


For having a proper comprehension of Creation and Behest, we have to have this understanding that the Mind of God is the Central Point for the entire universe. This universe is the reflection of that universe, which exists in the Mind of God. Thus, all the creatures are still preserved in the will of God, as they always existed there. Reflection of the universe existing in the mind of God is being displayed in different shapes, forms, features and colors. Every fashioned form of this universe is being reflected from the mind of God in three tiers of existence.


1.  The first existence of any creation is in the Preserved Scripturum. (Loh-e- mehfooz)


2.  The second stage of existence of a creature is the Illustrative Realm (Alam-e-tamsal).


3.  Third stage of the existence is in the Realm of Colors, which includes all those material bodies that are formed from the accumulation of colors.


All that exists in the universe, whether these are the angels, jinns, mankind, or some celestial body like sun, star or planet, are combinations of colors. And, the colors are specific frequencies of waves. A typical frequency is a specific movement of nasma.


I have explained nasma from various angles. Every movement of nasma is a color. Colors come into being because of a specific movement of nasma. A fixed length of the movement forms one color, another length of movement forms another color. Thus, incalculable colors are produced from the countless movements of nasma. A separate numerical sum of colors is fixed for every species. If ‘x’, for instance, is the numerical sum of colors fixed for the rose then, only a rose would be formed from this sum of colors, nothing else could be produced from this set or combination of colors. If ‘y’ is the number of colors  used in the creation of man then, no other living thing could be made from this set of colors and only human beings would come into being from this particular combination. Similarly, if the sum of colors for angels is, say ‘z’, then, this numerical sum of colors will always bring the angels into being and nothing else will be formed from this combination. Separate sets of colors are fixed for every species. Movement of specific combination of colors gives rise to the individuals of the species particular for that set of colors.


God has stated, “It is the Disposition of God, on which He has created mankind, there cannot be any change in the work of God.”


Here the word ‘disposition’ is suggestive of velocity, density, concentration and the length of the movement of nasma. The length of the movement of nasma taking the form of color meets the requirements of the creative process. All that is found in the Realm of Colors is a conglomeration of colorful lights. Matter and the material things are only a dense concentration of the colors. Matter, contrary to general assumptions, is not anything solid and concrete. If it is disintegrated

and broken down to its least possible and dissolved, only different rays of colors would be obtained. If paints of different colors are dissolved in water, a khaki solution will be obtained, which is the color of the soil.


It is our common observation that the earth or the soil; a khaki compound, is the one and the same but from this one thing flowers of different colors, fruits of various tastes and trees and plants of different shapes and properties are produced. When a plant is sown in the soil, the compound of different colors hold on to the roots of the plant and with the help of water, the soil particles dissolve into colors, which circulate in the veins of the plant like blood. This disintegration of soil particles transfers different colors into different species. Eventually, the circulating colors in a plant are displayed in the leaves, flowers and fruits of a tree. Physical and material form of life in the creatures is based upon this very chemical process of disintegration of solid material into colors and the concentration of colors into solid material form.


Movements of nasma act from the inner side of life and are displayed in the form of a manifestation. The shape, form and features, in fact, are merely a collection of colors. The colors are that movement of nasma that travels in the liner length. There are two types of manifestation in the nasma.


First, the length of movement (Space) and the other is the velocity of the movement (Time).


The length of the movement or the amplitude of motion is the space and the velocity of movement is the Time. These both are compulsory for each other and these two cannot be separated from each other in any situation. When the Time is mentioned space automatically comes into the consideration and vice versa. Both remain in continuous and perpetually in motion without any pause. Velocity and length both are maintained in their motion, that is, one the one hand, colors display their range and on the other the velocity is also there in them. We have to understand that the length of the movement is the Space and the velocity of the movement is the Time.





Form and features in an object are the Space and movement in the object is Time. Movement is associated with two things, namely; the length and velocity. Both of them are compulsory for each other.


When the creation of the universe is taken into consideration, it is concluded that the universe is the manifestation of that will of God, which displayed itself after the command ‘Be!’ was pronounced. To wit, the universe before its existence existed in the Mind of God. When God wanted to see the cosmic program in a materialized form He commanded it to be, that is, God displayed the program present in His Mind. This clearly establishes that the universe is a reflection of the program existing in the Mind of God.


