
Chapter No. 3 Spiritual Theory of Colours

The great Spiritual Scientist Qalander Baba Auliya tells:

"Man has so far discovered about 60 types of colours and people with very sharp vision only can distinguish these sixty colours. Man names the thing, which sight can perceive, as colour, light, precious stones and, in the last stage, calls it water. When we see in the space and the sight reflects back upon the screen of our mind, it creates an impression. This impression is conceived as sky blue colour.

After raining, when the atmosphere is clear of dirt and smoke, the rays of the sky blue colour change their hue according to their position. Here 'position' means atmosphere, which man terms high, low down, vast, near or away from the earth. These things make the blue colour deep or light and so much so that it changes altogether into different colour or colours. Between the earth and our range of sight there exist innumerable types of rays. The type of rays is sighted as colours. The atmosphere is filled with many things besides rays of colours, which are responsible for changes in it. The scene bef0re our sight includes light, oxygen, nitrogen, and other gases. Besides these gases some shades of different intensity are also there. Some other components also include in the sky blue colour. These very      components produce different types of colours. Here this must be kept in mind that the light and dark shades also play an important role in the making of different types of colours.

What is the actual source of light? Man does not know it exactly. The distance between the source of rainbow and earth is reported to be ninety million miles. This means that the colours seen so closely are originating at such a far away distance. It is bit difficult to understand that besides rays what other things keep on dissolving in the air exist in the atmosphere. The smallest particle of the rays reaching us fr6m the sun is called photon.

In Sufism, the word 'aariz' is used for photon. Even the word photon does not cover the exact meanings, which the word aariz carries, but it is the only closest term that can give an occidental reader some idea of aariz. It is one of the characteristics of aariz that it has no dimensions and these are so swift and fast that they come back from where they start their journey in the very same moment after covering the whole cosmos. We cannot say what the status of photon is in this regard according to the scientists, but it is certain that aariz travels through the universe at such an incredible speed that it reaches back, from where it starts it journey, in the very same moment after traversing the entire universe. Since there are no dimensions in the aariz, therefore, when they scatter in the form of rays, they neither collide nor replace one another.

Space, in actual fact, is the contact of aariz with any one of the elements existing in the atmosphere.

What is this atmosphere? Atmosphere is the division of colours. This division of colours is not happening because of the aariz alone; rather it takes place because of the loops produced by the aariz. When an aariz strike against these loops it gives rise to things like space, colours and other things.

Now the question is that how the loops are formed in the rays.

We do know about the existence of stars in the galaxies the stars which are considered to be the sun. The distance between two stars is estimated to be five light years at the least. Wherever the lights of these stars collide they form loops because of difference in their types. Our earth or other planets are also merely loops, which are formed in the colliding lights of the billions of stars in our galaxies. Wherever the lights of these stars collide; a loop is formed which, after accumulating more lights takes the form of a planet.

First of all a mixture of blue colour, combined with many other colours, is received by man through his head and hair. These mixed colours keep on absorbing and influencing the thoughts and feelings in him. The more one accepts the influence the more one is affected by it.

There are billions of cells in the human brain. An electric current resulting from the frequencies of rays of colours, flows through these cells. Thoughts keep on passing through the conscious and the subĀ­ conscious and more through the unconscious mind, due to this current. Thoughts and feelings keep on changing continuously under the influence of the light and dark shades of the colours. A shade, after producing its effect, leaves its place so that another type of shade could take over. The replaced shades, if they are dark enough, transform into our feelings and rest of thoughts dissipate into thin air.

Gradually man learns to connect these thoughts with one another. The thoughts, which are not entertained, are altogether deleted. And, the thoughts that absorb in our mind become our acts and deeds. These very shades are responsible for the sorrows and delight that we experience. These make us happy or sorrowful according to their intensity. Discarded shades are        discharged      from the   body        system and which are absorbed and adopted, form our nervous system.

Since man being a biped, walks and moves around in upright position on two feet therefore, these shades, first of all, affect his brain. Our brain has specific movements through which it causes our nervous system work for us. The hind portion of our brain; medulla oblongata, and the spinal cord play the key role in our nervous system. The sorrow and delight. which in fact, are a sort of electric impulse, enters the nervous system through our brain and affects the whole of our nervous system.

