To David We gave Solomon (for a son), how
excellent in Our service! Ever did he turn to Us! (S: 38,V: 30)
Prophet (PBUH) told that Solomon’s mother had advised him, “Son don’t sleep all
the night, for sleeping most of the night deprives a man of his good deeds on
the Day of Resurrection.” Solomon was in the linage of Abraham through
gave him Isaac and Jacob: all three guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and
among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: thus do We
reward those who do good.
(S: 6,V:
Like David,
God blessed Solomon as well with special features and characteristics. God had
blessed David and Solomon with the ability of understating the birds’ and
animals languages We gave in the past knowledge to David and Solomon: And
they both said: "Praise be to God, Who has favored as above many of his
servants who believe!"
(S: 27,V: 15)
David had
other sons as well besides Solomon but they were desirous of possessing the
powers associated with the crown and the throne. Abu Solom, Solomon’s brother
who was more influential, conspired and revolted against his father. This
mutiny caused David to leave Jerusalem. Armies of the father and the son met in
the battlefield and after a fierce combat and many casualties Abu Solom was
killed and David returned to Jerusalem.
other son Odober, revolted when he had grown old and besieged the city. After
these two revolts David after consulting his ministers enthroned Solomon, who
after taking over as king forgave his brothers.
learning, prophet hood and kingdom bestowed upon Solomon as a heritage. God had
blessed him with understanding, reasoning, having righteous opinion, good
judgment and power of decision. An incident of his youth is reported in the
holy Quran, in these words:
remember David and Solomon, when they gave judgment in the matter of the field
into which the sheep of certain people had strayed by night: We did witness
their judgment. To Solomon We inspired the right understanding of the matter:
to each of them We gave Judgment and Knowledge; it was Our power that made the
hills and the birds celebrate Our praises, with David: it was We Who did all
these things.”
(S: 21,V: 78-79)
of a poor man grazed the fields of a farmer. He complained against the shepherd
and demanded damages. Case was referred to David. David gave the verdict that
since the price of the sheep is equal to the crop grazed therefore the sheep be
handed over to the farmer as compensation.
Solomon came to know of this decision he said to his father that in case of
execution of his judgment one party would be entirely in loss and the other
party would be benefited out of all proportions. And, with that he suggested
that it would be much appropriate that the shepherd should cultivate the land
till the crop is reaped and he should hand over the entire crop and the land to
the farmer and in the meanwhile the farmer might possess the sheep and use
their milk and wool till the crop is handed over to him.
dispute of two women was brought before Solomon. Both were claiming to be the
mother of an infant. One stated, “We both gave birth to our sons, one after the
other. A wolf took away the child of the other woman and she has picked up my
son declaring that wolf had taken my child and not her and this was her son not
mine.” Solomon after listening to both sides of the story ordered to produce
the child before him. Then, he handed over the child to the swordsman and told
him to cut the child in two equal pieces from head to toes and both the pieces
be given to both the claiming mothers.
hearing this strange decision the real mother of the child said in grieved and
tortured tone, “No, no, let this child be with this woman, she is the real
mother of this child.” Solomon thus identified the real mother and handed over
the child to his real mother.
the death of David, Solomon sat on the throne and governed with justice and
equity for forty years. He worked to improve the condition of his people and
established the writ of law. He spent three years in curbing the conspiracies
and rebellions. After making peace in the country; he strived to expand and
consolidate his empire. Because of his good governance, viable policies and
practical steps taken for the improvement of the condition of the common man,
people in the country became prosperous, their living standards improved and
there was abundance of resources, people had facilities and had food to
of Solomon’s government is considered to be the golden period. His empire
extended from Euphrates to Egypt of world cannot offer a single instance
matching that of the Solomon’ era whence so much progress, expansion and development
was made simultaneously in one single empire. One of the most distinguishing
characteristics of the Solomon was that God had blessed him with command over
was Our power that made the violent unruly wind flow tamely for Solomon, to his
order, to the land which We had blessed: for We do know all things. (S:
2l,V: 81)
And to Solomon We made the Wind obedient: Its
early morning stride was a month ’s journey, and its evening stride was a
month 's journey.
(S:34,V1 12)
We subjected the wind to his power, to flow gently to his order, whithersoever
he willed.
