was sent as apostle in this branch of Semitic people, Salih was of fair
complexion, with handsome physique and tall stature. He had thin hair with
grayish tinge in them and were raised upward
remember how He made you inheritors after the ‘Ad people and gave you
habitations in the land: ye build for yourselves palaces and castles in open
plains, and care out homes in the mountains; so bring to remembrance the
benefits ye have received from God, and refrain from evil and mischief on the
earth. ”
(3: 7,v: 74)
of the Samuds was Hejr, which is now also known as Madyan-e-Salih, Samuds were
very strong and stout people, and had long lives. They were expert in
sculptures and construction work. They used to make housed by carving in the
thou not how thy Lord dealt with the 'Ad people, of the city of Eram, with
lofty pillars, the like of which were not produced in all the land? And with
the Samud people, who cut out huge rocks in the valley a stakes? All these
transgressed beyond heaped therein mischief on mischief Therefore did thy Lord
pour on them a scourage of diverse chastisements: For thy Lord is as a Guardian
on a watch-tower.
of their constructed inhabitations still exist between discovered a lofty
building, Syria and Hijaz. Archeologists have which according to them was
the Royal Palace. This palace had many rooms and a large pool of water. And,
the whole edifice was carved in the rocks of a mountain. Inscriptions of
ancient tablets give details of the Semitic buildings. Every inhabitation had
two main buildings; the Government Center and the Temple. The ruler lived in
the Government Center and priests resided the Temple and they both ruled the
people with mutual consultation.
were well off, abundance of resources, economic prosperity had enabled them to
afford every comfort and luxury. Wealth, prosperity and their physical strength
played the key role in making them arrogant and godless. They had become proud
of their strength and every thing they had, instead of considering it a favor
of God, they considered it the out come of their hard work and capabilities.
They become so dependent upon the material things that they denied all that for
which they could not have material evidence. This approach of thinking made
them to tum away from prophetic teachings and started carving gods of their
choice for themselves. They had no faith left in resurrection or life after
death. When the darkness of ignorance and infidelity prevailed God sent Salih as
His prophet for their guidance. In his times the followers of the teachings of
Hud was negligible.
the Thamud people (We sent) Salih one of their own brethren: He said: “O
my people! Worship God ye have no other god but Him. Now hath come unto you a
clear Sign from your Lord! This she-camel of God is a sign unto you: So leave
her to graze in God’s earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye shall be seized
with a grievous punishment.
(S: 7, V: 73)
of Samud had made a temple near the capital Hajr. In the mountains, in front of
that temple, they had carved their houses. In the valley they had orchards and
farms and date trees. They had a spring of clean water in the valley surrounded
by lush green pastures. On the other side of the inhabitation stood the Royal
Palace of the king Jandaa.
used to spend most of his time in the temple. People respected him because of
his virtuous nature and devotion. Once Salih gathered his people and addressed
God, save Him no one is worthy of worshipping. Those whom you consider to be
your gods are not your gods. Our Lord is He who has created this universe, you
and me and He made us successors to Ad and gave us the ability to carve our
houses in mountains. Be grateful to God for the favors given to you. Abandon
these false gods and worship One and the Only God, ask for His forgiveness for
your sins, He listens to those who call Him.”
Salih denounced those gods openly, which they used to , worship, they got
furious and a scene was created. People had discussions among them. Some
refuted him altogether, some ridiculed him, some abused him for bringing up
altogether a new crisis for them, and very few who were left some faith in
their hearts acted pensive. Chiefs of his people came to Salih and said, “We
had great expectations of you because of your prudence wisdom and intellect.
