judgment.
The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy
Prophet; the Prophet
of Islam, (Peace
and Blessings of God
be upon him). This auspicious command was given
to him by the Holy
Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.
Possessor of the
Insinuated Knowledge, Knower
of the Secrets
of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer
of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace,
Hassan Ukhra Mohammad
Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings
of God be upon him),
whose saying is the saying
of God though uttered
through the human mouth, narrated
the contents, which
were inscribed on the
screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired
writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum
(The Pen and the Scripturum).
This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.