

God says, "I was a treasure hidden, I created the creatures so that I be known."

For knowing Him properly it is mandatory for the creatures be acquainted with their Creator and His Attributes. For acquaintance there must be someone, who could introduce Him in a befitting manner to the creatures and this cannot be done by someone who himself is not completely familiar with and knows of the Creator. Therefore it becomes mandatory for the introducer to be fully enlightened with the Attributes of the Lord Creator.  Su enlightened and enlightening source is Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Since the ways of God do not suffer alterations nor are they suspended therefore after passing away of Holy Prophet (PBUH) a chain of guidance was set in the form of Auliya Allah and

would remain continue till the Last Day. When some metaphysical feat is performed by these people, it is termed as Wonder-working. The supernormal activities of prophets of God are called Miracles. Since these holy men have special correlation with Holy Prophet (PBUH), certain metaphysical things take place from them as well.

Some of the wonder-workings of Qalander Baba Auliya, a true servant and friend of God who heir the knowledge and legacy of Holy Prophet (PBUH), are presented here:

Pigeon resurrected

I was fond of raising pigeons. I crossed a dove with a pigeon and the two chicks hatched from their eggs, were the most unique and beautiful. They had black wings and rest of the body was white, they were so attractive that whosoever would see them couldn't desist from praising them.

One day, a cat caught one of them and ran on to the roof. Seeing my lovely pigeon in the jaws of the cat I dashed after it. When I reached the roof it was devouring its prey. It left me in a state of shock. Qalander Baba Auliya was 'sitting on his hard bed. I approached him and protested before him that the cat preyed upon my pigeon. He said, "so what?"

I said, "I am failed to understand that cat could take my pigeon, and that too in your august presence?" And, I left in utter dismay and went into  the kitchen for my breakfast.

I heard him calling after me but the feeling of heart broken made me to ignore his calling. He called me again. Then he called Mohsin Bhai and asked about me. He told him that Khwaja Sahib has taken it to his heart and is crying in the kitchen. Baba Sahib took a note of it and said, Tell Khwaja Sahib that his pigeon has come back."

Mohsin Bhai come out of the room and saw the pigeon in the courtyard pecking along with other pigeons. He informed me. I thought he is kidding to console me but when he insisted and asked me to go and check myself. I came to the courtyard and found the same pigeon. I ran to upstairs and saw the blood spots and few feathers still lying there. I felt  a feeling of shame rising in me. I came down and fell upon his feet and asked for my inadequate behavior. I had learnt my lesson and before the sun could set I released all my pigeons.

Deaf and .dumb girl

A girl who was deaf and dumb since her  birth was brought before Qalander Baba Auliya. Those who have seen him know it well that by           nature he was very careful and avoided any display

of his spiritual powers but on that day, he addressed the girl in a very polite manner and asked her name. The girl remained quiet, incapable of utter any word. He asked .her again, "Tell me, what your name is?" The girl kept on looking at him unable to respond to him. Then in an infuriating tone and raising his hand as if to hit her, he again asked her, "Tell, what your name is?" And, the girl started talking. I think she was sixteen or seventeen at that time.

Incessant raining

It was routine of Qalander Baba Auliya that  on the eve of Saturday he would go to his house and returned on Sunday night. Once on Sunday, before the sunset, it started raining. Considering that it was raining so heavily, Qalander Baba Auliya will not come, I closed the doors of the house and went to sleep. After some time I woke up and found him  sitting on his wooden bed. I thought I am dreaming. But when I got up and he called me I got up from my cot with a start and asked him, how did you manage to come in such a rain?

He smiled and said, "Just came!"

I picked up his sherwani (long coat) to put it on the hanger and noticed in my utter disbelief it wasn't soaked. I asked him in my surprise, "You        came all the way from Lawrence Road to Nazimabad in this rain and your sherwani didn't have a drop of water on it?"

He replied smilingly, "Khwaja Sahib, Time and Space are only fiction, but you will not understand it now."

I lifted the basket

Once at about 11.30 in the night, Qalander Baba Auliya asked me, "Can we have fish?"

I said, "It is 11.30 ... anyway I try, I might get it from .some restaurant."