The waves that enter the brain of bipeds are earthed through the feet after passing through the whole body. The weight and effectiveness of these waves are not uniform for all the places in the atmosphere rather it varies from place to place because of their dividing nature. As a result of this division the brain absorbs few shades more than others and the others are altogether left out.

If we look at someone's face intently, we can notice various colours on it and the most prominent of all is the colour of one's eyes and that of the feelings which one experiences at that particular moment. Many a reflections from outside influence our feelings; some refresh us, some cause us to become pensive, some give us strength and some make us feel weak. All the brainwork depends upon those much seen things, which gradually infuse in our nerves, sometimes it works correctly and at times it does not. The brain waves produce so many impressions on a

face that virtually it seems impossible to read all of them but still a sort of film is displayed on the face that informs us about the impressions transferring into the nerves.


The Sky Blue Colour



As stated earlier, colours are of many types and each and every one of them has its importance. Here we shall delve into the seven colours of the rainbow.

The sky blue colour, according to the spiritualists, in fact, is not a colour. It is a combination of those waves that reach the atmosphere of our earth from distant stars of our galaxy. The rays of light from every star, traveling at a speed of 300,000-km/sec., collide and mix with the lights of other stars. The human eyes cannot see the colour of these rays. The lights of the stars mix up to form a dark shade which our sight perceives as the sky blue colour. Impression of this colour permeates the human skull and all the brain cells are filled with it to such an extent that these cells cannot accommodate anything else.

Although every brain cell has a typical state and function to perform, the, working of each cell cannot be studied individually. Over all working of these cells results in the   form of a fantasy, thought       or feeling. This atmosphere of     fantasy, thought      or feelings infuses in the brain neurons. Blood circulates in the brain capillaries at a faster speed. It will not be out of place to mention that according to the spiritual masters the blood in its actual characteristics is quite different from what have been so far understood about it. According to them, the impressions cast upon the brain, because of the atmosphere around us, take the form of a flow or current, which, in fact, is nothing but the thoughts or fantasies.

When the atmosphere created by the sky blue colour mixes into the flow of blood, the loops resulting from the intermixing of lights of the stars become functional in the body. These loops are so tiny that these cannot be sighted by any material means but their effects can be studied in the form of certain functionalities which stimulate our nerves and the increase or decrease of the very same stimuli result in the form of disturbance in the nervous system.

At this stage the difference in the colours and their tones starts. The light blue colour produces a very weak fantasy, which dissolves in the brain in such a way that scores of shades of sky blue colour are produced in each and every brain cell. Every shade has its own typical characteristics. The first current of this fantasy is so weak that unless it is not multiplied twice or up to six times it cannot be perceived by the mind. If this fantasy remains focused on a point and not shifted from its original position man remains healthy and never experiences any nervous weakness. Flow of this current is seldom noticed. If this current focuses on a point even for a while it produces remarkable effects, not only upon the body but also at far away distances.

Initial impact of this current is felt by the brain through medulla oblongata and then it permeates the spinal cord to be further divided into the tentacles of neurons of our nerves. This very division of the current produces the senses. Sight is considered to be the most important of all the senses.

When reflection of an object or a scene falls upon the retina of an eye, it produces sensation in the epithelial cells of retina causing a continuous flow of current in the optic nerves. If the flow of this current is in right direction man is quite healthy. But, if this current is not flowing in the right direction, the shade of the colours prevailing in the brain become darker so much so that weakness is produced in the brain cells and the nerves cannot withstand the pressure of the colours of the reflection falling upon the retina. If the situation is not corrected, the darkness of the shades results in altogether a different tone of a colour for instance the sky blue colour becomes the blue colour. It must be born in mind that all the intermediary phases of this transformation, that takes place in sequential succession, have their effects. In the first phase of this transformation one becomes somewhat whimsical and with the increase in the darkness of the shade the apprehensiveness also increases. Under the influence of this state different nerves experience different changes causing an over all change in the colour.


