Shamim Ahmed from Lahore has written:
I have studied almost every important work
of eastern or western writers on occult and metaphysical sciences, all the
writers have written about the exercises
of candle gazing, mirror gazing and staring
at the circle giving details of the ensuing results of these exercises duly
supporting them with experiences of people in this regard. Scholars have dealt
with the subject in the light of psychological and physical laws as well. But
the theory of yours about telepathy is unique and different from theirs. I
think no other author has ever. Mentioned anything like breathing exercises and
imagining the ocean of light in the context of telepathy. As far as peace of
mind is concerned, which is a prerequisite for learning this knowledge, can be
achieved by candle or mirror gazing. Would you please tell your readers what is
the importance of the breathing exercises and Muraqbah of light?
Answer: This cosmos is kinetic and in
continuous motion whether it is the micro-cosm or the macro-cosm.
When the study of motion associated with
life is attempted it is observed that life of living animals and plants is
based upon respiration and man is no exception to this law.
Flow of life is directly related with
breathing. As long as inspiration and expiration is there, life is there when
one stops inhaling the oxygen we declare him as expired.
With stoppage of breathing this phenomenal
life of this world also comes to an end. Breathing or respiration like every
other phenomenon of the universe is dual and bi-folded. Inhaling or inspiration
is its one side and the other is the exhaling or the expiration.
Inhaling, according to the spiritual point
of view, takes the man closer to his inner self or the soul and exhaling takes
him away from his inner self. When we inhale we become closer to our inner
self. Spiritualist calls it ascending movement. And when we exhale we are drawn
away from our inner self. This movement has been termed as the descending
Life keeps on oscillating between these two
movements. Emotion and sentiments, thoughts and imaginations, our every
activity and interest in various activities are there as long as the system of
respiration is there. Initially it was considered that only living animals
respire then man discovered that plants too respire.
And every species of plants and animals
have its own specific rate of breathing and this rate of breathing is directly
related with the rate of heartbeats. If, for instance, the rate of man's
heart-beat is 72 per minute than mis rate is not found in the goat or any other
living animal.
The impulses acting as heart-beat in plants
and inanimate objects are also related with their specific rate of respiration.
If somehow we could invent an instrument to measure the respiration rate of
plants and other inanimate objects it would be found that the rate of
respiration of plants is different than the rate of respiration of mountains
and the other inanimate and apparently non-living things.
Man respires I8 to 20 times a minute and a
mountain respires once in 15 minutes.
Every one of us knows it well that we
inhale and then exhale. Then this too is in our knowledge that the rate of
breathing in anxiety is different than the state of calmness and tranquility.
Similarly the rate of heart-beat and respiration when one is afraid is
different than the one when one is not.
As stated above respiration is a bi-folded
action. One is to inhale, that is, oxygen is absorbed and the other is to
exhale, that is, carbon dioxide is expelled. When we inhale the oxygen present
in the atmosphere is taken in where it bums like a fuel and then the waste
material produced during this burning is expelled through exhaling. And, this
chain of breathing in and out keeps on taking place as long as we remain alive.
According to the spiritual sciences and the statement of the Lord of the
worlds, everything comes from Him and returns to Him.
When we inhale we are linked with our inner
self, or to say, we are in a state of receiving something which is coming from
our Lord. And, when we exhale all our interests become attached with our
material body and the material world around us, or to say, our attachment with
the worldly senses is established.
Senses, too, are of two types. One type of
the senses is that in which we remain incarcerated in spatio-temporal
restrictions and associate us with this material phenomenal world. The other
type of the senses releases us from the spatio-temporal restrictions and the
worldly attachments.
These types of the senses prevail upon us
during the state of sleep or in a state similar to sleep. When we are in a
sleep-like state the conscious senses are negated and are released from the
time and space limitations. The senses that we experience during dreaming are
termed as nocturnal senses and the same are called as (the senses of) the night
by Allah the most exalted.
The other senses which are associated with
wakefulness are termed as the diurnal senses and Allah has termed them as (the
senses of) the day. During the nocturnal senses every creature is liberated
from the time and space and when the diurnal senses prevail every creature Is
incarcerated in spatio-temporal restrictions.
When we inhale we come closer to the
noctural senses, the senses which are required for cognition of the soul.
And, when we exhale we are drawn away from
the nocturnal senses and come closer to the diumal senses, the senses which are
made to comprehend this material world around us incarcerated in time and
When our attention is focused
concentratively on any point, whether our eyes are closed or not, the duration
of time for inhaling is increased, that is, our conscious attention is drawn
towards our soul or the inner self.
This is the reason behind the suggested
breathing exercises in metaphysical and allied sciences like telepathy. Through
breathing exercise one is drawn closer to his inner self. Acquaintance with the
inner self results in awareness of the latent potentialities of the soul.
And one starts experiencing the developed
will-power and the resulting benefits including the better understanding of the
affairs of the material world around us.
For learning the metaphysical sciences
powerful mind and strong nerves are required. For having the elastic nerves, active
mind and to enhance the working potential breathing exercises have proved to be
extremely Useful and beneficial. When one gets control over the breathing the
functional abilities of the brain tissues and cells are charged when the breath
is retained in the lungs and provides a better chance for activating the latent
Spiritualists have formulated various rules
and methods for breathing exercises which if practiced regularly benefit a lot
spiritually and physically. Waves of health and energy too enter the body
through respiration. If it is imagined when one is sitting in the open that waves
of energy and health are entering in his body with every inhale and are
absorbed in the body then in fact it starts happening so. Certain breathing
exercises purify the blood and accelerate the blood circulation, give boost to
mental faculties and cool down the emotional excitement. One can cure almost
any disease of one's self through the breathing exercises. Gastric problems,
stomach and intestinal ulcers, constipation, kidney's stones, headache,
epilepsy and other mental disorders, Ophthalmic ailments etc. etc. can be cured
with the breathing exercises.