You have such a graceful personality and we had great many hopes from you that
because of you the name of our tribe would become more respectable for other
tribes but contrary to our every hope and expectation, you started scolding the
gods that we worship and you expect us to follow you on 8.1 path, which we have
not seen.”
said. “Should I go astray just to please you, when God has granted me vision
and guidance? Who would save me from the wrath of my Lord? He has blessed me
with His mercy and if now I~ would disobey him how can you be of nay benefit to
instead of listening to him became stubborn and their malice against Salih
increased many folds. They started torturing him to make him to quit his stand
forcefully. He in spite of all their malice and hatred did not abandon to
advise and preached the truth and right things.
response to his call they used to say, “If we had not been on the right path,
as you say, then why do we have all these lofty palaces, this wealth and riches
and abundance of comforts and all these farm and orchards? You just look at
your’s and your followers adversity and misfortune and then tell who is
favored, you or your followers?”
reply to such illogical reasoning, Salih told them, “Do not be proud of your
prosperity and abundance of resources. This abundance is not the out come of
your toil and strength and neither would it last forever. God, the Lord of
everything in this universe, has bestowed all that you are enjoying. If you
would be grateful to Him, He would grant you more and increase his bounties for
you and if you proved to be ungrateful and became haughty, then the very
bounties would turn into a punishment for you.”
were not ready to accept that Salih could be chosen to be a prophet of God.
They thought that they deserved more than Salih to deliver the message of God
to their people.
They used to
taunt and ridicule those who had believed Salih and asked them, “Are you really
sure that Salih has been sent unto ‘you from God?” And, their reply that they
sure did, further infuriated them because they were not ready to see anyone
other than themselves, to be respected that much that people believed in him
and accepted whatsoever he told them.
started considering him a danger for their authority and power. And, just to
degrade him before his followers they said; “We deny and reject all that, which
he tells you.”
the chiefs and leaders started this propaganda against Salih: “Salih is telling
a lie in the name of God. He is just a man like any other person, he eats all
that which they eat. drinks all that which they drink and you will listen to a
person like yourself, you will surely suffer a loss. He tells you that when you
would be dust after your death, you would be resurrected, which is against
every common sense, if we were to be raised again why do we be dead in the
first place? Don‘t be impressed of his fanciful narrations and fall prey to his
snare of such imaginary things.
of the infidels had some effect for those who had superficial thinking but those
who had faith in their hearts, remained unmoved of such superficial logic.
the people of influence saw that economically weak and downtrodden people were
having impressions of Salih more than any one else, they demanded him to
exhibit some miracle to prove that he was truly sent by God, Salih said, “What
if in spite of seeing a clear sign you do not quit infidelity -and remain
stubborn in you stance?”
promised that if he would meet their demand and show them a sign, which they
had demanded, they would believe in him. They had thought that they would
demand such an impossible thing, which he won’t be able to do. And they,
according to their plan, demanded him to bring a she-camel out Of the mountain that-
should also give birth to a calf.
prostrated and prayed to God to fulfill their demand. God acceded to his prayer
and the mountain before them cracked and a huge she-camel stepped out of that
crack. She-camel took a few steps forward and then bore a calf in front of
everyone present there to witness.
witnessing this clear sign of truth few embraced the faith but most preferred
darkness upon the light of guidance. Salih invited them to correct themselves
and mend their ways, asked them to be mindful of the blessings and bounties
bestowed upon them, told them to ask the forgiveness of God for their past
misdeeds, instructed them to follow the commandments of the Lord and refrain
from creating chaos and disorder on the earth of God.
took great pains in describing to them that there exist other worlds beyond
this world of material life and senses and the One who is Far Above than
everything has created all this. “It is He who has blessed you with this wealth
and richness and has given you these green pastures, orchards, farms, vast
fields full of beautiful flowers, soothing clouds, breezes and rains, water
springing from stones, flowing rivers that give life to your fields, this
abundance of resources and all that knowledge, which has enabled you to have
all the means of comfort and luxury. God has not created all this in vain; God
has given you all this so that you use them with gratitude. Do not usurp
the rights of others to benefit yourselves from these bountiful things. God
will certainly call you to account for all these things, which He has bestowed
upon you. Don’t forget that you would be asked for all your good and bad deeds.