Qalander Baba Auliya said, "No, I don't want the hotel cooked. I felt like having home cooked fish."

In those days Nazimabad wasn't so populated. My mind was racing as to from where  could I have the fish and I went into the kitchen and picked up the basket but before I could reach the main gate, he said, "Leave it, we would see to it in the morning."

I left the basket and went to my room. Less than an hour, somebody knocked at the door. When I answered the door, I found a man on the door with fresh water fish. Handing that fish to me he said, I am coming from Thatta, and I brought this fish for Qalander Baba Auliya. Just give my regards to him. And, with that he took his leave.

Amount of alimony

My wedding was taking place in Dhaka, (former East Pakistan, and now Bangladesh), we were negotiating the amount of alimony. My in-      laws were asking an amount which was beyond my means so I was insisting that it be within my reach. I saw Qalander Baba Auliya sitting by my side,  though he was actually in Karachi at that time. He told me to accept the amount that my in-laws were suggesting.

I submitted, Sir, but I cannot afford it."

He commanded me in a stern tone, "Do as I am telling you."

And, the wedding took place in a very

pleasant way.


During pressing his back at night, I often noticed milky light emitting from the walls and  ceiling. The light would appear suddenly leaving         me startled. Once I got scared and my body started shivering. Qalander Baba Auliya placed his hand upon my forehead and said, "Nothing to be afraid of, they are the men from the Unseen world." Then it became a routine for me to see things, especially while I was pressing his back. I saw someone would appear from nowhere and had a small conversation with Qalander Baba Auliya and then disappeared into thin air. Sometime with the glow of the sudden light there would an angel come. Qalander Baba Auliya would tell him something and it would leave.

Musk Odor

At times I would notice sweet smell arising from his chest, which was of musk. I would smell that scent and it was simply enchanting.

Love and sacrifice

One day when Qalander Baba Auliya was  sitting in his typical posture of having his knees in his arms, I lied there, placing my head upon his feet. Something happened and I went to sleep then and there. It was 10.00 am. When I woke up it was 4.00 pm. I remained asleep for six hours and he didn't change his posture lest my sleep be disturbed. My forehead got wet from the perspiration of shame,  when I saw the clock.

Cholistan Jungle

Once I went with a hunting party to Cholistan. There I got separated from the party and lost my way. I tried every possible way to find the        way out but to no avail. When the dark shadows of the night were growing, I shot a pigeon. Now I hadn't had the match box so I couldn't make fire. Hunger made me to eat the raw meat of the fowl.  Then, it is a long story that how did God save me from perishing because it is said that you cannot find the dead body of the one who is lost in the           jungle of Cholistan.

Anyway, I got back. Eating the raw meat disturbed my digestive system and I had dysentery, which grew to an intolerable state and nothing was curing me. Then Qalander Baba Auliya said to me, "Come and lie here, I will replace your stomach and intestines with new ones."

Then he placed one of his hands on my forehead and the other on my tummy and closed his eyes. He remained in that state for about 4, 5          minutes then said, "Ok, now get up, I am through. Have only that diet which is for the small children because you don't have that stomach and intestines, which were there before.

It is a blessing that even after a lapse of 24 years this servant of Qalander Baba Auliya. Never had dysentery.

Seeing God in everything around

Once at midnight, when I was pressing his back and he was explaining the wisdom of God in the verses of the holy Quran, he told me recite a particular verse. I recited that verse. He said, "Repeat it for seven times.

When I rehearsed that verse the seventh time, a veil lifted from my eyes and I observed that God is there in everything around me. I looked at the wall and to my utter astonishment, the wall had        no significance of its own, it was there because God was supporting it. When I opened the water-tape, I observed water too was nothing but a display of God's presence. This state. prevailed for over 48       hours and then I felt a state of engrossment prevailing upon me. Then Qalander Baba Auliya paid 'attention to me and gradually everything came back to normal.

Down on the ground

Once, a patient was brought to Qalander Baba Auliya. Both his knees had jammed and he was unable to move around. His relatives brought          him upstairs with great difficulty. Upon seeing him, unlike his normal routine Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Put him down upon the ground!" Then he  placed his hand upon the head of the old patient. A shiver ran through the body of the patient, followed by three severe jerks. Qalander Baba Auliya told him to get up. He said that it's been years that he never been upon his feet. Qalander Baba Auliya again said in the same polite manner, "Please get up!" and, the patient rose and was upon his feet quite mechanically. He went down the stairs and to     his house on his two feet.