Flu and colds, ailments of chest, throat
and nose are automatically cured when the breathing exercises are performed
punctually according to the curative methods. It has also been observed that
people who had adopted any particular breathing exercise as a routine of their
life stay fresh and cheerful like the youths even in their sixties and
seventies. They are seldom found depressed or worried and their skin too
remains wrinkleless even in the last stages of their life.
Those who happen to conduct their breathing
exercises punctually under the supervision of a teacher become able to exchange
their thoughts with other people. Such a power is produced in them that they
can communicate with people at far off distances telepathically. They start
transmitting their commands telepathically and become able to receive the
thoughts of the other people even if they are not expressed in words. But it
should also be remembered that for learning telepathy only breathing exercises
are not enough.
The antenna installed in our inner self is
able to transmit or to receive only when the mind is enriched with the ability
to focus its attention concentratively. This divine ability can only be made
functional and activated when we would learn to sink deep in the ascending
movement of our soul with our devoted attention and concentration.
We cannot make our access to the inner most
recesses of the universe if we are not aware and acquainted with the secrets of
the universe.
For making our entrance in the heavens and
the heart of the cosmos we have to have control over that phase of breathing
which is associated with the ascending movement. Inhaling deeply or taking the
oxygen into the lungs takes us closer to the unconscious and the emerging of
the breath or exhaling introduces us with the conscious. When the conscious
life is active the unconscious goes into the background. And, when the
unconscious life is active the movements of the conscious life become
The mysterious forces of mind can be put to
work only when the ascending movement of respiration is controlled by the
We have already stated that man is a convoluted
compound of lights. The basis of these lights is the Light (noor) of Allah, the
most high. Just as the breathing is related with life, the thoughts can also be
called life. In other words the breathing is directly responsible for the life
of thoughts.
Now if life is analyzed it would be
observed that thoughts are also of two type, just as low-thinking or the
degenerated approach whereas the other one is that direction which after
uplifting us from the low takes us towards high and sublime thinking. In
ordinary terms it is known as purity or brightness of thoughts or complexity
and darkness of thoughts. Purity of thoughts is associated with the thinking
approach if the thinking approach is pious; man is bound to live a peaceful and
profitable life. Peace and inner calm develop the concentrative abilities.
Contrary to it is the evil and dark approach which causes disappointment,
dejection, sorrow and miseries, which in turn after disturbing (he
concentration causes mental depression.
This thing can also be put in another way.
All (.he holy books and scriptures tell that man's actual creation took place
in the realms of Eternity. Man was sent to this world when he had committed the
act of disobedience.
The world where that phase of eternity
exists has been made unseen for him but he enjoys a hidden relationship with
that Unseen Realm. Man's existence in eternity, is related with man's soul.
Man's material body is composed of such senses which are confining and are
responsible for man's distance from his soul. When we inhale we get closer to
eternity and when we exhale we are drawn away from the eternity or to wit, the
exhaling is a veil drawn between eternity and the present life of ours. When
the breath is held in our lungs our relation with the eternity re-establishes.
The breathing exercises are included in the
lessons of telepathy so that man could get closer to his inner being, the Soul.
True success in metaphysical sciences is not possible if one is not close to
one's soul.
Generally those who desire to learn
telepathy have ambitions of material gains from this divine knowledge, so that
they could take certain advantages after influencing their medium. But there
are people who learn it, so that they could serve the creatures of Allah. For
instance, they could cure the patients by transferring their healthy thoughts
to them. Minds of the people learning this science works according to their
thinking approach.
For the purpose of mental concentration the
Muraqbah of light is suggested so that besides acquiring peace of mind and
inner calm, the thinking approach is also expurgated. The pious thinking
approach takes us closer to our soul and such sagacity is produced in man which
in terms of Sufism is called the thinking approach of Righteousness.
We have presented the states experienced by
the students of telepathy during the course of their practice of first
exercise; you must have noticed that the thinking of all these people has
automatically taken a bend towards the lights. And when someone is acquainted
with the lights not only his own life is adorned but he becomes a means of
relief for the sufferings of the creatures of Allah.
We are certain that our readers would be
bestowed with the thinking approach of righteousness with more developed
concentrative ability. And after equipping themselves with this pious approach
and learning telepathy they will be relieved of tension, anxiety, depression
and will become instrumental in serving the creatures of God.
This book is dedicated to those lively-hearted
friends who want to reach the pinnacle of
humanity through service to mankind and to
those scientists who would adorn the Earth
anew after 2006 A.D.
His Divine Grace Qalander Baba Auliya
writes in his valuable work 'Tazkira Tajuddin Baba" (An Account of
Tajuddin Baba Auliya).
"Human beings are conversant with the
act of 'articulation' from the very beginning. In talking, the sound waves with
predetermined meanings convey the information to the listeners. This method is
a duplication of that communication style which takes place between the waves
of Ego. It is a common observation that a dumb person conveys everything with a
slight movement of his lips and those who are versed with lip-reading;
understand everything which he desires to convey. This too, is a replica of the
same method. Animals convey their feelings to their fellows without producing
any sound. In this case, too, the waves of Ego are operative. Trees also
converse and communicate with one another regardless of the distance existing
between them. This conversation not only takes place amongst the nearby trees,
but the trees at far off distances also take part in it. The same law is valid
for the minerals as well. Stones, pebbles and the dust particles also negotiate
with one another exactly in the same style."