If you remained neglectful of your duties and became proud of your civil
progress, the laws of Nature would transform your lofty palaces and these green
orchards into ruins and you will be losers, here and in the hereafter.”
off people were swollen of pride for their material wealth and prosperity so
they did not pay any heed to invitation of righteousness and stubbornly
insisted on challenging the laws of nature by disturbing the peace and justice.
she-camel was so large and big that in whichever pasture she grazed all the
animals fled from there frightened of her presence, when she had water, she
emptied the well. Samud people had everything like wealth, power and knowledge
but they had only one spring well.
and the priests collaborated and propagated that Salih was a sorcerer, who had
brought that she-camel using his powers of magic and sorcery and its calf was
also produced under the spell and that was the reason that she-camel drank so
much water. That, they said, was one of his tactics that they should surrender
to him. And, that if that spell continued, they would be short of water and
they along with their cattle would die of thirst. So they told Salih to harness
his she-camel otherwise they would kill her.
said, “O my people! Worship God, ye have no other god but Him. Now hath come
unto’ you a clear Sign from your Lord! This she-camel of God is a Sign unto
you: So leave her to graze in God ’s earth, and let her come to no harm, or ye
shall be seized with a grievous punishment.
7,V: 73)
those times this was their tradition that the rich and influential people, to
test their supremacy would free one of their cattle to graze free as and from
where it may like, no one could dare to check it. Nature played the same trick
upon them and to humiliate them, this she-camel was used. People were afraid of
her, which moved around freely with its child.
warned them, “Look! This she-camel is the sign that you had demand. God has
decided that one day of the week be reserved for her and on that day no other
man or animal would have water from the well and on other days of the week they
may use the water for themselves and for their cattle.”
agreed to this on the condition that Salih would allow them to milk the
she-camel. Salih accepted and made them to promise that they would not harm the
predicted that they would not keep their promise for long and ultimately they
would kill the she-camel. When people insisted, he told them that the person
who would slay her had not yet been born and that he would be a man with bluish
eyes like a cat has and his face would be red. Chiefs decided on oath that any
child with these features would be killed. Nine children with cats- like-eyes
and red face were detected and killed. People got anxious and they started
scolding Salih that he was behind the infanticide. The families who had lost
their children were especially hostile towards him. They even claimed that he
wanted to put an end to their race.
has its own ways of doing things. The predicted child remained safe and became
young. When families of those children who were killed, saw him they said, if
we had our sons, they would have been of the same age. And, their animosity was
further aggravated.
were in the city nine men of a family, who made mischief in the land and would
not reform. They said: "Swear a mutual oath by God that we shall make a
secret night attack on him (Salih) and his people, and that we shall then say
to his heir when they seek vengeance: ’We were not present at the slaughter of
his people, and we are positively telling the truth.” “They plotted and
planned, but We too planned, even while may perceived it not.
(S: 27, V:48-50)
men of those families planned to murder Salih and they left the town on the
pretext of going on some journey and hid themselves in the nearby pass in the
mountains so that they could kill Salih in the darkness of the night. But a
rock fell from the hill and they all died on the spot, crushed under the stone.
After few days when their families came to know of their death, they went to
Salih and said. “First you got our sons killed and now you murdered our
fathers. This all is happening only because of your she camel and now we wiil
surely kill her”
already had hatred and malice against Salih now this made them to plan and
prepare few men who could kill the she- camel. A rich lady of Samud offered her
daughter as a prize to Kedar: the person about whom Salih had predicted that he
would kill the she camel. Another woman who was also wealthy and pretty, made
one Musda to kill the she-camel and as a reward she would marry him.
day when the she-camel was grazing, Kedar bin Salef cut her hamstrings and when
the injured animal fell on the ground, Musda also joined him and they killed
her. They tried to kill the calf as well but it ran and climbed the hill, where
it cried in painful voice. This is stated in the legends that the calf entered
the same stone from which its mother had emerged.
Salih came to know of the incident he expressed his grief and sorrow and
addressed his people:
they hamstrung the she-camel, and insolently defied the order of their
Lord, saying: ”O Salih! Bring about thy threats, if thou art an apostle of God!"