Blue Colour

Basically the blue colour is of two types, light blue and dark blue. The brain cells are more sensitive to the light blue colour. It is the light blue colour that first of all affects the brain cells. The light blue colour prevailing in the brain cells is different from that of the blue colour of the celestial atmosphere. Thickness of every cell membrane varies and these are also capable  of filtering    the colours. The      blue colour changes into another colour when a cell filters its blue colour. In this way millions of cells partake in this process and it gives rise to an imagination, which in its last stage is manifested practically. Sometimes the colour of these cells undergoes changes to such an extent that it is perceived as red, green, yellow or orange. The lights entering from the outside do not have space in them rather it is produced under the influence exercised by the brain cells upon those lights. When the influence of the brain cells fashions space it transforms the waves of light into a variety of colours reaching up to sixty in numbers. In actual fact, these very colours are responsible for the senses operative in our mind and body.

The sky blue colour acts in the brain cells according to their capacities. The sky blue colour, which actually is an electric current, after entering the brain cells, is converted into space. The actions that take place on the retina are responsible for the sighting of various scenes because of the current flowing in the cells. This is the influence of the flowing current in the cells. The more powerful is the sight the more capable it is of distinguishing the current.

The influence of the brain cells converts the frequency of the waves of colours into the frequency of an altogether different colour and the blue is transformed into green, yellow, orange or some other colour. In a nutshell we always remain surrounded by a sort of electrical current and when this electric current, after passing through our brain cells, comes out a variety of colours is witnessed by us. All the senses, the sight smell, hearing, touch and taste, the health and diseases become active because of this very electric current.

Effects of the Sun Light

The light affects all living and nonliving objects; plants, animals and man alike. Light is based upon colours. Every matter discharges waves of a particular type. When a metal is placed in the sun, its colour undergoes a change. Some metals are affected quickly and some take time to be affected; even the colour of gold changes after some time, when placed under the sun.

Life of every living thing is enclosed in a covering of lights. Light has deep effects upon our health.

The sunlight disperses into seven colours after striking against our conscious. Every man uses these colours, according to his taste and temperament, for creative or destructive purposes. When these lights are used for destructives designs, they produce such a poison, which impedes the construction and the life giving effects of these lights are destroyed.

Red and colours close to it produce anxiety whereas blue and similar colours have soothing effects. Every colour has many shades and tones, which result from various frequencies. Light produces chemical changes. Our feelings also change when the intensity of light changes.

Curative rate of colour therapy is more than any other therapeutic system so far discovered, tested and tried in the history of mankind. This treatment is economical for the patients. If the surgery is unavoidable, treating the patient before and after operation with colours help in success of the surgical operation. Colour Therapy gives best results in treating the heart problems, asthma, malaria and fevers, pneumonia, sore eyes and other infections and ailments of eyes.

Treatment of Carbuncles using colours is also easier and effective than other therapeutic systems. A lady whose carbuncle had spread from the neck to her lower back, had remained under treatment of ten prominent doctors, after having lost her faith, when started the treatment suggested under this system of treatment, she was cured in a few weeks time without having heavy doses of tranquilizers.

In burning cases this system invites every doctor to research. The burning sensation in the burnt part of the body comes to an end in minutes.

The sunlight after its absorption in the body kills the germs, relieves pains, and helps in the formation of vitamin D which is responsible for maintaining the balance of calcium quantities in our blood, thus preventing the bone diseases in children and elders.

The sunlight is also helpful in healing of wounds as it fights against the infectious substances. After absorbing in the body it helps these substances excrete through natural outlets. It also helps in drying the water that accumulates in the cavities of joints, lungs and abdomen. The sunlight vitalizes the internal organs of the body including the heart and increases the vital energy of body, which causes the sweating, and the waste materials are excreted. The sunlight improves the mental and nerves working by providing them extra energy. It also corrects the digestive system, increases the appetite and sleep and, helps in overcoming insomnia.

Deficiency of Red Blood Corpuscles occurs in the people who remain in dark or work in an atmosphere where the sunlight is not adequately available, whereas remaining in the sunlight helps in increasing these corpuscles, or to say the sunlight also helps in overcoming the anemia.

Even the disease like tuberculosis can be treated successfully by exposing the patient to the sunrays for few hours daily. The method of this treatment is given as under:

First day, the patient is made to expose both the feet, up to the knees, in the sunlight, six to seven times, for five minutes only in each session. Next day, the time is increased to ten minutes for each session having an interval of 10 to 15 minutes in between.


