

This era is an era of developed minds. Fifty years ago, something from a scientific point of view that a fifty-year old man did not know, today a ten-year old child knows. The availability of knowledge at this point is at its peak where man claims to have walked in space. The idea of transmitting thoughts a thousand miles away has now become a manifested reality, made possible by increasing and decreasing the wavelength of sound. Distances have thinned. A journey that used to take days and years to complete can now be accomplished within minutes and hours. Research has revealed to us that in a human brain there are millions of cells operating, and every cell with its full strength holds a creative ability within a human. Yes indeed! This era is an era of knowledge, scientific advancements and self-awareness. In this day and age a concept can only become accepted when it is demonstrated with an explanation in accordance with scientific formulae and the laws of nature.


The language and approach should be easy to understand and should touch the heart.


Spiritual Prayer has been written taking the above principle into account. I have tried to present this book by referring to the scientific meanings and the laws of nature to explain Asalātu Mehrāj-ul- Mumineen (Prayer is the Ascension of the Believer) so that the current generation caught up in western education can also take advantage of this book.


Spiritual Prayer, after manifesting the hidden treasures in the sea of knowledge and awareness, presents solutions to many issues, problems and cures for incurable illnesses. Prayer opens the doors to the unseen world for us. By performing Prayer correctly, conversing with angels can become an easy practice.


For people who are suffering from fear, insecurity and are inflicted with problems and grief, Prayer is an unbeatable cure. It is such a practice that if put into action correctly, we can regain our lost power and dignity once again and achieve an honoured rank within the category of flourishing nations. Regarding Prayer, it is important to mention here that a Prayer without the presence of heart becomes a source of deprivation on an individual basis and a source of downfall on a collective basis.


Chapter 30, Sūrah Ma’un states:


‘Ah, woe unto worshipers who are unaware of the reality and meanings of their Prayers.’


May Allah bestow upon the entire Muslim nation, divine guidance to correctly establish Prayer. And according to the words of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), (Asalātu Mehrāj-ul-Mumineen), grant us intimate knowledge of Allah through Prayer. (Ameen)


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.