(S: 7,V: 77)
killing the manifestation of a miracle, instead of feeling sorry they justified
themselves and debated with Salih and told him to do what he may like.
supplicated before the Lord, “ O God! These people have rejected me, so now
help me.
told him, "Very soon they will repent”
told them that the respite is over and they Should Wait for the punishment.
they did hamstring her. So he said “Enjoy yourselves in your homes for three
days: Then will be your ruin: Behold there a promise not to be belied! "
(S: 11,V: 65)
the first day they grew pale, on the second day their faced turned red and on
the third day they blackened of the fear and scare of the inflicted punishment.
three days Lightening seized them and they all perished in their homes except
Salih and those who had embraced faith.
The mighty Blast overtook the
wrongdoers, and they lay prostrate in their homes before the morning, As if
they had never dwelt and flourished there: Ah! Behold! For the Samud rejected
their Lord and Cherisher! Ah! Behold! Removed from sight were the Samud!
(S: 11, V: 67-68)
the holy Quran, metaphor of ‘worn out date tree trunk’ has been used to
describe the people of Samud. The ‘worn out date tree trunk after withering
falls away and cattle and grazing animals trod it down till it is like saw dust
spread on the path.
The Sure
Reality! What is the Sure Reality? And what will make thee realize what the
Sure Reality is? The Samud and the Ad People branded as false the Stunning
Calamity! But the Samud they were destroyed by a terrible Storm of thunder and
lightning! And the 'Ad, they were destroyed by a furious Wind, exceedingly
violent; He made it rage against them seven nights and eight days in succession:
so that thou couldst see the whole people lying prostrate in its path, as they
had been roots of hollow palm-trees tumbled down! Then see thou any of them
left surviving?
(S: 69,V: 1-7)
Our Decree issued, We saved Salih and those who believed with him, by
special Grace from Ourselves and from the Ignominy of that day. For thy Lord -
He is the Strong One, and able to enforce His Will.
(S: 11,V: 66)
morning sun over that town witnessed devastation and destruction all over that
area. The grand palaces had turned into ruins, green farms and orchards were no
longer there. Entire area of Hejr was offering a scene of some archeological
the devastated destruction of Samuds, Salih along with his followers migrated
towards Syria. When he was passing the destroyed inhabitation, he saw the dead
bodies and said sorrowfully:
Salih left them, saying, "O my people! I did indeed convey to you the
message for which I was sent by my Lord: I gave you good counsel, but ye love
not good counselors!"
(S: 7,V: 79)
stayed near Ramala for some time then he shifted to Makka and breathed his last
there. He was buried near Ka’aba towards the west. “
who were killed by the lightening storm are estimated to be one thousand and
five hundred families and those who survived and accompanied Salih to Makka were
one hundred and twenty people in all.
and ruins of some of Samud’s carved buildings and Structure can be seen even
today to learn something from them. Signs of destruction of Samud are found few
miles north of Aala; a famous place between Medina and Tabuk. Aala is still a
green valley whereas signs of devastation and. natural disaster still surrounding
Hejr and haunting. Thiscarea is about four hundred miles long and one hundred
miles wide and all its hills and mountain still bear the signs of a great
jlting of earthquake.
say that Samud were destroyed because of eruption of a volcano because the
signs of lava are present in the west of Madyan-e-Salih.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was passing by Hejr during the Expedition of Tabuk and they
camped there for a while. Companions of the Holy Prophet had some water from
the well of Samud and were preparing to cook. When Holy Prophet (PBUH) came to
know he ordered to throw the water, empty the utensils and told them neither to
stay there nor to use anything of that place lest they might also invoke the
wrath of God upon them. He said, “When you enter the valley of Hejr, enter
humbly fearing God, it would be still better not to get in there lest
unknowingly you too be inflicted.”