38,V: 36)
when he desired could make journey of one month’s time in the morning and one
month’s journey in the evening.
was the first ruler to have a fleet of ships. He was the pioneer in discovering
the ways and paths for ships and fleets. Fleets of ships were used for
transportation of the commercial goods. These ships were deployed with the best
engineers. One of such fleet was named as Tarsusi Fleet. This fleet voyaged from
the port of Rome to the western countries and completed its one voyage in three
years. It carried gold, silver, ivory, and cattle besides other merchandises.
Quran tells
us three things about Solomon.
1. Wind was
subjugated for him.
2. He could
command a storm to stop.
3. He could
command a breeze to move at wind’s pace to help in covering the distances of
many months in few hours.
his time excavation of copper from the mines was a known profession. He had
copper mines in 50 sq. mile area. There were thousands of furnaces to melt
copper ore and hundreds of thousands people worked there. There were factories
to refine copper and iron from the raw ores. Copper and iron were the major
export items of the country, which had made the country self sufficient in
foreign exchange reserves.
We made a Font of molten brass to flaw for him; and there were Jinns that worked
in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and if any of them turned aside from
our command, We made him taste of the penalty of the Blazing Fire. (S:
34,V: I2)
army had contingents of Jinns, men, beasts and birds. Every living thing obeyed
him. Jinns were used to recover pearls and corals from the sea and constructed
grand buildings for him. They also made utensils of copper for humans. Solomon
had the power to assign any work, which he desired them to do.
are that the Palace of Solomon was made of gold and silver bricks. Walls were
decorated with gold and silver. Roofs were embedded with rubies and emeralds.
The Royal Throne was decorated with pearls, emeralds, rubies, sapphire and
all the four comers of throne, such plants were carved from quartz that had
transparent branches, which emitted colorful lights. Nests with birds in them
were also there on those transparent branches. The sweet smelling wood of Oud
used as incense in the court. (Presently this wood costs Rupees 560,000/- per
kg.) Musk and ambergris were used as air fresheners. At the lower level from
the royal throne chairs for the courtiers were kept in rows and files. When
Solomon would come to the throne, with a crown on his head, the birds sitting
in the nests of the transparent branches of the carved trees open their wings
releasing aroma of musk and ambergris. Peacock decorated with dazzling colors
and ornaments danced to welcome him.
wall of the city of Jerusalem was constructed in his times; cantonments and
many new cities were built in his era.
had made his will that the construction of the Temple, which he could have not
got completed in his life because of political and strategic conditions, be
completed. Solomon desired to build a grand city around the Temple and that the
Temple too be reconstructed. He wanted to construct the city and the Temple
using stones of far away places. He ordered the jinns to bring beautiful large
stones for the construction of the Temple and the city. This great Temple
completed in seven and a half years. He placed the Ark of Covenant on a stone
pedestal especially constructed for the purpose.
worked for him as he desired, making arches, images, basins as large as
reservoirs, and cooking cauldrons fixed in their places: ”Work ye, sons of
David, with thanks! But few of My servants are grateful!”
(S: 34, V: 13)
cooking the charity feasts pool-size pots were made, Besides constructing the
Temple of Solomon and city around it, he constructed many other things some of
them were quite fascinating at that time.
of the evil ones (jinns), were some who dived for him, and did other work
besides; and it was We Who guarded them.
there were Jinns that worked in front of him, by the leave of his Lord, and If
any of them turned aside from our command, We made him taste of the Penalty of
the Blazing Fire. They worked for him as he desired, making arches, images,
basins as large as reservoirs, and cooking cauldrons fixed in their places:
"Work ye, sons of David, with thanks! But few of My servants are grateful!
(S: 34,V: 11-13)
before Solomon were marshaled his hosts, have Jinns and men and birds, and they
were all kept in order and ranks. (S:
27,V: I7)
Thousand men labored to construct the Temple of Solomon; about one hundred
thousand people were deployed to sculpture the stones into beautiful designs.
More than seventy thousand elephants and camels were used for the
transportation of stones. Thirty thousand people were cutting the stones from
the mountains. Many jinns were given the task of bringing precious stones and
gems and were diving the sea for pearls.
were six hundred and eighty four columns embedded with precious stones, in the
Temple and four thousand lamps were lit to light the Temple. Seven hundred
sweepers were responsible for the cleanliness of the Temple.