Sometimes I would find his room filled with men and women. Once after such a gathering, I inquired as to who all they were. Qalander Baba Auliya told me that they all were my brethren and sisters in Silsila. Quite after sometime, I could understand that that they were jinns.

Trees also talk

There was a an almond tree outside the courtyard wall right in front of the room where Qalander Baba Auliya used to live there was a tree. Once Qalander Baba Auliya told .us, "This tree is too' talkative. I told it not to talk too much as it  disturbs me while I am working but it is paying not heed."

We didn't bother much. One day when we  got up in the morning, we noticed that the treewasn't there. We went out and saw that only the remains of its roots were there. This remains a     puzzle for us that who cut that tree, how come that    we didn't hear anyone using the axe. When I asked about it from Qalander Baba Auliya, he smiled and didn't say anything.

Lal Shahbaz Qalander

Once I told Qalander Baba Auliya, "I wish to go to Sehwan Shard." He said, "Let it be some   other time." After few days, the wish became a     desire and I actually started longing to go to the mausoleum of Lal Shabaz Qalander but whenever I asked for the permission to go his reply was the same, "Not yet let it be some other time." The desire  to go to Sehwan Sharif was riding my nerves, when I got down the bus at Enquiry Bus Stop, I saw Lal Shahbaz Qalander standing on the foot path. I extended my hand to shake hand but he shook his head and said, "You were thinking of me so I came    to you." He stayed with me for about half an hour.

Man at Service

In 1965, when the war between India and  Pakistan was raging and the All India Radio was making tall claims of targeting Karachi, they even announced that the Lalukhait Airport has been destroyed. People were really scared and puzzle. I asked Qalander Baba Auliya, "What is going to happen?"

He said, "God's blessings are for Pakistan. Holy Prophet (PBUH) has issued orders to protect Pakistan so the people of Administration have deployed a man for this service and he is sitting in Gandhi Garden. He is assigned the duty of saving Karachi from any damage from air raids."

My curiosity made me to go to Gandhi Garden. I spotted the man at service of saving   Karachi. I went to him and greeted him. He raised     his head and looked at me with blood shot eyes and said, "Leave!"

Only after a day or two, early in the morning I found the Same man at our doorsteps. I informed Qalander Baba Auliya that the man from Garden  wants to see him. He told me- to escort him up with respect. When reached Qalander Baba Auliya, he saluted him like an army man and briefed him about his working. Qalander Baba Auliya told me to serve him tea. I served tea with some biscuits but he only had tea. When I insisted him to have breakfast, Qalander Baba Auliya said, "He is not allowed to   have anything except tea for one week so that he     may not fall asleep or dosed of."


Angels protect

It was the routine of Qalander Baba Auliya that he would go to his home on the eve of Saturday. Had a sitting at Mr. Muzaffar's residence, who was the sales director of Brook Bond. Co. and from there late at night he would return to Nazimabad. Once, while he was taking off his sherwani on his return, he told me, "I saw few angels at Gurumandir. I asked them as to why they were there. They told me that an accident is about to take place and they were there to save those whose time is not over, they had been there to protect         them."

In the morning the newspaper had all the details of the accident as Qalander Baba Auliya had told us already.

Lottery Number

Once a very close friend of mine insisted to         help him and asked to tell him the Lottery Number. After finishing my routine lessons, I recited that prayer, which causes to see things in wakefulness.              A screen appeared before my vision that had few numbers on it. I tried to 'memorize those numbers when suddenly I saw Qalander Baba Auliya's hand covering the screen, with that I heard him saying in

a very stern voice, "What are you doing'?" and, with that the screen vanished from my sight.