is reported that When Holy Prophet entered Hejr, he said, “Never ask for a sign
from God. People of Salih demanded a sign and the she-camel used to come out of
the ridge of a mountain and after eating and drinking on its turn, returned to
from where it had come and on that day it provided Samud its milk but finally
Samud transgressed and killed her after hamstringing her. Eventually God
inflicted upon them the disaster of Shriek and they all died in their homes only
one man Abu Ragal remained because he was in the house of Salih and he too
died when he came out of it
and thinkers are fond of mentioning the theory of Big Bang, according to which,
the universe that was a very large sphere of light Exploded with a bang and the
Pieces of that big Sphere were formed into stars, sun, moon and planets
Vibrations of that Big Bang tiggered the system of circulations in the stars
and celestial bodies. Rotations and revolutions started the production of
energy that produced heat. When heat cooled off, clouds were formed, this
caused rains and the life originated from the combination of heat and moisture.
also say that the waves of the sound of Big Bang are still circulating in the
cosmos. Discovery of Ultrasound waves have confirmed that there are sounds,
which cannot be apprehended by the human ears but these silent sounds possess
greater magnitude of energy.
have a complete system of sound waves in front of us in the form of oceans.
Waves traverse on the surface of the ocean continually and when the force of
wind joins the tides of these waves, a storm is produced in which all the
sounds on the shores of ocean drown.
the surface of the ocean is full of sounds, silence is prevailing in its
depths. The waves of sound display themselves on the surface after emerging
from the depth. Since our ears cannot hear the sounds in depth, therefore, we
term it Silent Sound and when after emerging on the surface, the waves break
and spread, they enter our hearing. It might be that the theory termed as Big
Bang by the scientists is the voice of their Unconscious and their Unconscious
have hinted the Voice of God uttering ‘Be!’
sound of utterance of command ‘Be!’ is an obscure sound. When this obscure
sound entered the center of the Universe, it infused in every particle of the
cosmos after becoming life.
waves are operating in every zone with their particular quanta and frequencies.
Entire system of the universe is functioning on the basis of information and
the information are disseminating by the command ‘Be!’ When information enters
the Conscious, these become our senses_ Information is a conglomeration of
waves. A sound is sweet or harsh; this information is inscribed upon the net of
waves, Information comes into the Individual Conscious from the Unconscious, or
to say, from the Unseen. Roar is such a wave of sound that is more than the
tolerance of an individual conscious. More harsh sound becomes a roar and roar
is a set of those sounds that disrupts the waves operating in life. Roar
disrupts the conscious and man becomes like fodder. When the system of waves is
disrupted the life transforms into death. Roar is such a wave of sound that
disrupts the hearing system and disruption of the system is the disruption of
the senses. It is a common observation that explosion impairs the hearing and
at times even the eardrums are ripped.
atomic bombs have been made that their explosion kills many thousands of people
in an instant and the mountains smokes away. Explosions are also used in
cutting and drilling the rocks. Sounds, if on one hand, are a source of delight
and pleasure, on the other; the noise pollution is the result of all the
high-pitched sounds. Sounds result from vibrations that travel in the form of
longitudinal waves. Flowing water of springs, waterfalls, drizzling drops of
rain, thunder of lightening, rumbling of clouds, whispering breeze, rattling
leaves, chirping birds, shrieking eagles and vultures, man and all man made
machines are all the sources of sound-waves.
during their flight in the dark, continuously emit those sounds that are
inaudible for human ears. When these inaudible sounds return to the ears of a
bat, it gets information about it surroundings and differentiates between a wall
and a man, a tree and an animal, a moth and an owl instantly and spontaneously.
Because of high frequency of these sounds we cannot hear them. Scientists have
termed these sounds as Ultrasonic sounds or simply the Ultrasounds.
1884, a British scientist; Sir Francis Galeton discovered these sound and made
such a whistle which emitted a sound having a frequency of one hundred thousand
cycles per second. Now the scientists have succeeded in producing sounds that
have frequency of one billion cycles per sec. and wavelength of 0.00004 cm.
