

Before his demise Qalander Baba Auliya live just one cup of milk in 24 hours for eight months and too was stopped in his last three days. Whenever he was requested to have at least some water, he would forbid by moving his finger. Before one week he declared that he would not survive for more than a week. The day when he passed away, in the morning, he told his son-in law; Mohammad Jamil to stay at home and then at noon again said, you please stay with me,                    my feet have become lifeless. Three hour before his expiry he asked to see Khwaja Sahib. When he came asked him to shake hand with him. This he never said to anyone before that. Siraj Sahib asked for permission to leave one hour before he breath his last.              Qalander Baba Auliya said, "Ok, go now, but, do come in the morning."

No doubt Siraj Sahib served his mentor with great devotion and dedication. Once, when paradise was being discussed Qalander Baba Auliya said, I have seen the seal of Paradise upon the forehead of a              laundryman, and he is Siraj Sahib."

News of Qalander Baba Auliya's sad demise was published in the dailies Jung, Jasarat and Millat of Sunday 28th Jan 1979. January Issue of the Roohani Digest had been sent to the press for printing. Printing                  of the title was stopped and the news of Qalander Baba Auliya's sad demise was published in these words:

The world has lost that man, about people like him, God says, "I befriend my servants and become their ears, eyes and tongue and they hear, see and say and touch things through me."

When this issue of Rohani Digest got prepared, Qalander Baba Auliya Pattern-in-­chief of the monthly Roohani Digest set on his journey to hereafter.

Our hears bleeds, water is not stopping from the eyes, we are feeling stunned because such a dear friend of God Almighty has left us whose funeral was attended by millions of angels beside men. Holy Prophet (PBUH), Owais Qarni and Ghusul Azam Sheikh Abdu Qader Jillani                  were there to welcome their beloved son.

There was a multitude of the souls of Auliya Allah.


We have no other option but to be patient and have to have the courage to sustain this loss because God has stated that            everyone has to have the taste of Death.


On 27th January 1979 at 1.00 am, when the God • loving people stand before their Lord, Qalander Baba Auliya passed away to remain in the presence of his Lord forever. (Inalillahe wa ina ilahe rajeoon),              Verily we belong to Allah and unto Him we would return.


According to his will, Qalander Baba Auliya was put to rest in the piece of land owned by Azeemia Trust Foundation. When he was laid to rest, Caller was calling the faithful for the evening Prayer. '

Khanqah e-Azeemia

We have to take into consideration while we would be surveying the institutions of knowledge and excellence. These centers are named as Zavia or Khanqah. In the initial era of. Islam, these were the places                 where Sufis used to gather and perform Muraqbas and other spiritual exercises. Students were taught to make use of their insight and learn things which are not reported into books.

After relinquishing their conjectural knowledge aside, they would be pleased to ponder and meditate in the light of the instructions of their mentors. Thus, the Sufi Centers, in actual effect, were the centers of             learning where they would learn the spiritual science or the knowledge that is related to with the inner self of man and for which                 mind and soul needs to be purged.

After the invasions of Mongols, these centers of Sufis took a permanent for of the spiritual learning. After Mongol                  invasion no institution of society was able to undertake the Herculean task of reform and reconstruction except the Sufis that could be               called the fearless segment of the society.

Karachi is the largest city of Pakistan and the best of all her distinctions is that Qalander Baba Auliya lived here and has been laid to rest. If Lahore is proud to be the city of Data Gunj Bukhsh, Karachi can                   rightly be proud to be the city of Qalander Baba Auliya.

Mausoleum of Qalander Baba Auliya, in Shadman Town, is a source of                 inspiration for the people where people come to find peace of mind and solace for their anxious souls. God accede to the                              prayers of people who visit the shrine of the Friend of God to pay homage. They return with hearts filled with love and satisfaction.                     It is the place where the negative feelings cannot find their way into the hearts of the people.

Death Anniversary (Urs)

 27tH January is the day that is commemorated being the day of Qalander Baba Auliya's meeting with his Lord. He presented the teachings of Holy Prophet (PBUH) 'according to the needs of the                       modern times. People who have love for the friends of God visit his shrine and take his message far and wide.

The celebrations of Urs are commemorated in every Muraqba Hall, in                 the world but the main function is organized on 27th Jane at Markazi Muraqba Hall, Surjani Town Karachi and at the Mausoleum                    of Qalander. Baba Auliya, ST Sector 14-B, Shadman Town No.1, near Sakhi Hassan Bus Stop, Karachi.

Qalander Baba Auliya - An Introduction



To that young generation that would 6ring an end to the dark shadows of grief and fear by acquainting mankind- with peace and tranquility after equipping itself with the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya…. and man would- able to enter the heaven after reclaiming his eternal distinction.

A handwork of magic, this world of ours is

What to say, what this world of ours is?

Our creation is a clay toy,

And this entire world is a toy of clay

Just a word that became a story

A city turned into a wilderness

Time reflected in many forms, Azeem

I turned into dust, the dust into wine‑cup