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Recovering Lost Child:
Write the following on a piece of thick paper or sheet of silicone and bury it under a heavy stone. Wait at least for three days....
Getting frightened during sleep
Thinking all the time results in wastage of lights (energy) responsible for proper functioning of nervous system and this thing results in weakness of the pail of the brain which is responsible for handling conscious stimuli. In this situation ni...
Deaf and / or dumbness
Deafness and/or dumbness whether the result of a disease or is by birth, can be cured in the following manner.When the child/patient is asleep at night. Stand at the right side, towards the head of the sleeping patient recite كهٰيٰعْص...
Guarding against the evil eye:
Children who are healthy, smart, cheerful, charming or good witted usually fall prey of evil eye. Although it appears strange, it has been observed that looks of mother, father, brother and sister also affect the child. A child suffering from the...
Write on a piece of paper to make an amulet and make the child to wear it. By the grace of God child will be safe from the troubles of teething period.
Worm infestation
To cure infestation of worms whether these are hook worms, tape worms or any other type recite Surah Kusar 3 times and after blowing upon a half glass of water make the patient to drink this water. In addition to this blow upon the belly after re...
To cure obstination in a child treat as suggested for Marasmus.
Habit of clay eating: (Pica)
Many women develop the habit of eating clay. Sometimes children too fall prey to this habit. This causes various diseases and ailments. Recite 3 times and blow upon a cup of milk and make the child to drink this milk. Within 11 days th...
Bedwetting (Enuresis)
Sometimes children keep on wetting their beds even after the age of infancy. To treat this recite the following words of the Holy Quran in such audiable voice that it may not disturb the child in his/ her sleep. This is to be recited when the chi...
Whooping Cough
Write the following on a white porcelain plate with ink made of yellow food-colour and water. Rinse the plate with water and make the patient to drink it. This is to be continued for 11 days once in the morning and once in the evening.
Pain in the ear
Recite قُلْ أَعُوذُ بِرَبِّ الْفَلَقِ 3-times and blow on a spoonful of water or milk and make the child to drink it. Repeat if pain to not subsided.
Pneumonia and Pleurisy:
Write the following incantation on a White porcelain plate with ink made of saffron and boiled water Rinse the plate with milk to wash the inscription and make the...
(Children Diseases) Marasmus:
Symptoms of Marasmus in children include getting frightened during sleep, crying and weeping for no reason, trembling, scratching oneself or others, suffering from fever intermittently without any cause for it, weakness or sickness of any sort by...
Typhyoid, scarlet fever, malaria measles
With ink made from yellow food- Colour in water writes the following incantation on a white porcelain plate. Rinse the plate with adequate amount of water. For adults, one tablespoon and for childre...
Intermittent Fevers:
Write قُلْنَا یٰنَارُ کُونِی بَرْدَاوَّ سَلٰمًا عَلیٰ اِبْرَاھِیْمَ ۙ On a piece of berry-wood or butter paper. Fold and tie it in a piece of white cloth, and make the patient to wear it around the neck. When the patient...
Fever Ordinary Fever:
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِھُوَاللّٰہُ الْخَالِقُ الْبَارِیُ الْمُصَوِرُ لَہُ الْاَسْمَآ ءُ الْحُسْنٰی ؕ on a piece of paper and without wrapping it in cellophane fold and tie it white piece of cloth and wear t...
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