Ultrasound waves because of their very small wavelengths can be had in the form
of a beam and relayed without much dispersion in a straight line.
have established that Ultrasonic sounds waves affect the nervous and other
systems of living organisms, animals and man. Scientists of American navy
during their experiments with Ultrasonic waves found out that these make ocean
animals like fishes unconscious and if the frequency is further
increased these are even get killed.
the Second World War people were told that Hitler was preparing such a magic
gun, which upon firing discourages the enemy and they desert the battle field
and if they don’t their nerves wreck and they paralyze. After the war was over,
an under construction gun was recovered, which fired Ultrasonic waves instead of
of the calculations of geological scientists about the internal condition of
the earth are those waves produced from the pressure of lave, tremors or quakes
resulting breaking or moving of sedimentary rocks and plates. Sometimes energy
stores in the plates of the crust because of changes in lower layers of the
crust of the earth and when this energy becomes unbearable-for the Surrounding
rocks, it starts flowing towards some weaker comer Of the crust with thunderous‘
outburst. Volcanic quakes result When the magma; the boiling matter under the
crust, erupts from a surface with an outburst. The molten lava forms a conical
structure at the mouth of its opening which is known as volcano.
this happens when the water seeps down to the molten lava and steam produced
exerts pressure and causes the outbursts.
this story of Samud and Salih, God has told us that when people transgressed
and denied to follow God made laws, wrath of God was initiated against them.
Samuds were blessed with every bounty like fruit laden orchards; resources to
build and construct buildings embedded with gold and precious stones and gave
them intellect and power. But, they insisted upon ingratitude and did their
best to disgrace the apostle of God. They witnessed the signs of God with their
open eyes and still they plotted against that miracle and even attempted to get
Salih killed. They demanded a miracle and then they were the ones who denied it
affrontingly and demanded tauntingly; “Where is that punishment which you were
talking about? Lets see that!”
point, which is of great significance, is that when Wrath of God is inflicted
upon an inhabitation or a people one should seek refuge of God from those
people and that inhabitation.
is a comprehensive knowledge of the unseen. Here unseen purports to that
knowledge, which is beyond the access of the Conscious limits. Just as a person
after learning the worldly sciences experiments in the light of the learnt
knowledge and new doctrines emerge resulting the experiences, similarly a
spiritual person, after surpassing the limiting Conscious, enters the
Unconscious and learns knowledge and, on the basis of his observations, gets
one of us is blessed with two sets of abilities of seeing or the senses we
see things through material lens and remain oblivious of the fact that that material
senses do not have any significance of their own, whereas in other set of
abilities our senses see things without any obligation of the material lens and
understanding and interpreting is also free from interference of the material
man has two bodies. One of them considering it all- powerful says, I take
water, but if one is not thirsty then how can anybody have water? I do not know
what this thirst is, but I do know that thirst is an urge that is realized as
information. I do not know what this information is and from where has it
been supplied‘? If the supply of information is based upon the physical
body then after one breathes his last, why does one not feel thirsty? Now
thinkers and -scientists in reply can say, ‘Well, because life ends!’
question remains, “What is this life?” If he does not know this then how can he
enjoy the power to live? The activity or the action, which we term as life is
also a temporary power that has been granted to us for a certain period of
other body of man is not indigent; it’s free from constraints. This body, like
the physical body sees, hears, has understanding but the norms of its sight are
different from that of the physical body.
this second body of man: the Unconscious, witnesses the earth, it finds it
resembling a papaya fruit and that it is not like a ball. It observes that the
earth does have gases in it but it does not have any thing solid and concrete
on it; it is just like a screen upon which a film is being displayed. Not a
single soul on this screen is original, everyman and everything is a reflected
mag? Of the film being played on a projector from somewhere Just like a projector,
when it is switched off, it's light stops understanding and interpreting
things. In one set of feeding the film in it and the away from the sight.
also is observed that the earth has are set on it like round rings. These rings
are holding the earth in their grip. The earth is moving linearly rotating on its
axis. This rotation is being controlled by these rings, which are stuck in the
earth like nails or pegs.
they not look at the Camels, how they are made? And at the Sky, how it is
raised high? And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm? And at the Earth,
how it is spread out?
(S: 88,V: 18-20)
and carbon dioxide is becoming life in every character of this film (movie)
being displayed on the earth. Life is forming, dispersing and breaking away.
Six Conscious are operating in this process of formation, dispersal and
disintegration of life. One of these six conscious is absolutely unstable.
