
Having a Bath (Ghusl)

وانْ کنْتمْ جنبا فاطھروْا وَاِنْ کُنْتُمْ جُنُبًا

(Surah Ma'idah, 6) ‘And if ye are unclean, purify the whole body’

Having a bath becomes obligatory after the menstrual cycle, childbirth, sexual intercourse and wet dreams.


It is a Sunnat to have a bath before putting on the pilgrim robe to do Umra or Hajj and to stand on the plain of Arafat.


It is desirable to have a bath on Shabrāt (The fifteenth night of the month of Shabān), on the night of Arfah, when performing the optional Prayer during a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse, for offering Namaz- e-Astasqa, before entering Makkah Mazma or Madina Manwara, after giving a dead body a bath, after taking on Islam and at reaching the age of puberty for males and females.


The method of having an obligatory bath is as follows:-

Firstly, wash the hands, then the private parts and where there are impurities or filth. After this, perform ablution and then pour water over the head in a way that it falls over the whole body. It is obligatory to fully rinse the mouth, put water in the nose and pour water over the entire body once when having a bath.


It is a Sunnat to wash off any filth or impurities from the body, make intention before having a bath, wash the hands up to the wrists, perform ablution before having a bath and pour water over the entire body three times. It is not necessary to perform ablution after having a bath.


If any obligatory action is left out while having a bath the terms and conditions of having a bath remain unfulfilled. Whilst having a bath it is important to take care not to leave any place dry, not even a place equivalent to the size of a hair.



Women's Bath


If the hair is dirty it is obligatory to soak all the hair and make sure that water reaches all the roots. If the water does not reach the roots the bath remains incomplete. If the hair is not dirty it is compulsory that water reaches all the roots although soaking all the hair is not compulsory. If the water cannot reach all the roots without untying the hair then it is important to untie it and wash it.


A nose ring, earrings or rings, should be properly moved about so that water can reach there.


If there are hair products on the hair, lipstick on the lips or any other adornment or make-up on the face, it should be washed off properly so that water can reach there, or else the bath will remain incomplete and invalid.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.