Looking after the family

Almost in the same way, one of my friends insisted to feed him spiritually. When I told him that    it could be harmful for him, he declared that he would not hold me responsible for any damages. In  my imprudence I promised him to do as he wanted. Next day early in the morning, before the dawn, I sat down, focused my attention on his (Latila-e­-  Akhfa) Latent Subtlety and started to pump in lights from my latifa-e-nafsi and Qalbi (Subtleties of the  Self and the Heart), when hand of Qalander Baba Auliya came in between and stopped me saying, "Stop it forthwith."

I also. heard him saying, "If his mind gets upset, then who would be looking after his wife and children. Avoid showing your powers. It is much  better to train a person and make him capable of withstanding these powers."

Sapphire ring

I take great pride of my association with  Qalander Baba Auliya; he had blessed me with his company and shared his secrets. He showered his kindness upon his servant like no one can. Once, I expressed my desire of wearing a ring. He said, "Yes, why not? You wear a sapphire ring.".

When I inquired about the price of the sapphire ring in the market, it was beyond my reach. I told him with a bad taste in my mouth, the sapphire is a very precious stone." He didn't say anything and remained silent.

Next day around 8 o'clock in the morning when I was going on Farer Road, a beggar called after me. I thought he is asking for alms. I approach him to give him something but before I could give        him anything he placed a ring on my hand. The ring had a sapphire embedded in it. How much is the cost? I asked.

He said, "Why to ask the price when you cannot pay? Just have it."

I thought he is some sort of a fraud or scam. I said, "Without paying any price I am not going to take it."

Upon listening this he said, "OK, then just give me Rupees 5.25."           '

Since I knew the market value of sapphire, it confirmed my whims that he trying to trick me so I refused to have the ring saying, "I don't need this  ring."

He got angry and in an angry tone he said, "You doubt me, take this ring and show it to your elders. I will wait for you here."

I forgot for what I was going and took the Wring to Qalander Baba Auliya and narrated him the whole story. He didn't like what I told him and said, "This sapphire is real."

I got perplexed and was thinking, who was that man and why he wanted to present this precious ring to me. Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Go there  early in the morning and wait for him. And try to convince him to have breakfast with you and give      him Rs.5.25 with respect."

Next morning when I was waiting for him, he approached me with a naughty smile and said, "He snubbed you."

I apologized and asked for his forgiveness and presented Rs.5.25. He accepted them with great pleasure and blessed me with his prayers.

I requested him that I hadn't had my breakfast and if he could let me have the honor of having breakfast with him. He said, "God bless          you." And, with that he gave me a quarter and said, "Have your breakfast from me."

Prayer of a Qalander

Once I asked .my august mentor, "Do you enjoy saying your prayer?"

He said, "Yes!"I submitted to him, "I try my best but cannot  focus my thoughts on one point. Sometimes I do succeed but it is only temporarily."

Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Let me tell you a method to concentrate. It will help you to focus." Then he taught me the method and said, "Just do it in the last prostration of the night prayer. I acted upon the advice and it really worked. I repeated it every time I said my prayer, forgetting his instruction that it was to be done only for once. In          the last prostration of my midnight prayer when I did the same action again I felt as if somebody standing on my both sides but I continued repeating what I was supposed to do only for once and the prostration was prolonged more than enough. Then fear gripped my heart and I finished the prayer and hit the bed.

In those days there wasn't any electricity where I resided. No other house was near my house. I was surrounded by wilderness and jackals howled around. Lamp was gone out. In my anxiety I couldn't find the match box. Then I was all alone in  the house. Fear was knotting my guts. I attempted to recite Ayatul Kursi but it only added fuel in the fire and I felt my heart missing its beat. Then my heart started palpitating and I felt as if my heart beat would break my ribs. Now I started reciting Surah Ikhlas as soon as I finished the recitation. My body started lifting from the bed, so much so that I was touching the ceiling. I thought I am dreaming so I touched the ceiling and felt it with my hands. This trade me all the more frightened and I got scared         that if I would fall I would be having multiple   fractures of my bones.

Then I saw two hands coming towards my throat. One hand held my heart and the other closed my mouth that had opened to scream. In the horning I saw in my dream that my grandfather Maulana Khalil Ahmed Anbaitwi, Abul Faiz Qalander Ali Suharwardi, Sheikh Abdul Qader Jillani are standing in the courtyard of the house and Qalander Baba Auliya pacing between them in a state of anxiety and is saying, "this isn't fair." Then he commanded as if telling someone, "He has to Survive at any cost."

