Besides the prophets of God many other
people of mankind have also demonstrated feats of metaphysical nature. Many
such events that have been recorded in the history are evident upon this fact.
Holy and good-natured people perform, such metaphysical demonstration to warn,
notify and guide their fellow beings.
Qalander Baba Auliya writes in his
remarkable book “Loh-o-Oalum”.
Conductive Influence is of three types.
i) Miracle
ii) Wonder
working and
iii) Sorcery
Sorcery is that form of knowledge that
surges in a person for certain reasons due to the influence of evils spirits of
Limbo or the demon jinns. A sorcerer cannot be a cognizer of God. And, this is
actual difference between sorcery and prophetic knowledge that the sorcery
remains limited to viewing the Unseen whereas the prophetic knowledge takes a
person beyond mere viewing of the Unseen and enables him to have a proper
cognition of the Lord.
When a metaphysical activity takes place by
a prophet of God under prophetic knowledge, it is termed as miracle. After
termination of prophethood, the followers of a prophet exercising the prophetic
knowledge demonstrate a supernatural phenomenon it is called 'wonder-working'.
The followers of prophet of God who inherit the prophetic knowledge are called
Effects of Miracle and the Wonder-working
are permanent and lasting, that means, the influence lasts till it is not
removed by the exercising person whereas the effects of sorcery are not
permanent and change automatically when the atmosphere changes, it means that
the effects of sorcery nullify when the atmosphere
under goes a change.
Anything that is made to happen under the influence of sorcery is technically
known as magic.
The holy Quran terms miracles performed by
the prophets of God as the Signs of God.
"And Then We saved him and the companions
of the Ark. And We made the Ark a Sign of all people." (S: 29, V: 15)
"This she-camel of God is a Sign unto you."
(5: 7. V: 73)
When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) announced his prophethood
the infidels of Makka demanded him to demonstrate some miracle. The holy Quran
reports this demand of the infidels in these words. “They say, 'Why does he (Mohammad)
not bring us
a Sign from his Lord?" (S: .20, V: 133)
“Yet they say, ‘why are not Signs sent down
to him from his Lord?’''. (S: 29, V: 50)
“Let him then bring us a Sign like the ones
that were sent to
prophets of old”.
Rejecters of the teachings of the prophet
pronounced the Clear
Sign exhibited by the Prophet of God as spell, magic or
sorcery. Replying to the demand of infidels about
metaphysical demonstration Quran says:
“And when they see a Sign they turn away from
it and say this is but transient magic."(S: 54, V: 2)
"Say, The Signs are indeed with God
and I am indeed a clear Warner." (S: 29. V: 50)
History testifies that the prophets of God
performed miracles as the final argument only. But the unlucky people could not
agree to believe even after witnessing the miracles.
“We delivered Moses and all who were with him.
But we drowned the others. Verily in this is a Sign but most of them do not believe." (S: 26, V: 66-68)
When the people of Salih denounced even the
miracle of witnessing a living she-camel coming out of the rock, the law of
natures got hold of them.
"The companions of the Rocky Tract
also rejected the apostles. We sent them Our Sign but they persisted in turning
away from them. Out of the mountains did they hew their edifices feeling
themselves secure. But, the almighty blast seized them of a morning. And, of no
avail to them was all that they did with
such art and care.”
Only a few were there lo believe Christ
after witnessing the miracles performed by him. Infidels of Makka could not guidance from the miracles performed by
the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
When the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was ordered to enlighten
Madina, the darkness befell upon the infidels and the I
Holy Prophet
(PBUH) and those who believed him entered
Makka as
People with insight and vision does not
require any metaphysical demonstration to believe in the prophets. The very person
of the prophet by itself is a Sign of Miracle for them. Khadija (RA), Abu Bakkar
Siddique (RA). Omar Farooque (RA), Usman (RA), Ali (RA) and other famous
companions or the prophet started believing the Holy Prophet (PBUH) without
having seen any miracle exhibited by him.
Every Prophet was granted miracles
according to the taste, temperament, level of understanding and the thinking
approach of the people of his time. Era of Moses was that of sorcery and magic.
He was provided with the miracles of Shining Hand and the Staff.
Magicians of the court of Pharaoh threw
their ropes and stakes that transformed into snakes. Moses was commanded:
“Cast down thy staff which swallowed their
And, when Moses prayed for water for his
people he was
"Strike thy staff on the rock and twelve
springs gushed there from."
(S: 2, V: 60)
In the times of Christ, knowledge of healing
was at its peak. God granted the miracle of curing the born-blinds, lepers and
giving life to the dead.
“And behold, thou makest out of clay as it were
a figure of
bird by My leave and thou breathest into it, and it becometh a bird by My
leave, and thou healest those born blind and the lepers by My leave. And,
behold! Thou bringest forth the dead by My leave”. (S: 5, V: 113)
In the era of Salih the art of sculpturing
was its pinnacle. Infidels according to their mental capabilities demanded an
impossible thing of carving a living she-camel from a rock. He pointed towards
a rock. The rock split and a living she-camel appeared there from and gave
birth to a child. People of Salih were thus warned.
“It is the she-camel of God and is a Sign
for you”
About the proclamation of prophethood by
the Holy Prophet (PBUH) the holy Quran clearly announces:
“O mankind! Verily there have come to you a
convincing proof from your Lord”. (S: 4, V: 174)
Every part of the life of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is a clear Sign of God for those who have wisdom and contemplate.
The difference between Right and Wrong was
made clear after the proclamation of the prophet-hood of the Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Those who had come to demolish the holy Ka'aba were turned into regurgitated
fodder. Arabia that was under the spell of drought started receiving the rains
and greenery permeated all over. The fire burning in the temple of
Fire-worshippers turned off. Earth quack caused fourteen watchtowers to fall. The
lake of Sarah, situated between Hamadan and Qum that was six miles, wide and six miles long dried up. Water
started running the dry streams of Samawah Valley, which is situated in between
Kuffa and Syria.
Miracles and the metaphysical happenings
are beyond the reach of human comprehension. I, in this part of the book, have
attempted to describe the metaphysical and supernatural events ascribed to with
the life of the Holy Prpphet (PBUH) as given in the history, in the light of
the spiritual science.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi
Markazi Muraqba Hall,
Surjani Town,
11th January 1997