Everything, even if it a speck of dust, has a conscious and the grip of the
conscious ends when life disintegrates. Life is images upon the screen fade
composed of quantities. The system of these quantities is a perfectly
functioning system, which is directly related with nature. When the nature gets
annoyed, the system brakes. What method for breaking the system is adopted,
this entirely is the discretion of nature, through an earthquake, using
winds, by flood of water or a blast.
uttered a word ‘Be!’ which the entire universe heard and all the existents came
into being. Utterance of Be is the command and fit started happening’ is
the carrying out of that command
creation of the universe existed in the Mind of God. When creation heard the
voice of God, they became active and started moving, that is, energy ran through
them and they became kinetic. Many are the Appellations of God and each
appellation represents complete creative potentials. One of such appellations
is ‘Aleem’ meaning All-Knowing or Omniscient. Being omniscient, God knew all
the creative formulae even before the creation of the universe. When God
intended to display the universe in a manifested form and all the creatures in
the universe become aware of their existence, He commanded it to Be! And,
the universe stepped out of the screen of Knowledge. When the Will of God
became active, the resources needed for the creation also came into being.
phase of the creation is the ‘Noor’ (Light).
is the Light of the earth and the heavens.”
the first phase of creation the souls came into existence from the Noor of God
but these souls were in a state of d were not_ aware of their existence, so
God obliviousness an that is, He made them to listen to His
Voice, addressed them, saying, “Am I not thy Lord?” The souls in reply to
His question submitted, “Indeed, Thou art our Lord!”
first Voice of God brought the souls into existence and the second Voice equipped
them with three main senses of hearing, seeing and speech.
three senses are the symbol of concentration. When ears are attentive one
hears, sight is attentive one sees and when the mind pays attention on the
meanings of the question asked, one replies.
of God developed concentration in the souls in the universe, which was focused
upon God. When the souls heard the Voice of God, the faculty of hearing
became active in the creatures. And, when the souls became attentive
towards this faculty of sight initiated; after seeing, they perceived
themselves and their Lord God, after perception when they wanted to
acknowledge, the faculty of speech was generated in them.
woman saw in her dream that there was a fetus in the mother’s womb, in the
initial phase of its creation. The fetus was wearing a sort of headphone on its
ears and the wire of the headphone runs up to the wall of the womb. Quest and
surprise made her to put one end of that headphone into her ear after pulling
it out of the fetus ear. She heard a very soft and kind voice that was saying,
“I am your Lord. I will soon send you into the world, where you will stay for
an appointed time? The fetus was listening to that voice very attentively. He
could not speak but could hear the voice and was understanding. He was getting
instruction of every moment of his life through that voice.
she plucked the earpiece from the fetus car, he got upset as if he was being
deprived of life and started moving anxiously in the womb. The fetus was in
such an agony that she could not stand his pain and she replaced the earpiece
on his ears and with that the fetus grew calm and was back into the state of
his peaceful position.
she witnessed a fetus of a cat. That, too, had a headphone upon its ears. When
she, being inquisitive, removed the earpiece to listen into it, she heard the
same voice saying the same thing. The cat’s fetus got so upset from removal of
the headphone that after moving anxiously it dissolved into thin air.
world is such a created realm where nothing exists without form and shape.
Everything has its individuality. The conscious of individuality is because of
physical body. Man is a conglomeration of incalculable cells. All the
potentials or capabilities existed in Adam collectively, that an individual
person has individually. Adam of every species feeds the individual conscious
of its species. Individual conscious remains associated with its collective or
species’ Conscious in every state and every moment. The Species’ Conscious is
the Conscious of the soul that consists of the record of life of every species
in the universe.
of God is the movement of the universe. Universe is like a globe in which the
Voice of God is echoing. This echo is the movement. All the orders concerning
life are stocked in the resounding command ‘Be!’
of reproduction is the execution of this command. Utterance of T Command Be is
perpetually echoing and this resounding voice is a collection of incalculable
varying frequencies. This collection keeps on flowing continuously from the
transmitting stations far above the heavens in the form of Nooric falls. These
frequencies, before transforming into a manifested form, in their first stage
takes the form of a fantasy, in the second stage, these become an idea, in the
third stage, into imagination and in the final stage; these are manifested in
form and figure physically.