When I woke and got up every part of my body was aching. I could hardly manage to go to Qalander Baba Auliya in the evening. Upon seeing me he said, "You worried us all by acting against what you were told. God blessed you otherwise you bad finished yourself"


One night after my midnight prayer, while I as reciting Darood-e-Khizri I found myself before Holy Prophet (PBUH). I saw him ensconcing upon      a throne. I sat before him with folded knees before his thorn and pleaded to him beseechingly to grant me Ilm-e-Ladunni. I sought the intercession of Owais Qarni, Abuzar Ghaffari, Abubakar Siddique, Kadijatul Kubra, Fatima, Ali, Hassan and Hussain.

I implored beseechingly asking him for the favor of blessing me with Ilm-e-Ladunni for the       sake of the holy Quran, the greatest of Allah's             Name, all the prophets of God. I asked him in the  name of his great grandfather Abraham to bless me with Ilm-e-Ladunni saying that I am the beggar and would not go away till he let me have what I am asking. I also said, " I am your servant, the son of your servant, I request you in the name of your kindness for my ancestor Khwaja Abu Ayub Ansari please bless me. Holy Prophet smiled and called out, "Anyone there?

I saw. Qalander Baba Auliya standing there with hand folded on his naval and he said, "Master your servant is present."

Holy Prophet asked him, "On what ground you want to make him your heir."

Qalander Baba Auliya replied, "Master his  mother is my sister."

Holy Prophet (PBUH) smiled and said, "We accepted you, son of Khwaja Abu Ayub Ansari.

Then I found myself standing beside Qalander Baba Auliya.


Revealing the Future

My brother in Silsila Mr. Zaki, who deals in furniture in Hyderabad, wanted to get married but his father wasn't agreeing due to his tight monetary position. Qalander Baba Auliya told him to do it as soon as possible otherwise this marriage would not take place for a long time.

Somehow or the other they agreed and the marriage took place. It was hardly a week after the wedding that one of his close relative expired. And, before his chaliswan (forty days of the funeral) another close relative passed away. And this chain of sad events continued for many years.

25 Bodies of Auliya

There are many people in the subcontinent and abroad who witnessed Qalander Baba Auliya in one day at one time in different places. With some he shook hands, with other he had a cup of tea, to other he embraced, and yet with another he gave one or the other instruction. This came to my knowledge when few people told me that Qalander Baba Auliya paid them a visit and when I checked the dates to my astonishment they were all mentioning the same date and the same time. I had the honor of writing the replies to letters that were addressed to Qalander Baba Auliya. Once there was a letter from Switzerland. In that letter, the writer had thanked Qalander Baba Auliya for his coming to them and that they had acted upon his advice. When I read this letter to Qalander Baba Auliya, he smiled and said, people working in the Elohistic Administration are given 25 bodies that remain in action all the time and when there is work load the number can increase up to 40. N.B: Administration System of Allah is technically termed as Takween and the people who are assigned one or the other task in this system arc called ahl-e-takween (people in the service of God). Their designations are according to the nature of        their duties, for example Qutab, Ghous, Abdal et all.

Freud and Libido

One I called upon Shanulhaq Haqqi with my brother in Silsila Mr. l3.Zaman. There Freud came under discussion. Mr. Haqqi said, "Freud has coined a term 'Libido' what's its equivalent in Urdu?" He asked me.

I got confused as am not versed with. English but before I could say anything I saw Qalander  Baba Auliya. He said, "Tell them, this word has not been translated in."

I told Mr. Haqqi that this word hasn't been translated into Urdu but was reluctant to accept and said this is not possible. I asked him to tell me, if there is any. He agreed and said, "I'll let you know by tomorrow."

Next day I went to Mr. Haqqi and told him that only purpose of my coming to him is to learn the translation of Libido from him. Mr. Haqqi has a very pleasant personality he was all smiles and, said, "You are right, there isn't any translation for this term in Urdu.

