The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy
Prophet; the Prophet
of Islam, (Peace
and Blessings of God
be upon him). This auspicious command was given
to him by the Holy
Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.
Possessor of the
Insinuated Knowledge, Knower
of the Secrets
of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer
of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace,
Hassan Ukhra Mohammad
Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings
of God be upon him),
whose saying is the saying
of God though uttered
through the human mouth, narrated
the contents, which
were inscribed on the
screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired
writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum
(The Pen and the Scripturum).
This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.