Solomon, along with his army of jinns, men and animals, was marching to reach
somewhere. In spite of the multitude of creatures of all sorts no one could
dare to be undisciplined and were walking in their respective ranks and
When the army reached a valley inhabited with
ants, Queen of the ants, seeing the great army ordered its subject ants to
enter their burrows lest they be crushed under the feet of such a huge army
before Solomon were marshaled his hosts, of Jinns and men and birds, and they
were all kept in order and ranks. At length, when they came to a lowly valley
of ants, one of the ants said: ”O ye ants, get into your habitations, lest
Solomon and his hosts crush you (underfoot) without knowing it."
So he smiled, amused at her speech; and he
said: ”O my Lord! So order me that I may be grateful for Thy favors, which thou
hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may work the righteousness
that will please Thee: And admit me, by Thy Grace, to the ranks of Thy
righteous Servants."
27,V: 16-19)
who could easily understand their language, picked up the queen ant and after
placing it on his palm asked her, “Tell me, whose empire is vast, yours or
mine.” The Queen said, “Only God knows who has a greater empire but I know this
that at the moment palm of King Solomon is my throne.”
Solomon was sitting in his court with all his decorum and grandeur, when he saw
woodpecker absent. He said, “I don’t see woodpecker, if its absence is without
any good reason I’ll punish him or slay it unless it comes with some sound reason.”
wasn’t long before that the woodpecker came and sated “I have brought a news
about which you know nothing. There lives a Queen in Sheba in Yemen. God has
given her everything. She has a great throne. She and her people are
heliolaters, Satan be cursed that has mislead worship the sun instead of God.”
was the Capital of Sheba. People of that area constructed dams upon the springs
to irrigate their lands. The biggest of all their dams was named Sad-e-karab.
They had fruit laden Orchards and gardens. When the people of Sheba
transgressed, the dam broke and they were destroyed. People of Sheba were rich
traders but they were infidels and worshipped idols. Sun was considered to be
the greatest of all gods.
Woodpecker stated the reason of its absence, Solomon said, “We’ll test your
story. Just take this letter of mine to the people of Sheba and wait and see
what do they say about this.”
the Woodpecker reached there with the letter of Solomon, Queen was leaving for
her daily sun worshipping. Woodpecker dropped the letter in her way. She picked
up the letter and after going through the contents, told her courtiers that she
had been delivered a letter in a strange manner, which reads, “This is the
letter from Solomon, in the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and Merciful. You
should not be transgressing and come to me submitting to God.”
reading out the letter to her courtiers, she said, “You know that I always seek
your advice in every important matter from you, you tell me what should we do
in this regard. Her courtiers replied, “No need to be impressed of this,
because we are strong enough to defend ourselves. As far any advice is
concerned you may take any decision, you’ll find us with you.”
said, “The way this letter is delivered upon me requires us to be careful while
we will be-dealing with Solomon. I think that an envoy with presents be sent to
the ambassadors of Sheba appeared before Solomon and presented the gifts sent
for him from Sheba, he said, “Take Your gifts back and tell your Queen that if
she will not accept my message, I’ll come to Sheba with my armies and you
people will not be able to combat and defend yourself from us.”
emissaries upon their return narrated the who1e situation before the Queen.
They related to her the grand scenes witnessed by them in the court of Solomon.
They also told her that he not only rules over men but he also commands the
jinns and animals. After listening to them she decided to go to Solomon in
obedience and she set on the journey towards Jerusalem.
upon learning that Queen of Sheba has started with her journey to come to
Jerusalem, said, “I want that the throne of Sheba be brought here before she
reaches here.”
of the jinns said that he could bring that throne before the court is
adjourned. Listing to that claim of the jinn a man, whose name in the legends
is reported as Asif bin Burkhiya, rose to his feet and said, “I can bring it
here before you could wink your eyes as I possess the Knowledge of the Book of
with that Solomon saw the throne present before him. Seeing that throne in his
court he told them to transform that throne out of recognition for the Queen so
that he could see whether she recognizes it or not.
the Queen reached Solomon, he pointing towards that throne, asked her, “Your
throne looks like this one?” She said, “It does look like that.” And
submitted, “We had learnt about your matchless powers and now after seeing all
this is another eye opener for us, so we express our submission
to you.”
had made the men and jinn engineers to construct a splendid palace that was
fabulous by all standards. The passage of its entrance was paved with quartz
slabs under which flowing water made everyone believe that he would be socked
when he would walk through that passage.
