Jansher and Mohammad Sardar from Rawalpindi
Imagination in the exercises suggested by
you bear a significant importance. What is actually meant by imagination? Do we
have to suggest ourselves that we are beholding an ocean of light and the whole
world is submerged in it, as is done in autosuggestion or something else is meant
by it.
Answer: It is one of our routines that we
go to the market or the office. When we reach there if somebody asks us:
"What did you see on your way?" Well very naturally we will be
telling him we didn't notice much. This tells us that if we are not fully
attentive to our surroundings we remain ignorant as to what, how and when
something occurred. This example clarifies that if we are attentive to
something it has some value otherwise it has no importance at all. We can only
perceive something when we are attentive to that thing. On our way to office we
see so many things but since we seldom pay attention to them we hardly allow
them to leave lasting impression on our memory. So, it is the law that when we
pay attention to anything the meanings of that thing appear on the screen of
our mind otherwise it remains beyond our comprehension.
When we study something which is
interesting, because of our interest in that we lose track of time and many
hours pass by.
When we notice that we had been studying this
book for the last two or three hours we find it difficult to believe but since
the Watch is telling us so we are constrained to believe.
Contrary to this when we study a book whose
contents do not match with our interest we feel bored and even the study of ten
minutes appear to be lasting for hours. This starts causing dullness and
finally the book is abandoned unread.
Another law that can be deduced from this
example is that if besides concentration our interest is also there then the
task becomes easy.
As far as the interest is concerned if we
try to understand it, it would be better to determine its limits. Interest,
like every other thing of the cosmos also has two aspects. Taste for something
and fondness or the predilection. This is to say on one hand curiosity to know
or the quest to find the meaningfulness and on the other predilection to
acquire something resulting from that quest and curiosity. When someone adopts
a path with predilection and tastefulness the yielding results are always positive.
(To have the best results and for taking
full advantage of these exercises of imagining light, it is necessary that one
should be so absorbed in imagining that he should be forgetful about)
The purpose of imagination in the exercises
of telepathy is that one should have ability to focus one's mind
concentratively with predilection and tastefulness which would eventually
result in acquiring the innate knowledge. Since this knowledge is not found in
books therefore for learning this knowledge such methods are essential which
are superior to those in practice. Soul, in fact, is the light and the
spiritual sciences are also light. The knowledge of a very subtle light and
waves can be transferred through light and waves only.
When we attempt to imagine the light the
waves of light, or to say, the lights of spiritual science start transferring
to our mind according to our taste and fondness. His surroundings. His
lostfulness must be so complete that the ties of spatio-temporal
Restrictions should start cracking. That
is, one's engrossment should be such that the feeling of passage of time does
not bother any longer. Just as one loses track of time when an interesting book
is read.
It is of vital importance to understand
regarding the imagination that if you are exercising to imagine me light then
do not try to see or visualize any particular type of light. Just try to think
about light. Whatever the actual form of the light is it will come before you
The basic purpose is to have concentration by
focusing your attention in a particular direction on any one point and to get
rid of scattered thoughts after that the innate knowledge of the soul starts
transpiring on the mind step by step. Generally that
state which is called absent; mindedness is achieved which is very close
to that which is intended to be explained.
In a bid to imagine something when we try
to visualize it after having Its Imaginative picture in our mind this process
does not come within the purview of mental concentration. By concentratively
focusing means that one must become oblivious of seeing or hearing anything
It is the law of nature that man cannot be
detached from his senses nor can he transcend from his sense even for a
fraction or a moment when the conscious senses are not prevalent upon us, the
unconscious senses take over after becoming activated. And having acquaintance
with the unconscious senses is the cognition and gnosis of meta-physical
During the exercises of meditation or
muraqbah we are required to ponder over something so engrossedly that we become
oblivious of our surroundings. This would enable us to be free from the
spatio-temporal restrictions. When we are busy in contemplation and the
realization of time is not there we start our journey into the unseen realm.
In the exercises of Meditation we are
usually told that we have to imagine something. When we imagine we are required
to imagine so absorbedly that we should lose our contact with the phenomenal
realm around us. If the absorption is not there the exercise of imagining
anything would remain incomplete. Initially, the exercises of Meditation are
done with closed eyes but in later stages one become such an expert in
imagining any particular thing that it could be done even with open eyes.
This is the stage which is known as the
activation of the third eye. This third eye is the inner eye and has nothing to
do with the physical eyes. This is the same eye which is also known as the
spiritual eye.
This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted
friends who want to reach the pinnacle of
humanity through service to mankind and to
those scientists who would adorn the Earth
anew after 2006 A.D.
His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya
writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of
Tajuddin Baba Auliya).
"Human beings are conversant with the
act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with
predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is
a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves
of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a
slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading;
understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the
same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing
any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also
converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing
between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees,
but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid
for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate
with one another exactly in the same style."