When the urges
that are responsible for the functioning of the life are analyzed, it is
observed that there does not exist even a single urge that could be fulfilled
without having a thought about it. Every thought is information that is being
received from somewhere. Information coming from somewhere is felt by the mind.
Mind ascribes meanings to the received information and the fulfillment of the
information emerges in the form of an urge. We have to acknowledge this fact
that life is coming from somewhere and is going somewhere. The life is
continuing in such a fashion that the same one urges is being repeated again
and again. After its fulfillment it disappears, reappears again and after it is
fulfilled, it disappears leaving its record behind.
travels in two ways; in a confined manner and in free manner. It must be
remembered that whether the information is free or confined, it is being
recorded after it is transmitted.
There are four aspects of life that need a very
careful comprehension.
1. Life is information.
2. Information descends and in its descent it
encounters with the spatio- temporal restraints.
3. Information travels remaining free from the
spatio-temporal restraints.
4. There is a source of information.
These four aspects could also be presented in
this way.
1. The source of
2. The information by itself.
3. The information having the restraints of movement.
4. The information without involving any restraints
of movement.
acknowledging that there is source of information we have to see for the origin
of the source, because every source also has to have an origin. The radio or
T.V. is a source that relays the news but from where this news is being
originating, what is the origin of the news? Thus this makes five aspects of
life in total.
By now, the
friends present here know that nothing in this universe exists without having a
typical form and features. Everything has a form and shape and a body. All the
things and the realities exist in their original forms in the world unseen just
as these are found in the material realm. The sight that could witness the
unseen tells us that every fashioned form of this universe has three
existences, one in the Beatific Vision of the
Supreme Being, second, in the Beatific Vision of the Attributes and lastly, in
the Created Realm.
existence is based upon the two ascending and descending aspects, thus it makes
them six existences in total.
God says, “
Nay! Surely the Record of the wicked is preserved in the Prison. And, what will
explain to thee what this Prison is? There is a Register fully inscribed.”
(Quran, V: 7&8, Surah: 83)
If a person
does not receive information and he is not familiar with the concept of good or
evil, then he cannot be rewarded or punished. In fact, the reward and
punishment are related to with the information received after ascribing
meanings to them. Every sane person with consciousness ascribes meanings to the
information that he receives. This act of ascribing meanings to the information
received, in fact, is the recording of the information and the rewards or
punishments are awarded on the basis of this very record.
God tells, “
Woe to those who deny that Day…When Our signs are rehearsed to them, they say,
these are the same things that has already been said by many and they do not
accept it because on their hearts is the stain of ill they do. They know that
there were people sent down from God who warned people of their times and they
rejected them, they still reject although it is recorded in their knowledge
that the people before them had also rejected what was conveyed to the from God.”
It is the law
that the information is recorded as it is accepted or rejected by the person.
When a person
performs an action, it is recorded in the way it is accepted by the conscience
of that person. And, the person in the life hereafter or in the ascending
movement of the life peruses this record, which becomes the life of that person
after his death till the Day of Judgment. The conscience of pious and chaste
people is at peace and they are satisfied of their acts and deeds. God bestows
bounties upon them, which are source of eternal peace for them. This all is the
Book Written (kitab-ul-murqoom), which is also a record.
When we do
something, we do it because information is given to us that whether it is good
or evil. When we accept it as good it is recorded as a virtuous act and when it
is accepted as an evil it is recorded as an evil deed. One’s conscience is
satisfied after performing an act and is dissatisfied after the performance of
another one. A person after stealing something says that he is satisfied of his
act because he did it to fulfill his needs but when something is stolen from him
he does not gives the same margin to that thief.
What does this
means? It means that he is deceiving himself. A person abuses another one in
anger and justifies himself saying that he was in the right but when some one
else abuses him he cannot tolerate it and feel very bad about it. This also is
a form of self-deception. A satisfied conscience is that which wants the same
thing for the others that he wants to have for himself. The things that perturb
him are avoided for others. The ascending and descending movements
are directly
related with the Conscience of a person and the conscience knows the good and
the evil very well.
My dear
children! I have explained this law many a time that all that exists in the
universe is based upon the forms and features and that the universe is sighted
in two ways. One that the things existing in the universe are seen in a solid
material form and the other way to see them is that do not look like the things
of physical world though they have forms, shapes and features and these are
solid as well.
When a
spiritual student manages to peep into the nucleus of his heart, after getting
away from the physical world, it reveals upon him that everything in the
universe has three existences. One of these existences is directly related with
the Beatific Vision. The second existence is associated with the Attributes and
the third existence is linked with the Created Realm.
Creation has
two sides. One is the Light and Noor and the other is the movement.
Individuals of
every species sleep and awake alternatively. Sleep brings a person closer to
his Self and the awakening takes him away from the Self. Sleep is a form of
ascending movement and in order to have acquaintance of the ascending state,
muraqba is considered very important.
