A special bond
or an affinity exists between man and God. God created this universe so that He
could be cognized. Creator created the creatures with love and provided the
universe with resources to be alive and kinetic because of this love. This
chain of providing resources is established in such a continuous and incessant
manner, which cannot be disrupted or suspended. In order to make understanding
of this magnificent system available God sent those people to whom God had
given this knowledge and they were also given the powers of His vicegerency.
The system
dealing with maintenance of activities of life, generation, distribution and
providing of resources and sustenance in spiritualism is called Administration
(takween). For having proper understanding of the creative process and that
what properties and the attributes of God are partaking in the creation of the
universe, one has to enter into the administrative set up, and for that the
knowledge of the administrative functioning is necessary. According to the holy
Quran, God taught the knowledge of administrative matters only to Adam who was
selected from amongst the whole of the universe to deputize God and be His vicegerent.
God created
the universe so that He is cognized. It was necessary for the cognition that
there must be someone having the knowledge of the creative factors of all the
species and their individuals. This responsibility was given to Adam. Since
this knowledge deals with the creative formulae known to God only therefore the
man versed with this knowledge enjoys the status of His vicegerent. With the
appointment of man as the vicegerent this also became certain that he has the
right to exercise his powers in any department of the cosmic administration set
up. To wit, God gave man the authority to organize and operate the cosmic set
up using the lights of the Elohistic Appellations. This very authority has been
termed as the trust reposed in man. When we talk about the vicegerency of God,
it becomes mandatory that the basis of the universe must be understood clearly.
Takween; Divine Administration, is the name of that collective program which
includes all those principles, formulae and laws that govern the creation and all
the rules, doctrines and quantities that are involved in the smooth functioning of the universe.
Just as the
functioning of various departments of country comes under the ambit of
Administration similarly, running of the cosmic program is known as takween.
When the very reason of the Administration is taken into consideration, first
of all, we have to resolve that how did this universe come into being.
According to
the Spiritual Masters, creation and formation of the universe comprises of four
sections. The first phase of the universe is its existence without involving
any means and resources; this section is called Abdaa (Innovation). This is the first section of the Divine
Administration as well as the beginning of the universe, that is, the universe
started to exist without involving any means or resources for its creation. God
said, “kun” and the universe came into being. When the phases of life started
taking place and the forms and features and movements were produced in the
existents the second section of
Administration, which is known as ‘Formation’
(khalq), was made out. The third section of the Divine Administration is the
Policy (tadbeer), which comprises of all the affairs and activities of the
existents’ life in their sequential order. Fourth section is that of taddalla
(Inclination), where the regulatory decisions about the fates and
predestinations are compiled and finalized.
The first
section of Divine Administration is that the whole universe came into being
simultaneously without any means and resources. Whereas, it is our common
observation that nothing can come into being if the means and resources for its
existence are not there. Not even a single instance can be found where the
resources have not been used, but it is the quality of the Creator that He is
not indigent of means and resources. His Intention and Will causes the means to
become automatically available, which transform into manifestation after
embracing the cosmic features.
The second
section is that whence the individuals of the universe had the realization of
having formats of motion and rest and that they have to have their individual
forms and features. The movement of the universe started from this section.
When the universe was brought into being without any means and resources, it
was devoid of any movement nor were the existents aware of their forms and
shapes. They all were in a state of bewilderment and that’s all.
When the
movement started in the second section, the life of the existents was put to
order and they came to know that each one of them has its own individual place
in the universe. And, when they had this knowledge that they have their own
individual identity and norms of motion and rest, they also realized that their life is confined in such a sphere where
it is bound to obey the predestined decisions.
The four sections of the Divine Administration:-
1. Creation, without any means
2. Commencement of the movement
3. Self-realization and order
4. Creatures are bound to predestined decisions.
Knowledge of
the four sections of the Divine Administration was given to Adam so that he
could fulfill his duties of looking after the cosmic affairs as the vicegerent
of God. The main difference between the working of God and man is that when he
as the vicegerent of God runs the system, he is indigent of means and resources
whereas when God Wills, the creations come into being and the fates are
compiled. Man is the only privileged creature of the entire cosmic family who
has been raised to the exalted position of the vicegerent of God and is given
the authority to carry on the administrative works of the Divine Administration
in the Cosmos. Or, to say, God has given him the powers to rule over the entire
universe. In actual effect vicegerency is the
authority to rule and there are many people who head their respective
departments and sections of the Divine Administration just as we see in the
worldly administrative set ups.