Queen of Sheba was led towards the Palace and there she saw the water flowing in
the courtyard, she tucked her skirts up. Seeing her doing that Solomon informed
her that the water wouldn’t sock her because that was flowing under the
transparent slabs of quartz.
was a blow upon the false vanity of the Queen, her gaze dropped and she
confessed before God, “O my God, I wronged myself by opting to worshipping gods
other than You, I now believe with Solomon, in One and the Only God; the Lord
of the- entire Universe.”
was a great king and an exalted prophet of God. His every action spoke of
prophetic attributes in him. He never established any relation with anything
but knew that everything is because of God.
David We gave Solomon for a son, how excellent in Our service! Ever did he turn
to Us! Behold there were brought before him, at eventide coursers of the
highest breeding, and swift of foot; And he said, ”Truly do I love the love of
good, with a view to the glory of my Lord, ” until the sun was hidden in the
veil of night: ”Bring them back to me." then began he to pass his hand
over their legs and their necks.
38,V: 30-33)
the fact that Solomon was an exalted prophet of God and ruler of a great
empire, God tested him putting various tests upon him.
when he went to have a bath he handed over his Royal Ring to his maidservant.
While he was bathing, the king of giants; Hamodlass came there and managed to
get hold of the Royal Ring and alter wearing that ring and personifying to be
Solomon, took over the seat of Solomon. Solomon considering it a test went away
into jungle. On his Way to Jungle he felt hungry. On seeing a house on the
wayside, he knocked at the door. The lady of the house refused to entertain him
saying that her husband was not at home, he could have food when he would be
around and if he still wished he could wait in their garden- Solomon went to
the garden and lied down on grass under a tree and dozed off. In the mean time
a snake came there and sat beside the sleeping Solomon to guard him.
the master of the house returned and saw this strange scene, he got curious and
asked his wife. Who was that person sleeping in their garden? She told him that
he had asked her for food and she had refused because he was not there and now
he was there he might’ serve him. Husband come to Solomon and served him.
Solomon impressed him so much that he offered him to wed his daughter. Solomon
agreed and after staying there for three days he took his leave and went
the mean time, Hamodlass was enjoying the king’s role. Seeing him acting
strangely, Solomon’s courtiers asked him to rehearse to them the verses of
Torah, which he couldn’t. When they started reciting Torah, he made his escape
good and vanished form there and on his way threw the ring in a river.
to earn his livelihood went for fishing and caught a few fish. He brought it
home. When his wife cut its stomach for cooking, she found the ring in the
stomach of the fish. When she showed it to her husband, he knew the test was
over and he returned to his palace.
enjoyed to serve the fellow beings with food and used to arrange Charity feasts
for the people. Once he submitted to God that he wanted to give a party to all
His creatures. God told him to foregt this idea, as it was beyond his strength.
But, he insisted saying that he wanted to have the honor of serving
His creatures only for once.
God allowed him and he started the arrangement
of the feast and ordered the men and jinns to prepare for the banquet. He
commanded wind to lift the table spread in the air so that every creature could
have food from it.
is stated that he arranged seven hundred thousand large sized cooking pots each
having food for more than a hundred persons. When the food got ready a fish
emerged from the water and said, “I am told that you would be my host today,
let me have food, I am hungry.” Solomon said, “Be my guest!” and ordered to
give it food. The fish ate all that was cooked and said, “I just had one morsel
of my food. God provides me three such morsels every day. I am hungry.”
Solomon felt humble and he prostrated before
God and submitted, “Indeed it is Thou that can cater His creatures.”
prayer of Solomon, after he was made to go through a trial, is mentioned in the
holy Quran:
"O my Lord! Forgive me, and grant me a kingdom, which, it may be, suits
not another after me: for Thou art the Grantor of Bounties without measure. (S: 38,V: 35)
Some say that once Solomon fell ill and was so serious that he had left no
strength at all and when he was made to sit in his throne, he looked like a
soulless body. After that when God made him healthy he expressed his gratitude
to God and asked for his forgiveness and prayed for that rule, which remain
particular for him alone.
of that trial was to make Solomon understand that in spite of all his
power and authority he had no control over anything whatsoever and he was
required to bow before the holy will of God like a persevering prophet of God.