In the
physical world the movements of the physical limbs and extremities are
considered to the means of locomotion. Scholars of physical sciences seldom
bother to consider that from where these movements of the limbs are
originating, whereas the spiritual people, contrary to the materialistic
people, emphasize that the movements of the limbs in the material world are the
result of the movements taking place in the incorporeal world.
The program
that God has given to the mankind, invites us to deliberate upon both the
Ascending (dreaming) and the Descending (wakefulness) movements.
Ladies and
gentlemen! You must have understood clearly by now that every movement is
displayed upon the surface of mind. Decent is the movement that travels down
from the nucleus of the Self and ascension is the movement that travels towards
the nucleus of the Self and both these movements are controlled by the nature.
Every existent of the universe is bound to act
in accordance with these movements. The ascending movement brings closer
to the Self and, the descending one takes away from the Self. Intuition is the
Ascending movement and the intellect is the descending movement. It is such a
system that is continuing ceaselessly. The most cardinal child of nature; man,
is duty bound to develop understanding of the laws governing the ascent and
descent and get them activated in him.
The Quranic
program of Salat and Zakat provides the basis for this understanding and
insight. The Prayer and Charity are the functions of both the body and soul.
Prayer is the activity of the soul and the charity is the activity of the body.
Salat is overall such a program in which all the movements of life, like
standing, sitting, raising of hands, reading, reciting, sighting, bowing,
folding of hands, prostration and looking around etc., have been included. When
the movements made during Salat are taken into consideration, it is observed
that all the possible activities of life have been included in it and all these
movements are performed only for the sake of God. If this program is carried
out successfully it associates the mind of a person with God in such a manner
that he witnesses that he is being watched by God or that he is witnessing the
Exalted Presence of God Almighty.
This training
program commences at the age of ten to twelve and matures in the eighteenth to
twentieth year of a Muslim’s age. When this program is practiced
concentratively for fifteen to twenty years he succeeds in having a mental
association with God. And, it becomes a routine for him to easily perform all
the activities of life without taking off his attention from God. When a person
establishes salat successfully, he becomes equally familiar with both the
states of dreaming and awakening. Association of a person with God in ascent
and descent, sleep and awakening and
intuition and intellect is the completion of life. Salat plays an important
role in perfecting the life.
The other
program is that of Zakat. Zakat; giving charity, is such an act, which is aimed
at sincere and selfless service of the fellow being. Zakat, in fact, is the
deportment of God. When a person starts serving the creatures of God sincerely,
it means that he is doing the same that God does. We all know that God is
serving His creatures without expecting any reward from them. Having mental
association with God and rendering selfless service to the creatures, in terms
of Sufism, is called Jammaa; Collaboration, that is, a person having the
passion of serving the creatures of God develops mental association with God
and His creatures. A person cannot enter the paths of Cognition of God unless
he experiences the state of Jammaa practically. For enjoying the Cognition of
God, it is essential to develop the habit of sincerely serving the creatures
having mental association with God all the time.
Holy Prophet
of Islam (PBUH) gave the program of Salat to his followers. Salat is a complete
program that can enable a person to explore the hidden knowledge in his inner
self. A person performs muraqba to get into the inner recesses of his self,
similarly, salat is such a program, if it is performed and practiced correctly
it automatically enables a person to behold Lord Creator. And, when a person
accomplishes the program of zakat (Serving the creatures), he becomes an
important unit of the cosmos. When a person develops this divine habit in him,
as a token of His Pleasure, God opens the doors of Cognition upon him.
The whole
universe is enclosed in one central point of unity. Provenance of the sources
of lights is hidden in the depths of this Central Point of Unity. Churning
lights gush and spurt out from this very Point of Unity, the lights that are
ceaselessly constructing countless systems of stars and planets in the universe
every moment and almost equal number of system die and become extinct every
moment. The collapsing systems become storehouses for the
existing systems. The stable stars and planets
are fed upon the energy discharged from disintegration of unstable stars and
planets. These lights are causing expansion in the universe every moment
continually and the universe is taking ever-new shapes and forms.
and accumulation of these lights in the depths are the Negative Movements and
the dispersal and spreading out of these lights is called Positive Movements.
These very two states are the attraction and the aversion that constitute
millions and billions of interacting circles of attraction and aversion or
centripetal and centrifugal forces.
Universe is
such a light that is founded upon the movement of ascending and descending
waves. The central point is such a point that is overflowing with lights.
Universe is another name of dispersal of these gushing and spurting lights.
Countless systems come into being from the dispersal of these lights every
moment. This thing can be understood from the following example.