Astral body

Once, Qalander Baba Auliya was telling me about Astral body. Astral body is an invisible body similar to our physical body. This body is encompassing our physical body all around from a distance of about 9 inches. The physical body is based upon this very body of lights. If this body of lights is healthy, the physical body will stay healthy. All the urges of life are produced in this body of   lights and transfer to the physical body from there. If someone want to eat bread and is having it, we only see the physical body is having the bread but, in actual effect, if the urge to eat or drink or the   hunger or thirst, is not transferred to the physical   body from the astral body, man cannot eat or drink. I inquiringly said, "You mean the actual person in this physical body is the astral body and this astral body can perform all those activities which the physical body performs?"

He said, "Yes, that's right."

I asked, "Can we switch the bulb on or off?"

Before the sentence was completed, I heard the switch getting off and the room went dark and after few moments the switch was put on and the room become lighted again.

Saving from operation

A man was admitted into Seven Day Hospital for the pain in abdomen. When doctors failed to diagnose the cause of pain, they decided to open his abdomen. The operation was due the next day. Patient's father came to Qalander Baba Auliya in the night and told him about the operation and  asked for his blessings and requested him to pray     that the operation be successful.

Qalander Baba Auliya very cheerfully told him that the operation is not needed just get his solar plexus fixed by pulling his toes by someone         who knows how this is done.

He left in uncertainty and before leaving he confined to me that Qalander Baba Auliya has ignored him. I consoled him and told him that I don't see any harm in it if you would try it.

Early in the morning, he took a man to the hospital and he fixed the solar plexus. When the patient was being taken to the operation theater, he told the doctors that there wasn't any pain then. The doctors simply discharged him as cured.

Distant Treatment

Mr. B. Zaman Rtd. Deputy Secretary Finance reported that they were in Thailand and his wife got sick and developed anemia. Doctors told         him that she needed blood but that might not be enough she needed prayers, too, for her life. He sat down and after focusing his attention on Qalander Baba Auliya, he submitted to him that his wife was very sick and doctors are not hopeful.

He says, "Within no time before the blood could have been arranged for her the deficiency of blood in her system was no longer there and all their arrangement to procure blood proved to be useless.


Hundred thousand Rupees

Son of a friend of Iqbal Mohammad, Deputy Secretary KDA, killed a man. Mr. Iqbal took his  friend to Qalander Baba Auliya. After listening to  him, he said, I will present this case before God and God willing, the kid will be released.

The proceedings of the case continued for many years and finally the case came to an end and the kid was released. A party was thrown to            celebrate the success. Iqbal Mohammad, who was also invited there, in an attempt to make his friend aware of his mentor's exaltation, said, "You see God acceded to my mentor's prayers and the child is    released."

His friend, in a mocking tone said, "Not your mentor sir, this happened because I spent hundred thousand Rupees on the case." Mr. Iqbal        didn't like that and left the party. He related this thing to Mr. Badar. Mr. Radar used to visit Qalander Baba Auliya before going to his office. He mentioned this- thing before Qalander Baba Auliya. Hearing it Qalander Baba Auliya got enraged and said, "What does he mean? Money is everything. God is nothing. Now see how money saves."

Within days the case re-opened and all that he possessed was spent on the case in their attempt to save the child but to no avail.

            Whenever Mr. Badar narrates this incident, he has tears in his eyes and wishes had he not mentioned it to Qalander Baba Auliya.

Polio Cured

Mr. Javaid has a garments shop in Lalukhait. His son had polio. He came to Qalander Baba Auliya along with his child and put him on the cot. Qalander Baba Auliya saw the child and told about      a shrub to be boiled in water and let the legs stay in  the steam of that water.

He did as was told and the child was all right. But the strange thing is that Mr. Javaid cannot recall the name of the shrub nor can recollect its  shape. Whenever he sees any polio affected child, he sighs, had he noted down the name of that shrub.


Missing cap

Often the cap of Qalander Baba Auliya was found missing, he expressed his displeasure when    ever he would notice it. I asked him about the happening. He said, "Jinns take it away. I snub them but they don't care and just listen to the censure with lowered heads.

The Scar

Once when I was pressing the back of Qalander Baba Auliya, he felt pain. Upon lifting shirt saw a slitting wound about 4, 5 inches in     length. I felt agitated and asked, "How and when did you receive this wound. He said, "I was passing through a narrow trench when I hit against the  pointing rock." It was quite late in the night so I couldn't arrange bandage for him. Seeing me anxious he said, "Don't bother we will see to it in the morning."