incident of the demise of Solomon, as related in the holy Quran, in brief,
A large group of jinns was busy in
constructing a building at the behest of Solomon. When Solomon’s last time
approached, he knew that the jinns, who were working for him would stop so
he leaned against his staff and breathed his last in that state. The jinns kept
on working fearing that Solomon was watching them. After quite some time when
the termite ate away the wood of Solomon’s staff, it gave way, and Solomon’s body
fell to the ground, only then they knew that their master have left them. They
said, “Alas, we couldn’t know, if we had the knowledge we could have saved
ourselves from this labor, which we did fearing him."
when We decreed Solomon's death, nothing showed them his death except a little
worm of the earth, which kept slowly gnawing away at his staff: so when he fell
down, the Jinns saw plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not
have tarried in the humiliating Penalty of their Task.
(S: 34,V:
of Israel had tempered with their holy books for petty worldly gains. They had
altered many things in them. They had become so bold in this regard that they
alleged that David and Solomon were not the prophets of God. They made many
allegations against them. Against Solomon they said that he was a magician and
using the powers ‘of his magic spells he became the king and all the men.
jinns, beasts animals and birds obeyed him only because of his powers of sorcery.
had started talking like that during his life. They had also developed this
believe that the jinns have powers of divination. When Solomon happened to know
of such misguiding gossips he acquired possession of all the satanic scrolls
and buried them under his throne so that no man or jinn could ever dare to dig
them out from there and issued this ordinance that if anybody was found using
magical spell or believed that jinns have powers of divination, he would be
executed and beheaded.
Solomon died the jinns took out those buried scrolls and spread this belief
amongst the people of Israel that this was the knowledge of sorcery and magic,
with which Solomon exercised his control over men, jinns and animals and
when there came to them an apostle from God, confirming what was with them, a
party of the people of the Book threw away the Book of God behind their backs,
as if it had been something they did not know. They followed what the evil ones
gave out falsely against the power of Solomon: the blasphemers Were, not
Solomon, but the evil ones, teaching men Magic, and such things as came down at
Babylon to the angels Harut and Marat. But neither of these taught anyone such
things without saying. "We are only for trial; so do not blaspheme."
They learned from them the means to sow discord between man and wife. But they
could not thus harm anyone except by God ’s permission. And they learned what
harmed them, not what profited them. And they knew that the buyers of magic
would have no share in the happiness of the Hereafter. And vile was the price
for which they did sell their souls, if they but knew! If they had kept their
Faith and guarded themselves from evil, far better had been the reward from
their Lord, if they but knew!
(S: 2,V: 101-103)
and Maroot; two angels were sent down from the heavens and they taught the
people of Israel that knowledge, Which was based upon the use of Attributes and
Appellations of God used in Torah. Their taught knowledge was much superior to
sorcery and had no side effects or repercussions like magic spells. When those
angels had taught that knowledge to the people desirous of learning that
knowledge they warned them, “Now that the reality have been made clear to you
and you have observed the right and the wrong by yourself and if you will
return to sorcery and magic afler learning all this, you will certainly be
infidels because God has made the reality of everything clear to you. Just
remember we, too, are a trial for you, now it is up to you that you follow the
knowledge of the Book of God or still want to go for satanic magic with evil
then Israelis like always prone to stray, started making use of that pure and
sublime knowledge for fulfillment of their unfair and carnal desires.
must be remembered that nature and instinct are two different things. In our
instincts, at mental level, we have a common semblance with other species like
sheep, cow, dog, cat, pigeon, snake; whereas in our nature, we have our own
distinct status and this status has been given to us by that Exalted Being Who
is All-wise and Omniscient. No sane person can claim that animals do not have
understanding and only man is versed with this faculty. The One Who is Far
Above and Supreme to all the individuals of the universe has given intellect
and understanding to the animals as well. And, in some aspects, animals are
more wise and understanding than man.
are quadrupeds that have the ability of clairvoyance. Cats and dogs and many
other animals can foresee the coming earthquakes and other calamities.