There is a
water pool having a fountain in it. When the fountain flows, its water falls in
the pool. This results in the formation of countless rings upon the surface of
the pool water. These rings and circles can be taken as the stars, planets and
galaxies of the universe, which coming into being every moment. We also notice
that these rings remain within the limits of the pool and annihilate after
traveling up to a certain distance. As many circles vanish from the surface as
many new circles are formed. It means hat the annihilation of the circles is an
indication of the fact that new circles are in the offing. We also note, when
we look into the pool, that some circles are small and some are large,
likewise, in the universe, too, some systems are small and some are big. The
aim of stating this law is to establish that the universe is being constructed
every moment and at the same it is annihilating as well like the circles formed
upon the surface of a pool from the falling drops of water from the fountain
located in its center.
This fountain
is the Central Point of Unity and the pool is the universe. The coming into
being and vanishing of the circles are the ascending and descending movements.
The lights that are being used in the creation of the universe are bi- faceted.
On the one hand, these lights are constrained to concentrate and accumulate in
the depth and on the other these have to spread and disperse. The concentration
and accumulation in the depth are the Negative movements and their dispersal
and spreading are the positive movements.
Keeping the
given example of the pool it could be said that there are countless circles
formed from the forces of attraction and aversion and that every circle has its
own centrality and then all the circles are associated with the fountain like
co-centric circles. Every movement whether it is ascending or descending is
moving towards the Central Point of Unity.
The circles
(Individuals of the universe) coming into being from the Point of Unity are
tied to it because of those invisible rays of light that are termed as noor.
This chain of creation and annihilation is continuing eternally.
When a
spiritual associate fully grasps the Negative and Positive Movements, he knows
six conscious and after that the seventh conscious is revealed upon him. Or to
say, for having the cognition of the Attribute of the Lordship, all the seven
conscious are required to be activated.
God has
stated, “Verily God is your Lord who created the earth and the heavens in six
days and then established Himself upon the Throne.”
God has
provided man with such a faculty that he can make use of the six consciouses
This also is
the holy statement of God; “He draws the night as a veil over the day in such a
manner that the day is caught rapidly.” It clarifies that the Day and the Night
are two types of senses and both function with the only difference of the speed
that is faster in the nocturnal senses than the diurnal ones.
Obviously, at
a slower pace of senses one would travel less and at a faster speed one would
cover more distance in the consciousness. Since the speed of the diurnal senses
is slower, these are dominated by the Space and, in the nocturnal senses with
the increase in the speed the grip of spatial bondage eases up. But, in spite
of freedom from the spatial ties one remains within the confines of space. This
can be easily understood that the space under goes a change. A person, for
instance, walks around in this world in his awakening but when goes to sleep
and he is free from the bondages of space, he walks around on some other
planet. This walking around indicates that the earth like space is there on every
planet. Space is one and the times are many. God says, “He created the sun, the
moon and all the stars in such a fashion that they all obey Him.”
It has been
stated here that the whole universe is a single point of unity and as is the
decree enforced in the point of unity, the whole universe is constrained to
obey it. God is the Creator who has transferred His Attributes to His
creatures. God, in His capacity of the Creator is the Lord of the worlds and it
is His Attribute of Lordship that the creatures stay alive. Holy Prophet (PBUH)
has stated; “One who recognizes his Self, Cognizes his Lord.”
When the human
Self is mentioned, in fact, reference is made to all those qualities and
faculties that are the base of life and when a person knows the faculties that
are transferred to him from God, because of his knowledge about the cherishing
Lordship of God, he manages to know the Lord.
God has also
stated, “I am God thy Lord, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the Worlds.” Here
God is proclaiming Himself as God and His Attributes as the Lord and when a
person is acquainted with the attribute of lordship in his inner self, he is
acquainted with the Lordship of God. Since this attribute is operating in every
individual of the universe, therefore, a person acquainted with this attribute
knows all the existents. And, this knowledge brings all the existent closer to
Whatsoever is
there in the universe is nothing but light. Every species is a different
combination of lights and specific quantities of light are operative in them.
And, every quantity is a color. Arrangement of certain colors is responsible
for the formation of different forms and shapes. Every shape is uniformed and
made orderly. Every goat of the goat species will have certain traits in
The earth is
inhabited with six billion people. And, more than any possible estimation of
numbers human beings inhabit the other planets. Every man whether he inhabits
on this planet earth or lives on some other planet, all have similarity and
commonness of their form and features. The quantity of lights for every species
is specific and these quantities do not alter or change because every lights
has its centrality in the Point of Unity and every light ascends towards its
Central Point after completing its descent.
The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy
Prophet; the Prophet
of Islam, (Peace
and Blessings of God
be upon him). This auspicious command was given
to him by the Holy
Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.
Possessor of the
Insinuated Knowledge, Knower
of the Secrets
of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer
of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace,
Hassan Ukhra Mohammad
Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings
of God be upon him),
whose saying is the saying
of God though uttered
through the human mouth, narrated
the contents, which
were inscribed on the
screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired
writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum
(The Pen and the Scripturum).
This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.