When ignorance and infidelity are at their
peak and the darkness is engulfing everything, God; in His• infinite Mercy
would send His Prophets to guide mankind and tell them that Godly Guidance is
the most basic and primary need of man. And, this is the main source that tells
us how did the universe come into existence, what creative formulae are
operative in its creation, why did Creator create Adam, where he was before
coming to this world, where does he go after living here, how have been the
earth, the sun, the moon and other celestial system created and what are the
methods of perambulating the
extraterrestrial systems?
Form Adam to Christ, man's conscious'
evolved to the stage whence the need of solving social, cultural, economical
and political problems was, duly recognized. God sent Holy Prophet (PBUH) to
satiate man's desire to further evolve his mental horizon. He very clearly
instructed to have guidance from the Divine Revelation; the holy Quran and told
that this Book would guide you to the straight path that would take you on an
exalted position. He said, "God has sent me on the mission of making human
relations equitable and just and service of God the pivotal of our lives, so
much so that nothing could be enjoined with Him."
Every human being is correlated with other
human being only because of the interactions of the waves of life. A gathering
of happy people is turned gloomy if even a single man starts crying, why?
Because humans are .linked together like
the links of a chain and if even a single link is weak the entire chain suffers
weakness. And, if one link is taken away the chain requires mending. God says
in the holy Quran, "Hold together the rope of God, stay united and do not
Unity makes the Past grand, Present the
enjoyable and the Future the bright. Since God's ways do not suffer alterations
therefore when Holy Prophet (PBUH) passed away, a chain of people of his
legacy was set in.
These are the people about whom God has proclaimed, "Indeed, the Friends
of God have no fear nor do they grieve."
Auliya Allah after equipping them with the
Presented Knowledge shouldered the responsibility of guiding their fellow beings.
It is only because of them that we hear about the Oneness of God and see glimpses of the Presented
.Qalander Baba Auliya says, "Holy Prophet
(PBUH) is that beloved man of God whom God blessed with His un-parallel association
and anyone claiming to be his follower and not having a reflection of his great qualities and
spiritual values in him, is actually disrespect and disregard for him.
How can the one who himself is not a
cognizer, make others to know God? What charity can he offer, who himself is penniless?
He told us that if we are safe from the
storms of infidelity, it is only because of that voice of Azan (Call for
Prayer), which we let a child hear after his birth. It lets the
child have the impression inscribed upon
the screen of his mind that our Creator is Allah, the Almighty that provides us
with life and the sustenance to maintain
In every era, people desiring to know the
reality, get them associated with some cognizing saint, who takes them on the
paths of cognition, step by step. This thing gave rise to Silasil (Spiritual
In the light of general state of people with
the desire to know the reality, selected saints and sages of different
times, formulated
lessons and exercises to help them to see the light and go along the paths of
Physical and mental abilities of people
also differ, from man to man and time to time. There was a time when man was
physically stronger than today but didn't have the strong mental faculties. In
present times, people's
nerves have grown weak and they do not have much time to devote themselves to
carry on the austere exercises.
In the modern age of science something is
only acceptable to people when it is presented to them in a scientific manner in
a logical way in accordance with nature.
It is the mission of Silsila Azeemia to
make people considerate and thinking. Keeping the present situation in view;
the lessons of Silsila Azeemia are made simple and brief to let the people have
Azeemia silsila was founded by Qalander Baba
Auliya after having its approval by Holy Prophet (PBUH) in July 1960. Name of
silsila goes after the name of Qalander Baba Auliya.
Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi requested Qalander
Baba Auliya for
founding Silsila Azeemia. He forwarded his request to Holy Prophet
(PBUH). Holy Prophet (PBUH) was pleased to grant permission acceding to his
Silsila Azeemia encompasses both the soiritual
sections; Juzb (Raptness) and Salook (Spiritual Associability). Qalander Baba
Auliya; founder leader of Silsila Azeemia, patronizes 21 Silasil and is
Khanwada for the following eleven Silasil. Khanwada, in spiritualism, is the
person whom Imam of a Silsila
transfers his mind.
Qalandria: Zunnun
Misri (RA)
Nooria: Imam
Musa Kazim (RA)
Chishtia: Memshad
Dinwari (RA)
Naqshbadia: Sheikh Bahaulhaq
Naqshband Khwaja Baqibillah
Suharwardia: Abul
Qaher (RA)
Qadria: Sheikh
Abdul Qadir Jillani (RA)
Taifuria: Bayazeed
Bastami (RA)
Junaidia: Abul
Qasim Junaid Bughdadi (RA)
Malamatia: Zunnun
Misri (RA)
Firdosia: Najumuddin
Kubra (RA)
Tajiya: Mohammad
Sughra Tajuddin alias Baba Tajudding Auliya Nagpuri (RA)
Spiritual Associate of Silsila Azeemia is toned
in the same way as is his natural inclinations are. There is no traditional
ways of mentor and disciple; interest and involvement are the only
prerequisites for a student who wants to benefit from Silsila Azeemia.
Since Qalander Baba Auliya is enjoying the
higher ranks of Qandariat, therefore, the overall tone of Silsila Azeemia is
also Qalandri.
Eternal Being keeps on producing such people
who teach about the instability and transience of the world. They are mission
oriented people. Their mission is to acquaint man with his Creator and inviting
him to have an established correlation with Him.
