Comprehension and understanding of affairs
and activities of the unseen realm are usually considered to be something
mysterious and inexplicable. There exists many fallacies about the witnessing
of the affairs of the unseen realm. Whenever there is any discussion on this
subject mostly the reaction of the people is that it is not possible for man to
observe and witness the affairs and activities of the unseen realm. Usually the
attitude of the people is to ignore or just to express surprise when someone
tries to share one's experiences and findings in this context.
According to parapsychology everyone has
been gifted with the faculty of observing and witnessing the metaphysical
phenomena. This is altogether a different thing whether one uses it or not.
Every man and woman enjoys the ability to observe, perceive and understand the
affairs of the preternatural unseen world. The only condition is to make use of
this gifted ability. It is our own fault if we are ignorant of the methods to
exercise this faculty.
The students of metaphysical sciences know
it well that there are two minds functioning simultaneously in man. One is that
mind which is responsible for perception of the conscious senses, the senses of
the material world. It perceives those senses which remain incarcerated in time
and space limitations. This mind is termed as the conscious mind.
The other is the unconscious mind
responsible for perception of those senses which are independent of time and
space restrictions and capable of perceiving the metaphysical realities. We are
familiar with the first mind i.e. the conscious mind. But, our acquaintance
with the unconscious mind is far behind than it is actually required. We have
yet to explore ways to familiarize ourselves with the working pattern of the
unconscious mind.
It has been discovered by me spiritual
scientists that sugar and sweetness produce gravity and help in constructing
the conscious senses. And the quantities present in salt activate the
unconscious senses. Sweetness and sugar develop the conscious which is required
for living and comprehending the phenomenal world of matter. The salt activates
that mind which has been termed as unconscious and works in comprehension of
the metaphysical realm. It has been experienced that the unconscious mind of
those is more active whose intake of a salt is more than the sugar as compared
to those whose sugar intake is more than the salt.
When I came to know about this law that
salt activates the unconscious I decided to experiment it on myself so I
stopped taking sugar. I experienced weakness and depression in first 2-3 weeks.
After few weeks I started settling down and
became used to this state of mind. The weakness reduced but the fits of
irritation and a state of unpleasantness kept on prevailing. After two months I
started feeling that my body has become light and delicate.
Here I should be telling dial besides
giving up sugar and sweet foods I kept on practicing the exercises for mental
When the salt level of my blood increased
due to abstention from taking sugar, I Started experiencing preternatural
things. The brick walls began to appear thin as if they were made of paper.
More depth in concentration resulted in emancipation from spatio-temporal
restrictions. Once, when I was sitting alone absent-mindedly, to my surprise, I
noticed that the distance between floor and the ceiling does not exist
altogether. When I tried to touch the ceiling I touched it easily, or to say,
the distance between the ceiling and the floor had been abolished for me.
An endless chain of dreams started in the third
month of my sugar program. The dreams used to become true sometimes the very
next day. Once I saw that my sister is sick and is in great pain. After
awakening I -wondered because only the previous night I was with her and she
was all right. After a little while news came that my sister had suddenly
fallen sick and she has been hospitalized. On another occasion I saw that I am
in receipt of a letter from one of my friends.
Then I saw that I am on a platform of a
railway station where I am looking for someone. After awakening, at about 11
a.m. I received a telegram announcing the arrival of one of my friends with
whom I had lost contact some twenty years ago. And the next day I was receiving
him on a platform of the railway station just as seen in the dream.
Then the form of my dreams changed and I
started seeing that I am flying in the air just like birds even moving my hands
like the birds. Sometimes I used to fly at such an altitude which was scaring.
Then I also experienced that in my dreams, I had been seeing the far off
places, meeting with different people and eating delicious and sweet fruits and
the taste of the eaten things in dreams used to persist even after awakening.
When six months of sugar abstention were completed I started witnessing the far
off things even during the state of wakefulness. I could see the things present
at long distances.
Once, for instance, I started thinking
about one of my friends who was residing in Switzerland. Then all of a sudden I
found that I am present in the house of my friend, in Switzerland. I was
witnessing the house, the rooms, the decorations and the other articles just as
if I could have witnessed them physically. Now, this was quite a unique
experience for me. I wrote a letter to my friend and sent him a rough sketch of
the house witnessed in my imagination.
The sketch contained the number of rooms in
his house, their measurements. The position of various articles was also
indicated in that sketch. The reply of my friend was even more astonishing. He
had stated that all the details given by me were perfectly right. He had
written, after expressing his astonishment that I had described in such detail
which was not possible even for himself, if he had been asked to give.
On completion of ninth month of abstention
from sugar I started experiencing that the thoughts of the person whosoever
comes in contact with me are transpired on the screen of my mind and I could
easily read the mind of the other person. I could describe what one had on his
mind. One day my father after coming back from the mosque scolded me for not
going to the mosque for prayer. I apologized and promised to be careful in
future but his reproach continued. Then all of a sudden, it flashed to me that
when my father was saying his prayer, at that time he was in fact, calculating
about the money spent on the repairs of the house. I simply couldn't resist and
told him, "Of what use is that prayers in which one is calculating the
expenses of repairs." I felt very strange when he admitted that he was
calculating the expenses of the repairs.
These few examples clearly show that
abstention from taking sugar helps in liberating one from time and space
This also is the reason that the exercise
suggested for teaching telepathy are supplemented with this direction that the intake
of the sugar should be reduced considerably.
Experiments have confirmed that excess of
the salt contents in blood helps in emancipation from the grip of the conscious
senses. This also is in our experience that when salt is not taken in our diet,
we suffer from various ailments. Normally, the use of salt and sugar results
diseases and anxiety.
Abstention from taking sweetness or sugar
activates the sub-conscious but since man is not accustomed to living with the
activities of the subconscious, therefore, it results in so many
complications. Thus, it is necessary that intake of sugar should not be reduced
on your own.
If during the course of learning the
metaphysical sciences, abstention or reduction of the salt or sugar is desired,
it should not be done, unless it is advised, or at least, permitted by the
Only a teacher knows, when some exercises
should be practiced and when not.
Those who practiced the reduction of sugar
intake under the supervision of a teacher have reported that this exercise
helped them in liberating from the spatio-temporal restrictions, enabling them
to witness the far off things, see the incidents of the remote past or that of
the future and observe the activities, taking place at the preternatural level.
Here, it seems necessary that it should be pointed out that activation of the
unconscious is not spiritualism. It only helps to comprehend the realities,
existing at that level. Activation of the unconscious do help in exploring the
potentialities of the soul but this is not the end of the road.
Fasting in the month of Ramadan is that
program given by our religion which is aimed at the control of salt and sugar
intakes which finally enables us to get our unconscious activated.
Telepathy is basically aimed at transference
of thoughts without any obligation of any medium, Extinction of medium means
that the spatio-temporal distances existing between two individuals vanish.
As it has been said earlier, thoughts are
light. A light which is independent of time and space. Since we are not
accustomed to communication without using mediums therefore for achieving this
thing we are required to practice concentratively.
There are many exercises suggested for the purpose,
for instance, gazing the candle, or mirror, staring at circle, gazing in the
dark, staring at a photo negative, sun sighting, moon sighting or looking at
water etc.
This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted
friends who want to reach the pinnacle of
humanity through service to mankind and to
those scientists who would adorn the Earth
anew after 2006 A.D.
His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya
writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of
Tajuddin Baba Auliya).
"Human beings are conversant with the
act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with
predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is
a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves
of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a
slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading;
understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the
same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing
any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also
converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing
between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees,
but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid
for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate
with one another exactly in the same style."