Third and forth day, legs up to the naval point of the patient are exposed in the sun, for six times, ten   

minutes per session. From the fifth day the whole body of the patient is made to remain in the sunlight in such a manner that the patient is exposed to the sun for an average of three to five hours (according to the intensity of the weather), equally divided into four to six sessions, according to the tolerance and general condition of the patient. If, in the first session the front is exposed to the sun then the next session is for the back thus, postures are to be alternatively changed. Head and neck is to be kept covered during these sessions.

This may give us an idea of the energy supplied by the sun that 16-to 26-mega joules energy per sq. meter per day is supplied by the sun in the form of radiations of light and heat. The average of this energy for the world is estimated to be 13 mega-joules per square meter per day whereas in Pakistan this average is around 19 mega-joules per square meter per day.

Since excess of everything, no matter how beneficial it might be, is bad, therefore, the utility of the sunlight lasts till the body feels comfort and vitality.

The factor of ultra-violet rays in the sunlight is more in those places where the sun light reaches the earth directly. The ozone layer existing around the earth reflects the ultra-violet rays back and thus stops them from reaching the surface of the earth. If the ozone covering is intact the quantity of ultra-violet rays remains moderate.


If the body is exposed to ultra-violet rays excessively, it can cause cancer. Utmost care must be taken when handling the ultra-violet or infra-red rays. This care is equally necessary for x-rays and gamma rays. Excessive exposure to x-rays damages the bone marrow and the bones become fragile. It can result into blood cancers like leukemia etc. Excess amounts of x-rays can irreparably damage the muscles under the skin even to the extent of injuries. These injuries can be treated with violet rays.

T.V. and particularly the Coloured ones are more harmful as these emit radio active radiations. TV is like a small x-rays producing unit. Coloured TV is more harmful than the Black and White as it emits more powerful rays. Therefore caution must be exercised while watching the TV. The recommended distance, which is as many feet as wide is the screen of the TV in inches, must be kept for watching TV.

Natural Light vs. Artificial Light

Scientific researches have proved that in the pinkish fluorescent tube light the male plants nurtured well but the female plants withered. In contrast to that, the day light bulbs, which emit bluish light, helped the female plants to grow but damaged the male plants.

Growth of plants continues in the electric bulb light but they did not bear flower as early as they do in the natural light.

Animals kept in the tube light reacted almost in the similar manner. Animals kept in natural light had equal numbers of male and female off springs. Those kept in the pinkish fluorescent light had male but the animals reared under the bluish light had all female children.

Life is growing in natural light since this world has come into being. Plants are preparing food for themselves and the animals using the photosynthesis process. The sunlight is helping the bodies to prepare vitamin D. The light is a mean of sight as well.

Those associated with poultry industry know that the light entering the chicks' eyes activates the working of their pituitary gland, which helps them to increase their - egg production. Not only in the chickens but also in animals and hu,11an beings this gland plays an important role in maintaining the balance in the working of their glandular system.

Glands like thyroid, adrenaline and sex glands, responsible for the secretion of ce1iain necessary fluids in the body, gradually slow down with aging. All these glands are affected by ultra-violet rays and the sunlight.

People who have experienced treatment of this therapeutic system talk very high of its remedial and curative system. Fat people got smart and the thin grew bulky and developed their muscles.

In winters the sunlight falls obliquely therefore it is not so strong. Not only in the winter people suffer from the scarcity of sunlight, the people working in offices and factories also suffer from the shortage of the natural light.

Life originates from lights, light maintains life and finally the life ends in light. Our physical and mental health depends upon the balance in the colours and the lights.

Colour Therapy


Columns, articles and write ups to create awareness in the masses about theory of colours, their therapeutic effects and methods of treating diseases using colours, were published in various newspapers of the country, which included Hurriyat, Jasarat, Mashriq, Ailaan, Millat, Jung (Pak and London Editions),Akhbar-e-Jehan and Mag, in 1960.

Number of people that have been advised or treated using this therapeutic system exceeds 2 million. We recorded the experiences of the people who benefited from this system of therapeutic during the last twenty years.

In March 1978, the book titled " Rang Aur Roshni Say Illaj" (Treating Diseases using light and colours) was published. It received warm appreciations from people of all walks of life. It's being published continuously since then. Many books have been produced on the subject and I studied them all. I analyzed and contributed additions and alterations to simplify the procedure of application of colours.