
Disclosure of the Unseen

After offering the Tahajjud Prayer یَامُھَیْمِنُ (Ya Muhayminu) one thousand (1000) times and then meditate. This will disclose the unseen world to one. Lost things come in front of one's eyes if one wishes to find them. Reciting this Name of Allah 1100 times daily is Istikhārah. By the grace and mercy of Allah within three days the correct answer will become known to one. Before going to sleep at night offer two rakats of Nafl Prayer and recite یَامُھَیْمِنُ Ya Muhayminu eleven hundred (1100) times. Keep repeating in the heart what one wishes to know and fall asleep in this state.


Spiritual Prayer


Mehrāj means to enter the world of the unseen. When a believer attains Mehrāj through prayer, Angels appear in front of him. He travels through the Heavens, and through the blessings of the Holy Prophet (pbuh) he comes to know his Lord.