Similarly man is given a quite a limited range of hearing whereas animals like
dogs, cats, foxes, rats, whales and dolphins can hear the sounds inaudible for
human ears. Similarly man has a limited power of sight where as eagle and honey
bees have far wide vision of seeing things so much so that bees can see even
the ultra violet rays.
animals have Wisdom and conscious much refined than man, so much so that in many
cases man has learnt from them. Ants and bees, for instance, live in colonies
observing social laws strictly since eternity and man is still lacking in
learning his lesson in this regard. We always see ants following a queue,
whereas man has yet to learn this simple law of discipline and harmony. We are
preaching conscientiousness and they perform a their duties without having
any supervisors and standing upon them.
story of Solomon narrated in the holy Quran and other Divine Scriptures have
not been related just to amuse us. Why should God try to amuse or impress us?
Who we are? What are we good at? God wants us to learn from His limitless
knowledge and advance like those who after equipping themselves with God gifted
knowledge subjugated the world including its men, jinns and animals and forces
of nature like winds and water. And provided comfort to their fellow beings
using the godly knowledge.
this regard God has mentioned jinns and told us that even these invisible
creatures can be subjugated and be commanded to perform duties after equipping
with that knowledge, which has been termed as the Knowledge of the Book,
provided that one could take the trouble of searching and striving to learn
this knowledge from the Book. Mentioning of woodpecker, it’s absence from
the court of Solomon, coming with the news of Queen of Sheba and telling that
they were heliolaters, taking Solomon’s message to the Queen; are not devoid of
points of wisdom.
is related that for cooking the meals of the army, thirty thousand heads
of cattle were butchered daily, which included five thousand camels, five
thousand bulls and twenty thousand goats and sheep.
he went to Makka to perform pilgrimage and stayed in Makka till completion of
the rituals of pilgrimage. There he told the leaders and chiefs of his people
that an apostle of God would be born there with such and such qualities. He
would be known far and wide and for generations to come. He would give
equal rights to his relatives and aliens. Opposition would not be able to
arm him.”
asked him about the religion of that Apostle. Solomon answered, “Religion of
Peace and Righteousness. Lucky would be he who would see his time and still
luckier would be if he would believe him and have faith as are would he teach.
Those who are present here should tell those who are not here that he will be
the last of the chain of prophets and e leader of all the apostles of
the story of Solomon we are also invited to see that even the birds have the sense
to tell that man is not doing the right thing like worshipping the sun. And,
they can take the message of one person to another and act as emissary.
this story we are also told that in the army of Solomon there was a jinn who
had the power to fetch the throne of the Queen of Sheba in a certain time, from
Yemen to Jerusalem, which are about 1500 miles apart.
also learn from this story that reach and excess of man exceeds the powers of
jinns, provided that he possesses the Knowledge of the Book. A man versed with
that knowledge brought the throne of Sheba, practically in no time. God has
stressed and emphasized upon this thing that mankind can benefit itself
from that knowledge and there is no such condition as to be a prophet to
be able to learn this fabulous knowledge. Every man has been given this faculty
of learning the Knowledge of the Book, which has also been termed as the
Knowledge of the Appellations, in the holly Quran. After learning this
knowledge man ensconces on that seat of power which enables him to negate Time
and Space as and when he desires. He can command the Space to wrap up and Time
to stretch or shrink. He enjoys the power to influence the universe.
a person does not acknowledge this faculty on the pretext learn this science,
that would not be correct, because of mentioning ‘ a man’ in this story of
Solomon, God has made it abundantly clear that this ability is available
for everyone provided that he could use his brain and think and search for
it. Every human being is provided with the ability of making use of the
knowledge disseminated by the prophets of God and can have access to the Unseen
God has related the basic laws of inventions
in the holy Quran where David and Solomon have been mentioned.
gave David and Solomon a knowledge that was directly inspired to them from
whether it comes from a thing seen or heard is always from God. Prophets were
given this knowledge through Revelation; for any thought coming to mind or any
idea occurring in the mind, is also a form of knowledge from God.
scientific inventions like airplanes, telephones, Television, wireless,
computers, mass destruction weapons and laser beams were made possible only
when an idea or a thought to discover or invent those things came to the minds
of their inventors, or to say, it was inspired to them from God. Existence of
any thing is not possible if knowledge about that thing does not exist. It is
one of the laws of God that if a man starts searching for a thing
wholeheartedly, making it the sole purpose of his life and exerting himself to
his full potentials and all abilities that he have, then he is bound to achieve
that thing. It is the tradition of God that always persisted, is still
persisting and will always remain.