
Mohammad (PHUB) The Prophet of God

Darkness of ignorance was prevailing upon the whole earth before the advent of the Holy Prophet. (PBUH). Man had become savage animals. Weak had no place in the society. Survival was possible only for the fittest. Bigheadedness and false pride had stiffened their necks. Humanity was sobbing for the sufferings inflicted upon man by no other than man himself. Concepts of sophisticated, civilized and cultured behaviors were alien for them. Bad manners and immodesty were named as courtesy and civility. Man had adopted savagery instead of human values. 


Polluted reasoning had made people to prostrate before self- made wooden, clay and stone idols and they expected them to fulfill their needs and wishes. Logic had failed them to this extent that despite seeing the dogs peeing upon their gods, they would not stop worshipping them. They gave them ceremonious baths with milk and the flies swarmed over them but the infidelity did not allow them to think: how can the one that was so helpless even to keep the flies away, be their god? 


Evil ran through their veins like blood. Seeing all that  "violence, misery and atrocities, the earth requested to God for Peace. God sent His most beloved creation to the earth to cool off the sparks of fire of hatred, the creatures of God may have peace,  monopoly of the monopolists could come to an end and the blazing inferno on earth be transformed into a garden with flowers. 


Life of the people everywhere on earth, in the east, west, north or south was not less than living in hell" Iran and other countries adjoining her had relinquished monotheism. Light, sky, fire, rain, moon, sun and star were worthy of their worships. Every tribe had its own gods. Leadership and politics was particular for the religious class only. Landlords and aristocrats lived a luxurious life; people were required to bow before them, to touch their feet, ruler had the divine right to order to kill anyone, whosoever he willed and nobody could dare to protest. If the son on the behest of the ruler was put to sword in front of a father, father was supposed to praise the ruler and bow before him for his supremacy. People were so brainwashed that they took every decision of the ruler as the word of God. 


Imposing new taxes was the favorite hobby of the rulers. Anybody desirous of protest was punished with capital punishment of death. Kings lived an extremely guarded life: even their close relative could not see them without prior appointment and security arrangements. The guards patrolled streets and roads around the palaces. Palaces had large rooms and halls but the bedrooms of the kings and queens could hardly accommodate a double bed so that there be no room for anybody else. 


Kings wore the brocade and velvet dresses weaved of strings of gold and silver. Crowns were embedded with diamonds, emeralds and rubies. One of such crown weighed one hundred kilograms. This crown was suspended in the air with the help of steel and gold chains hooked in the roof, in such a manner that the arrangement of its suspension was invisible for the people standing before the king. King appeared to be wearing the crown to the people at distance, king otherwise also kept his distance from the folks for security reasons.


Wealth had accumulated in few hands of the rich only; people at large were poor and were kept so purposely and intentionally. Clubs of every type were there where wealthy people gathered for gambling and other means of pleasures. A woman of that privileged class was a wife of all because that was the fashion of those days. Education was only for the wealthy people. 


They were not familiar with the concept of human rights, captives were tortured and for the purpose special torture cells were made. The most horrifying punishment was to kill a person in nine stages. First of all the fingers were chopped off, then the toes of feet were hacked, after cutting of wrists and feet up to ankles, the arms and legs were scythed with special daggers. Then the ears and nose were lacerated; the head was the last in the line to be beheaded. Wounds of the prisoners received the sprinkles of salt and chilies, and swabs of vinegar and lemon juice. Punishment to blind by using red-hot iron bars was also common. Mouth, nostrils and eyes of the captives were filled with cotton dipped in vinegar and they were bound mercilessly. 


Romans used to worship the spirits but they had no ceremonious rituals of worshipping. The government officials carried idols of the gods to certain places on certain days so that people could worship them and, thus, they collected the gifts and sacrifices offered to the gods. Population of Rome, everywhere in the world, was divided into two main classes of privileged and the poor. Only the rich and wealthy had the right to be the government officials.


  Laws of borrowing and lending were such that no poor could ever return a loan and therefore they were not entitled to have one and if in spite of all that someone managed to have some loan he was made to pay with interest but the influential people had the privilege of getting them written off. No funds were available from the government exchequer for education. Education was only for those who had rich guardians. 


Rich threw parties in which people after eating vomited so that they could eat more. It was generally said that food is to enjoy and not for digesting. More than half of the population was beggars. Social evils were more than common. 


They believed in life after death and that there is reward or punishment for the acts and deeds performed here, therefore burial of the dead was ritualized with strange ceremonies. Graves were constructed in the hills and mountains after clearing the area. The grave of the king had many rooms and belongings of the king including his throne, crown, clothes, ornaments of gold, gold utensils, piles of provisions and water were kept in the rooms next to the one in which the coffin of mummified body of the king was kept, so that when the king would resurrect, he could use those things. So much so that his concubines and servants were made to stand with the walls of the room and in place of door a wall was built ensuring that no passage of air be left out. 


The list of gods that were worshipped in India-, in those times exceeds millions but just to name a few; Divas, Varuna and Vishnu represented heavens. Only Brahmans had the right to touch and study the holy books of Vedas. People of the lower casts could only listen to the rehearsing of Vedas. Women had no social status. Their superstitions had become their faith. One of such beliefs was that a husband dies when his wife sins. Widows were not permitted to marry. It was their religious belief that it is an honor for the widow to burn herself alive with her husband in cremation of his dead body. 


If a shodera; the lowest of the casts of Hindus, happened to just pass by the well, the purging of the well was considered mandatory by emptying it completely and the guilty shodera was punished for this neglect. If a Brahman murdered a person of a lower Cast, he enjoyed immunity even from the payment of compensation and he could redeem his mistake just by fasting for one day. Statues and paintings of nude copulating pairs were worshipped as their gods. 


 Before the holy prophet of Islam, Arab was also in turmoil. Immodesty was at its peak. They took pride in shameless activities. Women were just another source of income for them; they were not to inherit anything from their husbands or fathers. Any close relative of the deceased husband, who could arrange to put his shawl upon her, could own a widow. Killing one’s own daughter by throwing her into the well or otherwise was an act of ‘honor’ for the ‘proud’ father. 


Idol worship was so common that every tribe had its own idol and the idols of the enemy were also loathed just as an enemy. Piece of meat was cut from the live animals without slaying it for consumption. No custom existed to respect any human right. Robbery and killing, enslaving people and intrusions were common practice. Powerlessness and weakness were the crimes punishable with extinction. 


Literacy was rare; they felt great for their idleness and were honored for not doing any work. 


One thing, which is common in all the holy Books including Quran, is that every prophet of God and His apostle proclaimed monotheistic approach and every prophet testified the teachings of the other prophets. Prophets of every era prophesied hat after them there would come a savior. One hundred twenty four thousand prophets of God followed this tradition before Mohammad (PBUH); the Prophet of Islam, came and God sent His Word onto him. God Himself praised His true and trustworthy prophet Mohammad (PBUH). 


Mohammad (PBUH) proclaimed, ’“I am not telling you anything new. I am just repeating the same message, which my brother prophets delivered. God is one and no one is worthy to be His partner in anyway, He is the best of all creators, I testify all the apostles of God and that there IS none like Him worthy of our worships.