
Tahajjud (Optional Prayer Between Isha and Fajr)

If one awakes after taking some sleep, one’s conscious becomes


strong enough and capable of easily accepting incitement from the world of the unseen. The Fajr Prayer is the first step towards forming a relationship with Allah and the Tahajjud Prayer is the last step towards becoming very close to the creator of the universe. This is the state of

اَلصَّلٰوۃُ مِعْراجُ الْمُؤْ مِنِیْنَ

(Prayer is the Ascension of the believer). The one who performs the optional (nafl) Prayers of Tahajjud ventures through the Heavens, and the world of the angels and jinns appears in front of him. The purpose of the programme of Tahajjud is to make one very close to Allah and to acquaint one with intimate knowledge of Him.


The optional Prayer of Tahajjud is the most effective way of gaining the nearness of Allah. Allah has given us divine inspiration through His beloved Prophet (pbuh) regarding the one who yearns to gain Allah's nearness through optional Prayer:- ‘I become his hands and he holds through Me, he walks through Me and he Sees through Me’. The Holy Prophet performed the Tahajjud Prayer as an obligatory Prayer.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.