Spiritual Healing

For Post Delivery Complaints

After delivering most of the women fall prey to various complications. In order to save the mother from any complications of post-delivery confinement period write the following charm on a butter-paper with yellow ink and tie it in the cord made of blue cotton threads. In order to make the cord take eleven strings of blue cotton thread each of them equaling to the height of the mother length. Give two or three folds to all these eleven strings together to obtain a cord which could be worn round the neck after tying the charm and making eleven knots in it. For making knot in this cords recite  رَحِیْمْ  یَا اَللّٰہُ  یَا مُرِیْدُ three times and make a knot in the cord. Blow in the knot. Again recite the same 3-times and make a knot blowing in the knot. Thus make eleven knots in the cord with equal distance between them.

          When the confinement period of forty days is over and the mother takes the ceremonious bath take off this charm and burry it in the ground.


Spiritual Healing


All the stages of man's life are lived in small fragments of time equaling to a tiny fraction of a second, Whole life of man, even if exceeds hundred years, keeps on dividing into these fractions of time called moments. It is worth considering that in order to live this life man keeps on joining these fractions of tune in his mind and the very same fragments are put to use. In our thinking which resembles a whirl-pool of fragments of time either we advance from one segment of time to another or revert back from the one to another one.