In the morning when I came to him with bandage, to my astonishment, there wasn't any wound not even the scar of the wound was there.

Rain-water turning into pearls

In a rainy season, sky was over clouded and it was lightening with thunders. Inside the room, my mentor was talking about the creative formulae. Knowing his temperament, I dared to say, "When a drop of water enters the sea-shell, it turns into a   pearl."

He asked me to fetch some rain water. I came out of the room and collected some rain water    in a cup. Qalander Baba Auliya took some water in a dropper and focused his gaze upon it. After a while when the dropper was pressed all the drops that fell from the dropper were pearls.

I used those pearls to make the collyrium. Whosoever used that collyrium, his eyesight improved unbelievably.


Degree of Japan

When Dr, Abdul Qadir, came to Qalander Baba Auliya for the first time he had two things in mind. One was that he wanted to go to Japan for his training in a diploma course of Woolen Spinning    Master. When he mentioned it to Qalander Baba    Auliya, he said, "What's the need to go to Japan, you are the Spinning Master!"

Then it happens the Japanese Master working in the Walica Woolen Mills left the job and  went back, and Dr. Abdul Qadir was appointed as         the Spinning Master in his place, where he worked       for a long time.

The other issue of Dr Qadir was that of his marriage. The girl with whom he wanted to marry was in India and after partition he didn't know of her where about, and was in search of her. After he mentioned it to Qalander Baba Auliya, he received a letter from the girl. She was in Lahore. The letter had come to him after eighteen years of their separation. He took the letter to Qalander Baba       Auliya. After seeing the letter, Qalander Baba Auliya said, "You go to Lahore, marry her there and go to Murree for your honeymoon, and return here."

When he reached Lahore on the given address, girl's father, who had rejected the proposal earlier, received him with open arms and took him to the girl. She told him that she won't marry him because she had TB. Dr Qadir, who was truly in love with her didn't shrink away and married her. After their marriage they were living happily. Then, in the eighteenth month of their marriage she passed away.

This is one of the mysteries of nature that he had to depart from his love only after eighteen months of togetherness for which he had waited for long eighteen years. This incident left him in such a   state of shock that he lost interest in the world. The mental focusing and concentration which he had in his love for his mate converted into his love for his mentor; Qalander Baba Auliya. This brought him so close to Qalander Baba Auliya, that duality between them abolished.

When this tragedy took place Dr. Qadir was a well to do person. He was a very tasteful person. Had a wide wardrobe, over 150 ties were there to add to his grace but when he changed, after this     tragedy, he distributed all these things to others and put on the ordinary kurta lungi. He has been blessed by Qalander Baba Auliya and now his, one of the distinctive member of Silsila-e-Azeemia.

Mouthful of Blood

Late in the night there was a knock on the door. When I answered the knock, I found two men standing on the door. They pleaded for an interview with Qalander Baba Auliya. I told them, "At this hour of the night he doesn't see anyone."

One of them opened his mouth. It gave me shivers. It was full of blood. He spitted it on the  ground and said, "Please!"

I took them to Qalander Baba Auliya. He    opened his mouth and it had filled with blood in the can time. They told upon enquiry that he was suffering from this disease for the last one week. Doctors give him the blood and he spits it away. Just a while ago he was given a bottle of blood and I bought him here.

Qalander Baba Auliya paused for a moment and said, "Take a piece of an old jute rug and put it fire. When the rug starts burning cover it with lid. When the rug is turned into ashes, grind it and mix honey in it and let him have this honey three times a day."

They both left after saying thanks. I thought them and felt sorry for them and wished that I had taken their address so that I could have known   the result. Then, on the fourth day, they both came with a box of sweets and a rose garland for Qalander Baba Auliya, as a token of their gratitude.


