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177. Way of Understanding
It is our common observation that when we want to come close someone then we adopt the habits and the manners of that person. If we want to become a friend of a person who prays, then we also h~ to pray. If we want to become a friend of a person...
176. Ruins
The same thing is the reason for happiness to one person and cause of grief to another. Different people have different opinion of things, but the reality itself can only be one and the same. It is common observation that the apparent world befor...
175. Spiritual Teacher
Knowledge of the Soul opens the doors of knowledge of God. In order to attain knowledge of God, spiritual people must pass through several stages, and the first stage is that of "NO" (LA). This means that a person must reject all his traditional...
174. Infidelity
If you don't remember anything, then listen! You have committed a great infidelity. You have put yourself in trouble and sorrow intentionally. Such a one has spurned freedom and put on the manacles of slavery. He has placed restrictive fetters on...
173. Slave
The Quran speaks boldly to the fact that "The Quran is a book conquering formulae." In order to become distinguished internationally, you should, therefore, think deeply about the Quran. Y should meditate on it, try to understand it, tr...
172. Chain
Like links in a chain, all persons of humankind are joined and inseparable from one another. If one link becomes weak, the whole c is weakened. If one link breaks, then until the links are rejoined, it not properly be called a chain. For unity an...
171. Computer
Accepting only the help of words is an indication of a weak consciousness, for consciousness cannot understand anything without the help of words. But when one acquires the knowledge of transferring thoughts by the rules and regulations of telepa...
170. Mental Concentration
No problem is solvable until the person with the problem is ready to solve it. All the supplications, spiritual exercises, and medicines perform only one task, and that is whether the practitioner is sick or mentally disturbed. His will power sho...
169. Rabia Basri
Oh, My Mother, My Sister, My Darling Daughter! Man and woman are creations of God. In every man and woman there is one that comes from God. Every woman has all those abilities and attributes that God has entrusted to man. If women can become Rabi...
168. Statistics
What is a human being? It is a soul. What, then, is a soul? It the divine will of God. If we think somewhat deeply, it w become clearer than the sun that we individually and collectively a soul. Spirit is the divine will of God. Will is the inten...
167. Possible
According to parapsychology, in order to attain spiritual power it is necessary that we understand the workings of the mind and understand the brain as a computer. It is obvious that as long as we do not separate ourselves from this system and co...
166. Conscious and Subconscious
The basic difference between parapsychology and psychology is that even psychologists know that consciousness is fiction. Yet they accept the senses and their understanding is like that of a 2-year old Child who repeats all the words said by...
165. Cancer
Intellectuals agree that the first training school for the child is its own home. Whatever the child hears, he speaks in the same language. Whatever he sees becomes his knowledge. In today's world we never see our grandmother's saying: "Your and...
164. Notoriety
Sky and earth and everything that is present in the sky and on eat have been brought under dominion for humanity. The Quran boldly states that iron has many advantages for humankind. Those people who have discovered the capabilities of iron have...
163. Real Happiness
Materialistically we do not even know what true happiness is and how to obtain it. In order to attain true happiness, it is necessary that we find out what our reality is. We should try to find out where we were before birth and where we go after...
162. Knowing Reality
The pillar of luminous light Qalander Baba Auliya has left behind a way of thinking which by following, today's dispersed generation can address their future. The difficulty and the broken mind of which the human creature is prey today is caused...
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