resounding echo is an assortment of various quantities. Balance of these
quantities results in right moods; increase results in hasty and fast activity
and decrease result in lassitude and lethargy. Winds, storms, cyclones and
tornados are indication of agitation of the frequencies of this resounding echo
and breeze is an indication of a moderate flow in it.
accident, whether it is small or huge, is the result of immoderation and
misbalancing of the quantities in the System of Frequencies. Universe is being
run under a system. Every individual is given his part of the duty to run this
system smoothly. The sun has it own duty, the moon has its own part of the duty
to perform, air is performing its duty; the oceans and the smoothly flowing
rivers have their own duties to perform.
Sign for them is the earth that is dead: We do give it life, and produce
grain there from, of which ye do eat. And, We produce therein orchard
"with date-palms and vines, and We cause springs to gush forth therein:
that they may enjoy the fruits of this (artistry): It was not their hands that
made this: will they not then give thanks? Glory to God, Who created in pairs
all things that the earth produces, as well as their own human kind and
other things of which they have no knowledge. And a Sign for them is the
Night: We withdraw there from the Day, and behold they are plunged in darkness;
and the sun runs his course for a period determined for him: that is the decree
of Him, the Exalted in Might, the All-Knowing.
the Moon, We have measured for her mansions to traverse till she returns like
the old and withered lower part of a date stalk. It is not permitted to the Sun
to catch up the Moon, nor can the Night outstrip the Day: Each just swims along
in its own orbit according to Law. And a Sign for them is that We bore
their race through the Flood in the loaded Ark; And We have created for them
similar vessels on which they ride. If it were Our Will, We could drown them:
then would there be no helper to hear their cry, nor could they be delivered,
except by way of Mercy from Us, and by way of world convenience to serve them for
a time.
(S: 36, V: 33-44)
the injustice, usurpation of rights of others, jealousy, greed, lusts and
astray from God crosses the limit of moderation and balance, the system starts
disintegration and to cleanse and purge the system, winds start blowing, storms
rage, and fire rains where it used to snow and vice versa.
law is operating in the stories of rise and fall of the nations, their rewards
and punishments, that the God made system helps those nations to its optimum,
which live according to the code of creative formulae, guard their and other’s
rights and love their country. But when a nation deviates from the laws of God
and starts interfering in the system of Nature, the Nature throws it out of its
system. Earth, the land and the Nature’s system remain intact but man is buried
in the pits of annihilation and extinction.
has been estimated in the light of the historical evidences that mankind and
other species associated with it are destroyed for poking their nose into the
affairs of the system of Nature and the life starts anew all over right from
the caves and the stone age. And, upon completion of ten thousand years, man
does the same thing again in the name of human development and progress, which
his ancestor had committed.
two main factors of mass destruction of mankind are:
Joining partners to God. Giving priority to the wealth and riches is also a
form of joining partners to Him.
Interfering in those things, which the Nature has particularized for itself.
Development and progress of today in
the name Poverty Alleviation is also a form of amassing wealth. Human values
are trodden down for economic stability and every mortal and perishable thing
is depended upon. Temporary comfort and non- lasting facilities and wealth
worshipping have become the aim of life.
and similar things are direct intrusion in the works of Nature that tantamount
to disrupt the system of Nature. The desire to subjugate other nations is also
a form of wealth worship. To over power others by terrorizing them is revolting
against equality.
In the light of the history of
destruction and disasters it is observed that people gave importance to wealth
and riches after refuting oneness of God, worshipped self made idols, killed
the fellow beings and in spite of knowing that everybody who has Come to this
world has to leave it, embracing the material world. Amassing wealth has become
the most favorite of all hobbies and people are left with’ no faith in the life
with prophets and refusal of their teachings is deviation from the Nature and
when a person establishes his relations with the temporal world after
dissociating himself with the Nature, the Laws of Nature leaves him at his own.