

The observing sight which can explore unseen realm reveals this fact that all that we see, hear, feel, understand and touch remaining in the sphere of intellect cannot be justifiably pronounced as real. And when any activity performed in the limits of intellect and conscious is analyzed with prudence and intuition we find ourselves groping around in the darkness.

For comprehension of anything sight plays the most vital and basic role. When we see something our curiosity propels us together more information’s and to know more about that thing. Otherwise when we happen to have knowledge about something we feel like having more information’s and yearn to see it. As far as the sight is concerned, we all know that for witnessing something, sight is required to be provided with a target. If there is no target available for the sight the sight will not be able to behold. This renders it compulsory that some target should be there for witnessing so that the properties of the object upon which the sight is focused could be reflected upon the screen of the viewer's mind.

Law: - Only that can be sighted which is reflected upon the screen of our mind. It win not be wrong to say that our mind feels only that which is transferred to it by the sight. When something is sighted, our thinking guides us to determine its reality and purposefulness, or, that how far or close it is to reality. In the limits of Acquired Knowledge, working of the sight is functional and hypothetical. This means that sight keeps on changing with the variations of the object. The sight operative in the Presented knowledge is real because there is no change or variation in this sight. If, for instance, a spiritual associate happens to witness an angel, he would not find any change in that angel if that angel is sighted even after a lapse of hundred years. When a soul is witnessed whenever it would be sighted it would appear the same as sighted earlier.

Contrary to this is the case when a person happens to see Tom in his youth and when he see him again after a lapse of ten years he finds considerable changes in the features of Tome. Conscious senses deal in changes and variations. And, witnessing that realm where there is no variation or change is called sighting directly and the method other this is sighting indirectly. Indirect witnessing is the conscious sight and direct witnessing is the Unconscious sight. The conscious sight is fictional and hypothetical. The unconscious sight is factual and real.

The gist of the teachings of the prophets of God is that man after negating the fictional sight should equip himself with that sight which witnesses the reality. Entering into one after leaving the other or getting something after quitting the other is only possible when we can disunite ourselves from that which is to be quitted. This act of disuniting ourselves, in terms of spirituality, is called negation and when a person manages to negate himself the world of realty is witnessed by him. Muraqbah is the first lesson of self-negation. Performance of Muraqbah is such an act which has no logical explanation except that there are two types of sight functioning simultaneously in man. One' is limited and cannot see without a medium and the other one is unlimited and needs no medium to behold. Space having dimensions is the medium. The material eye cannot see beyond the limits of space and if space is removed it will not be able to see any thing. This can be proved by performing a simple experiment Just focus your eyes on a point steadfastly so that there should be no movement in the eyelids and the eyeballs. When the eyes will cease to move there would remain nothing before the eyes save light and empty space.

Law: - In fictional senses the operation of sight takes place when the eyeballs move and eyelids are blinked. If the eyelids of a person are stopped from moving, within few seconds, he will not be able to see anything except darkness.

The act of blinking of eyelids slightly strokes the eyeballs which help in transferring the images of the external objects to the screen of our mind.

Example:- There is a camera with a photographic film in it. The camera is fitted with lenses of superior quality. Adequate light required for snapping shots is also there. The lens of the camera is representing the eyes and the photographic film is the screen of mind. The shutter of the camera is working in the same manner as the eye blinks. If the button for shutter is not pressed the camera will not snap a picture; the image of the object will not transfer on the film. Similarly, until the eyeballs are not stroked with eyelids by blinking no impression will be registered on the screen of the mind. According to the modern sciences the image of an object remains lingering on the screen of our mind for about fifteen seconds. Initially this image is dim then it becomes vivid and bright and then it starts fading out and before the fifteen seconds are over it is replaced by another image. If the act of blinking of eyelids is controlled and stopped for duration of more than fifteen seconds then the same image will keep on recurring on the screen of our mind.

When someone sits for Muraqbah and closes his eyes, the movement of eyeballs and eyelids remains in action. Although the blinking temporarily stops when the eyes are closed, the movement of eyeballs does not stop and with the movement of the eyeballs the eyelids also keep on moving which replaces the movement of the blinking, that is, the transfer of images keeps on taking place on the screen of the mind. The person doing Muraqbah focuses his mind on one single point. The point in this case is usually the concept of his spiritual mentor, that is, he focuses all his witnessing abilities concentrative in thinking about his spiritual teacher, in order to get the image of his mentor on the mental screen, as long as he remains in the state of Muraqbah.

Law: - The properties, characteristics and potentialities related to an image also transfer on the screen of the mind when the image is formed on the mental screen and the mind perceives them accordingly. For instance, a person is looking at fire. When the image of fire transfers on the mental screen the warmth and heat of the fire is perceived by the mind. A person who is present in a garden enjoys the freshness and coolness of trees and plants present in the garden to create their image on his mental screen. Similarly when image of the spiritual mentor transfers on the screen of mind, the Presented Knowledge which is operative in the spiritual teacher, also transfers with it and the mind of the student gradually assimilates the same.