Gist of the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya
is Man has not been created only to strive for sustenance of life but the
actual purpose of his creation is to have self-realization and gets to now his
merciful benefactor; Holy Prophet (PBUH) because of his great favors we are a
fortunate nation and deviation from his teachings have rendered us an
unfortunate and bad nation.
Aims and
Objectives of Silsila Azeetnia
Aims and objectives of Azeemia Spiritual Order,
which are to be observed by all the members of this Order:
To serve
the Religious System by remaining on the Straight Path.
To strive
for advancing the Spiritual Mission of the Holy Prophet (PBUH after practicing
his teachings truthfully.
To serve
the creatures of God.
To invite
the people to acquire the religious knowledge besides learning the spiritual
and the modern sciences.
To help
people to have that thinking pattern through which they could be aware of their
Soul and the Spiritual Potentials.
To be
sympathetic and courteous with everyone, as much as possible, irrespective of
his caste, creed or color by considering the whole mankind a family.
Silsila Azeemia are as under:
maintain the spiritual distinction and identity in everything said or done.
To advance
in greeting irrespective of their age.
with the creatures of the Lord.
mutual differences in the Silsila.
Act upon
every directive of the Spiritual Teacher (Mentor) without having anything
against it in heart.
Never try to
prove the superiority of your Silsila by comparing it with any other Silsila
because all silasal are path to reach God.
causing trouble or nuisance should be expelled from the Silsila.
for chanting and cogitating must be practiced with punctuality. Avoid
carelessness in performing Muraqba.
Recite and
rehearse the holy Quran, give due consideration to the meanings of the text
10. Establish an affinity with God during
performance of Salaat.
11. Spiritual Associate or a student of any other
Silsila can be accepted in Silsila Azeemia as an apprentice (Talib).
12. Anybody who is already engaged in a silsila
cannot be admitted in the Silsila Azeemia because it is the law that a person
cannot have admissions in two silasal simultaneously.
13. No one can break away, after having admission
in the Silsila, therefore make no haste in getting admission in the Silsila.
Anybody desirous of admission in the Silsila must be clearly told to
carefully consider the option of taking admission because this bond is
14. People entrusted with a responsibility in the
Silsila should not call anybody their disciple. They should treat them as
friends and should address them as friend.
15. Anyone with authority in the Silsila should not
ensconce on a seat of distinction particularly made for him. Appearance and seating in the
public must be like an ordinary person.
16. Male, female, young and old; being the creative
masterpieces of the Lord Creator are all brethren and sisters for one another
with respect to Adam. Every one is equal; no body is superior or
inferior to others. Superiority only befits him who enjoys the
cognition of the ocean of the Attributes of God, who reflects the attributes of
the Lord Creator, is helpful for the fellow beings and nobody is hurt because
of him.
17. Don't let any doubt enter into your heart.
Anybody having dubiety cannot ever have cognition of the Lord. Doubt is the
most powerful tool of Satan through which he takes man away from his soul.
Getting away from the Spiritual Values closes all the gates of learning,
self- realization and cognition.
18. A painter paints a picture. First of all he
enjoys the painting himself. How can anyone else be impressed of his painting if he himself is
not satisfied with his own performance? Not only that the others will not be
impressed of
his efforts but he will also be ridiculed. Thus, the painter would fall prey to
restlessness, anxiety, and
uneasiness. Therefore, do such things that you should be satisfied of
them and don't let your conscience grow dead. This is the
secret for becoming a source of guidance to the others.
19. Everyone should strive wholeheartedly and
actively in the affairs of life, giving due consideration
to the religious values,
social and ethical and moral laws, without expecting desired results.
Results should be left upon God because man is only
a toy in the hands of circumstances. Man is forced to live his
life as the circumstances compel him. Indeed God is Omnipotent and encompassing
everything, He controls the circumstances and the situations can change as and
when He desires so. Observing the moral, social and religious values is mandatory
for every one during the course of earning of his livelihood.
20. If someone feels hurt because of you, apologize
irrespective of the fact that he is older or younger to you because greatness
lies in submission and humiliation.
21. If you feel hurt because of someone, pardon him
immediately because
vengeance by itself is a vice. The vengeful emotions only help in wrecking the
22. Fire of anger produces vibration in the blood
of the person getting angry and his nerves lose their vital energy, to wit, the vital force
of life is destroyed in causing harm to others. God does not like any harm
coming to mankind. God says, "God loves those who control their anger.
Remember, candle, burns
itself and sacrifices its life for others. The moths give up their lives as a
tribute to the sacrifice of the
Silsila Azeemia invites
the whole mankind to rally under the banner of "Hold tightly the rope of
God united and
don't have differences amongst you."
Let's resolve that we will
set an example by following the footsteps of Holy Prophet (PBUH), we will
spread his, mission in every nook and corner of the world and will strive to acquaint everyone with the ocean
of knowledge and realization contained by him. And, that we will have the
blessings of our Holy Prophet (PBUH) after equipping ourselves with our
spiritual potentials. Amen.
Qalander Baba Auliya - An Introduction
To that young generation that would 6ring an end to the dark shadows of grief and fear by acquainting mankind- with peace and tranquility after equipping itself with the teachings of Qalander Baba Auliya…. and man would- able to enter the heaven after reclaiming his eternal distinction.
A handwork of magic, this world of ours is
to say, what this world of ours is?
creation is a clay toy,
And this entire world is a toy of clay
a word that became a story
city turned into a wilderness
reflected in many forms, Azeem
I turned into dust, the dust into wine‑cup