Bu Ali Shah Qalander '

When Qalander Baba Auliya used to work in the monthly Naqqad, it became my routine to go to Qalander Baba Auliya in his office in the evening and would escort him to my but near Rattan Talab, all friends would gather there and a meeting would take place. Once when I came home at noon, Zubair Alunad Ansari told me that Qalander Baba Auliya   and two others are in the room and the door is bolted from inside. I thought of serving them with a cup of tea so I lit the stove, put the water on it and went out buy milk. When I returned with milk they    all were gone. I felt sorry for missing them and that I couldn't serve them. Anyway, when in the evening, I went to Qalander Baba Auliya, I said, "I wanted to serve you tea but you left. And, who were with you, sir?"

He said, Bu Ali Shah Qalander and Khwaja Moeenuddin Chishty had come to discuss few      things about law.

Till date I feel sorry that I missed the occasion of seeing those two great saints. Had I sent Zubair for the milk, I would have been blessed with an opportunity of meeting them.

Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai

Qalander Baba Auliya used to go to one of our friends, Mr Muzaffar, on every Sunday evening. Mr. Muzzafar was the Sales Director in Brook Bond Co. people would gather at his residence and   Qalander Baba Auliya would listen to their problems and had discussions with them. May God bless Muzzafar, he really served Qalander Baba  Auliya very well. Once it was decided to visit the mausoleums of Lal Shabaz Qalander and Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai. When we reached the    mausoleum of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai and all went in, Qalander Baba Auliya went to adjacent mosque, where in the corner Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai was  sitting in his physical form. Qalander Baba Auliya shook hands with him and said, "Shah Sahib, there   are others as well and they will be frightened." With these words I saw him vanishing into thin air.

Water turned bitter

Once Qalander Baba Auliya was explaining    laws of creation by defining the increase and    decrease of quantities in waves and their     interactions, undulations and exchange, and that     how does the creations are taking place and that      how does the creations undergo a change with the change in the quantities. And, that all things are    made of the warp and weft of these waves. When the nooric waves descent, light is created and   different manifestations come into being. Matter, in fact, is a combination of light waves. While he was giving example he mentioned salt and the lights operative in the salt, I submitted, "Does it mean that the waves similar to that operative in salt remain  active in man, they keep on coming and are storing  and are spent?"

Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Khwaja Sahib, salt keeps on excreting through the pores of human body and it is not spent according to the quantities, it results into high blood pressure and when it is spent more than the quantity, low blood pressure is the result."

I went out and brought a bowel of water and said, "Sir, if the salt excretes from the pours, it means putting the fingers in the water would make it salty."Qalander Baba Auliya dipped all his five

fingers in that bowel and after a while, told me to taste it.

When I tasted it, it was salty and bitter like the water of the sea.

Spiritual treatment of tumor

Once a lady came from UK and told Qalander Baba Auliya that doctors have diagnosed


tumor in her abdomen and because that she cannot bear children. She said she was a very contended  person but her husband, for the sake of children, is determined to go for the second marriage. After    saying this, she started crying and during her sobs he place her head upon Qalander Baba Auliya's chest, who was lying at that time. Her tears not only oaked his shirt but affected his heart too.

He rose and told her to lie down. Recited something and blew upon his finger and crossed 'Where she had indicated the tumor. When doctors tested her, they report that there wasn't any tumor.  And then, God blessed her with children. This is about seventeen year since that event.


Metaphysical or Paranormal

Proclaimer of  Reality, Qalander Baba Auliya says, "Metaphysical or paranormal feats or performing wonder-workings is not big deal. When someone's conscious system is over powered by his Unconscious system, such things start taking place which are uncommon and people start considering them as wonder workings, which is nothing but a conjuration. Spiritual knowledge and spiritualism is altogether a different thing. The paranormal or the under-working can be performed by one's own and it can be involuntary as well. Ability to perform metaphysical activities can be activated by practice and exercises.

Qalander Baba Auliya - An Introduction



To that young generation that would 6ring an end to the dark shadows of grief and fear by acquainting mankind- with peace and tranquility after equipping itself with the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya…. and man would- able to enter the heaven after reclaiming his eternal distinction.

A handwork of magic, this world of ours is

What to say, what this world of ours is?

Our creation is a clay toy,

And this entire world is a toy of clay

Just a word that became a story

A city turned into a wilderness

Time reflected in many forms, Azeem

I turned into dust, the dust into wine‑cup