Let us consider the example of an artist who paints a picture. We see the form and features drawn on the paper, the colors that the artist fills in the picture

are also seen but do we really see the image that the painter had in his mind while he drew that picture. The picture is a reflection of the image envisioned by the artist. If the artist draws and paints a thousand of pictures of the same one object even then every picture would be having a direct affinity with the mind of the artist. This also establishes from this example that the image existing in the mind of the artist does not transfer on the canvas but the image remains in the mind and only its reflection is transferred upon the canvas and if this is not the case then the artist could not have drawn more than one picture of the same object. It means the original picture remains preserved in its place in the mind of the artist and only the reflection of the original idea transfers upon the canvas. Therefore, all the existents still exist in the mind of God as they existed there before coming into being.


Original versions of all the species are preserved in the mind of God. And, this is the reason that a pigeon is a pigeon and dove is a dove even if millions and billions of years have lapsed. It has never happened that dove has changed into a pigeon because of ecological or environmental changes over the centuries.


God is the Creator and the reflection transferring from the Creator’s Mind to the universe is keeping it kinetic and producing movement in it.


There is a mirror place exactly opposite to the Point of Unity, which is the Illustrative Realm (Alam-e-misal). When the ray of the Point of Unity travel towards the Illustrative Realm comes into being, which is the singular movement. It remains flawless until it has continuity in it. This movement flows eternally.


The sun is the sun, the moon is the moon and the man is man even after billions of years. This movement, which is flowing from Eternity towards Infinity, passes through the Illustrative Realm. The Illustrative Realm after accepting the rays from the Point of Unity tries to reflect them back. This causes disruption in the continuity of the flow of these rays. But these do not cease to flow. Now, on the one hand, the Point of Unity is forcing the rays to advance and, on the other, the Illustrative Realm attempts to send them back. This causes these rays to become dual. This very dual movement of these rays is the Attraction and Aversion. Everything existing in the universe, on one side, is the attraction and, on the other side, it is aversion.


A baby, for instance, born today is traveling within attraction and aversion. When the baby enters into the boyhood from childhood. This childhood for the boyhood is aversion and the boyhood for the childhood is attraction. When a person enters into his youth, the boyhood becomes an aversion for the youth and the youth becomes the attraction for the boyhood. Similarly, the old age is attraction for the youth and the youth is the aversion for the old age. Apparently it sound odd because nobody wants to be an old man but the fact is that every body is heading towards youth and from youth to the old age.


The whole life is an unending chain of attraction and aversion. On the one hand the interests of life attract us towards them and on the other the death attracts us towards itself. Man, in a state of helplessness, keeps on traveling between the attraction and the aversion, whether he wants it or not. And, one day, childhood, the boyhood, the youth and the interests of youth; the business,

spouse and the children etc. are all left behind and, according to the law of attraction and aversion death draws him towards itself.




The book Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and The Scripturum) was written by His Divine Grace, Qalander Baba Auliya at the behest of the Holy Prophet; the Prophet of Islam, (Peace and Blessings of God be upon him). This auspicious command was given to him by the Holy Prophet directly, in a manner, which is known as the Owaisian Manner.

Possessor of the Insinuated Knowledge, Knower of the Secrets of the Command, “Be!” Proclaimer of the Reality, the Kind Preceptor, His Divine Grace, Hassan Ukhra Mohammad Azeem Burkhiya Qalander Baba Auliya (May the blessings of God be upon him), whose saying is the saying of God though uttered through the human mouth, narrated the contents, which were inscribed on the screen of my mind, by his strong Spiritual Influence, word by word ……. And, thus, this inspired writing, stated by Qalander Baba Auliya and penned down by me took the form of Loh-o-Qalum (The Pen and the Scripturum).

This knowledge of the Spiritual Science is the heritage of mankind and jinns. I, hereby, deliver this trust onto the present and the future generations of man and the jinns.

 Khwaja Shams Uddin Azeemi