I had the
honor of asking this question from His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya that
after having been appointed the vicegerent of God, how does man exercise his
powers over the universe that God has created and when the universe has already
come into being, and the decisions concerning the fates has also been taken and
the individuals have been programmed for their motions and rests then what is
that job which a man has to complete in his capacity of the vicegerent of God?
In reply to my
inquiry Qalander Baba Auliya said, “Creation of the universe is ever
continuing. New stars and planets are being created every moment and the old
one are disintegrating. Those whom God have selected and appointed as His
vicegerents look after all such affairs. When God wants to make an addition in
the Cosmic Creation He assigns this task to His vicegerents. It is their duty
to prepare a detailed account of the form, shapes and resources required for
the lives of the existents along with settings of their motion and rest and to
present it to God for approval. This might be easy to understand in this way
that God issues certain directive, His vicegerents makes a policy in the light
of His Directive and if that policy is approved by Him the other countless
individuals associated with His Divine System of Administration set to work to
get that policy implemented. The angels duly assist the vicegerents but they
have no personal authority as how these policies are to be implemented.
Adam in his
capacity of the vicegerent of God is the ruler of the universe and exercises
the given authority in maintaining the quantities and the sequence of the
motions and rest. God taught all the mysteries of the life and the secrets of
motion and rest of the universe so that he could fulfill his duties as His
In the course
of our discussion about the structural formation of the universe it was
elaborated that the place from where man’s rule over the universe begins is the
inner of man and where that rule is demonstrated is the manifested realm. The
descending orders of the vicegerent of God after adopting forms and features
and this descending state is the time and space.
The countless
sections of movements are related to with the soul and the soul is associated
with the Beatific Vision, which has two sections of akhfa and khafi. The
combination of akhfa and khafi is the Great Soul and the Beatific Vision
descends or where the form and features are produced and movement is initiated
in the Beatific Vision, is the Arcanum Subtlety or latifa-e-sirri and the
formation and the functionality keeps on increasing with every descent. There
are six sections of the soul. Two of them are the inner sections and the other
four are outwardly manifested sections. Inner sections purport to the Absolute
Beatific Vision and the manifested sections are related to with the form,
shapes, features and the movements of the creatures.
The very first
current of the Beatific Vision is called the channel of Black Draught
(Neher-e-tasweed), the first descent of the Beatific Vision is known as Channel
of Abstraction (Neher-e-tajreed), which in its next descent becomes the
Channel of Evidence (Neher-e-tash’heed) and in
the final stage of its descent it becomes the Channel of Manifestation
(Nehere-e-tazheer). Evil thoughts find their way in whence the features start taking
shape in the Beatific Vision after it starts descending. The formation of
features is an indication of getting away from the Beatific Vision, which
results in our falling prey to the evil thoughts.
Subtlety (latifa-e-sirri) is the first section of the Human Soul and the place
from where the whimsical thoughts find their way and man, after falling prey to
such whimsical ideas, try to be oblivious of the God’s Attributes of Lordship
and His Absoluteness, id est., man tries to get away from his root-cause and
this aversion, in fact, is one’s getting away from the Absolute Beatific Vision
of God. It is necessary to know the Knowledge of the Elohistic Appellations,
which can enable a person to be acquainted with the Beatific Vision, so that he
could remain safe from the evil thoughts and
The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy
Prophet; the Prophet
of Islam, (Peace
and Blessings of God
be upon him). This auspicious command was given
to him by the Holy
Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.
Possessor of the
Insinuated Knowledge, Knower
of the Secrets
of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer
of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace,
Hassan Ukhra Mohammad
Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings
of God be upon him),
whose saying is the saying
of God though uttered
through the human mouth, narrated
the contents, which
were inscribed on the
screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired
writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum
(The Pen and the Scripturum).
This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.